In such an airshower, successive interactions will create charged particles which in turn cause a specific electromagnetic signal.
Measuring the development over time of such a signal will give a better insight in the energy content of the shower, and, in turn, allow for better resolution of the initial cosmic ray's properties.
but an accurate timing is needed to follow a signal.
Advanced analyses require a timing accuracy on the order of $1$~nanosecond, while current detectors reach a timing accuracy up to around $10$~nanoseconds.
Sending out a specific signal allows to track this signal across individual stations.
By introducing characteristics into the signal such as beating, the stations then have a time calibration system setup.
This internship concerns itself with increasing the timing accuracy by investigating the various mechanisms (and their issues) used as timing calibration.
% For example, since the spatial extent of the radio detectors is large, it might happen that a station on one side might track more or different satellites than a station on the other side of the detector.
% This might introduce a timing difference for GPS chips, decreasing the total timing accuracy attained by the detector.