%{ Pipeband Stylesheet (expected to be in lib/styles/ ) Includes some defs from lib/styles/defs %} \version "2.19.80" %% TODO #(newline) #(display "Fix BagpipeKey instance in repo") #(display "**not** in stylesheet") bagpipeKey = { \key d \major \accidentalStyle forget } #(ly:set-option 'relative-includes #t) %% TODO: Change Me \include "../../pipeband/music/defs.ily" % Default Score Titling \include "defs/header_default.ily" bandname = "Seaforth Highlanders of Holland" bandnameFull = "Seaforth Highlanders of Holland Memorial Pipes and Drums" bandnameTagline = "Seaforths of Holland" bandnameShort = "Seaf" bandWebsite = "https://seaforth.nl" % Seaforth Tagline \include "defs/tagline_band.ily" \layout { indent = 0.0 ragged-right = ##f ragged-bottom = ##f }