%{ Tagline. Customize to get your name in the tag line. %} \version "2.16.0" %%% See LSR 567: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=567 #(use-modules (ice-9 popen)) #(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)) today = #(strftime "%Y-%m-%d" (localtime (current-time))) commit = #(let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "git" "rev-parse" "--short" "HEAD")) (str (read-line port))) (close-pipe port) str) #(if (eof-object? commit) (set! commit "")) #(define-once commitUrl "") #(define-once bandWebsite "") #(define-once bandname "") #(define-once bandnameFull bandname) #(define-once bandUrl "") #(define-once bandnameTagline (if (not (string-null? bandnameFull)) bandnameFull (if (not (string-null? bandname)) bandname (if (not (string-null? bandUrl)) bandUrl "")))) #(if (and (not (string-null? commitUrl)) (not (string-null? commit))) (set! commitUrl (string-append commitUrl commit))) #(define (print-bandname-in-tagline layout props) "Whether to print any bandname in the tagline." (and (string? bandnameTagline) (not (string-null? bandnameTagline)) ) ) #(define (print-commit-hash-in-tagline layout props) "Whether to print a commit hash in the tagline." (and (string? commit) (not (string-null? commit)) ) ) \paper { tagline = \markup { \concat { \with-url #"http://lilypond.org" #(format #f "Typeset with LilyPond ~a" (lilypond-version) ) ", " \with-url #"https://etdeboone.nl" "by ET de Boone" % optionally include a bandname \if \print-bandname-in-tagline { ", " \with-url #bandUrl \bandnameTagline } " " "(rev. " \today % optionally include the commit hash \if \print-commit-hash-in-tagline { ", " \with-url #commitUrl \concat { "#" #commit } } ")" } } }