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#!/usr/bin/env python3
__doc__ = \
Create a figure showing the timing and geometry of 3+1 antennas,
and the triangles between them.
The additional antenna is to show that baselines are shared between
In code (and on stdout), the antennas have time offsets which can be determined iteratively up to an overall offset.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
c_light = 3e8 # m/s
2022-10-04 14:52:31 +02:00
class Antenna:
Simple Antenna class
def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,z=0,t0=0,name=""):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.t = t0
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
cls = self.__class__.__name__
return f'{cls}(x={self.x!r},y={self.y!r},z={self.z!r},t0={self.t!r},name={self.name!r})'
def distance(x1, x2):
Calculate the Euclidean distance between two locations x1 and x2
assert type(x1) in [Antenna]
x1 = np.array([x1.x, x1.y, x1.z])
assert type(x2) in [Antenna]
x2 = np.array([x2.x, x2.y, x2.z])
return np.sqrt( np.sum( (x1-x2)**2 ) )
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def phase_mod(phase, low=np.pi):
Modulo phase such that it falls within the
interval $[-low, 2\pi - low)$.
return (phase + low) % (2*np.pi) - low
def antenna_triangles(antennas):
return combinations(antennas, 3)
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def antenna_baselines(antennas):
return combinations(antennas, 2)
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def plot_four_antenna_geometry(tx, ants, extra_ant=None, ax=None, line_kwargs={}, scatter_kwargs={}, scatter_zorder=5):
default_line_kwargs = dict( color='grey', lw=3, alpha=0.7)
default_scatter_kwargs = dict( color='grey', s=200)
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
line_kwargs = {**default_line_kwargs, **line_kwargs}
scatter_kwargs = {**default_scatter_kwargs, **scatter_kwargs}
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if extra_ant is not None:
all_ants = ants + [extra_ant]
all_ants = ants
# Plot Antennas + Tx
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for i, ant in enumerate([tx] + all_ants):
ax.scatter(ant.x, ant.y, zorder=scatter_zorder, **scatter_kwargs)
ax.annotate(ant.name, (ant.x, ant.y), ha='center', va='center',zorder=scatter_zorder)
# Lines connecting Tx and ants
tmp_line_kwargs = line_kwargs
for ant in ants:
ax.plot([tx.x, ant.x], [tx.y, ant.y], **tmp_line_kwargs)
# Lines due to all Antennas (including extra_ant)
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if extra_ant is not None:
line_offset = 0.08*np.array([1,1])
for i, ant_triangle in enumerate(antenna_triangles(all_ants)):
tmp_line_kwargs['color'] = None
tmp_line_kwargs['linestyle'] = '--'
tmp_line_kwargs['alpha'] = 0.4
for j, ant in enumerate(antenna_baselines(ant_triangle)):
a, b = ant[0], ant[1]
if j == 1: # fix ordering
a, b == b, a
dx, dy = (i-1)*line_offset
l = ax.plot([ a.x+dx, b.x+dx], [a.y+dy, b.y+dy], **tmp_line_kwargs)
line_kwargs['color'] = l[0].get_color()
# Lines internal to ants triangle
tmp_line_kwargs = line_kwargs
tmp_line_kwargs['color'] = 'green'
tmp_line_kwargs['alpha'] = 0.7
for j, ant_pair in enumerate(combinations(ants,2)):
a, b = ant_pair[0], ant_pair[1]
if j == 1: # fix ordering
a, b = b, a
ax.plot([ a.x, b.x], [a.y, b.y], **tmp_line_kwargs)
return ax
2022-10-04 14:52:31 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
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from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os.path as path
import sys
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("fname", metavar="path/to/figure[/]", nargs="?", help="Location for generated figure, will append __file__ if a directory. If not supplied, figure is shown.")
parser.add_argument("--no-extra", dest='extra', action='store_false', help='Disable the extra (fourth) antenna')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.fname is not None and path.isdir(args.fname):
args.fname = path.join(args.fname, path.splitext(path.basename(__file__))[0] + ".pdf")
tx = Antenna(name="T", x=-8, y=2, t0=0)
ants = [
Antenna(name='1', x=0, y= 0, t0=1 ),
Antenna(name='2', x=2, y=-3, t0=4 ),
Antenna(name='3', x=1, y= 3, t0=10 ),
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if args.extra:
extra_ant = Antenna(name='4', x=4, y=-1, t0=-6)
all_ants = ants + [extra_ant]
extra_ant = None
all_ants = ants
ax = plot_four_antenna_geometry(tx, ants, extra_ant=extra_ant)
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if True:
ax.tick_params(left=False, bottom=False, labelleft=False, labelbottom=False)
fig = ax.get_figure()
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if args.fname is not None:
if True:
### Lol, show my calculations are right
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use_phase = False
correct_time = True
if args.extra:
all_ants = ants + [extra_ant]
all_ants = ants
for ant in enumerate(all_ants):
ant.offsets = []
ant.backup_t = []
for i, triangle in enumerate(antenna_triangles(all_ants)):
print("Antenna Triangle({},{},{})".format(*[ant.name for ant in triangle]))
sigma = np.zeros((3))
for j, ant_pair in enumerate(antenna_baselines(triangle)):
a, b = ant_pair[0], ant_pair[1]
if j == 1: # fix ordering
a, b = b, a
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if i == 0: # print sigma pairing for first triangle
print('j={}: {},{}'.format(j, a.name, b.name))
phys_Dt = (distance(tx, a) - distance(tx, b))/c_light
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meas_Dt = a.t - b.t
if use_phase:
f_beacon = 50e6 # Hz
to_phase = lambda t: phase_mod(2*np.pi*f_beacon*t)
phys_Dt = to_phase(phys_Dt)
meas_Dt = to_phase(meas_Dt)
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sigma[j] = meas_Dt - phys_Dt
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if False:
"Dt'_{},{} = ".format(a.name, b.name)
+ "{}".format(meas_Dt)
2022-10-04 14:52:31 +02:00
+ " = {} - {}".format(a.t, b.t)
"Dt_{},{} = ".format(a.name, b.name)
+ "{}".format(phys_Dt)
+ " = {} - {}".format(distance(tx, a), distance(tx, b))
"sigma_{},{} = ".format(a.name, b.name)
+ "{}".format(sigma[j])
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print("sigmas:", sigma)
if use_phase:
print("sigmas sum:", phase_mod(np.sum(sigma)))
print("sigmas sum:", np.sum(sigma))
# Take the first antenna as reference
ref_idx = 0
ref_sigma = sigma[ref_idx]
sigma = sigma - ref_sigma
ant_sigma = 1/3*np.array([0, sigma[1] + sigma[2], 2*sigma[1] - sigma[2]])
for i in [1,2]:
if correct_time:
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triangle[i].t += -ant_sigma[i]
if correct_time:
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for i, ant in enumerate(all_ants):
print(i, ant.name, ant.offsets)