Figure: single beacon (with Makefile)

This commit is contained in:
Eric Teunis de Boone 2022-08-24 15:35:56 +02:00
parent ed18df8c32
commit 02647699df
2 changed files with 98 additions and 0 deletions

figures/beacon/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.PHONY: all dist dist-clean
all: dist
dist: sine_beacon.pdf ttl_beacon.pdf
sine_beacon.%: src/
$< --periods 2 --with-rates sine $@
ttl_beacon.%: src/
$< --periods 2 --with-rates ttl $@
rm -v sine_beacon.*
rm -v ttl_beacon.*

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Generate a figure showing a beacon (by default 1 period).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def ttl(t, t_start=0, frequency=1, width=0.5):
Generate a TTL with width $width$ and starting at $t_start.
return ( (t%frequency) >= t_start) & ( (t%frequency) < t_start + width)
def main(beacon_type, N_periods=1, overplot_sampling_rates = False, sampling_rate=5, t_start=0, sampling_offset_in_rate=1/4, ax=None, fig_kwargs={'figsize': (4,2)}):
t_end = N_periods - t_start
N_t = 200
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, **fig_kwargs)
time = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, N_t, endpoint=False)
if beacon_type == 'ttl':
sig_func = lambda t: ttl(t, frequency=1)
elif beacon_type == 'sine':
sig_func = lambda t: np.sin(2*np.pi*t)
raise ValueError("Unknown beacon_type requested.")
ax.plot(time, sig_func(time))
if overplot_sampling_rates:
sampling_offset = sampling_offset_in_rate * 1/sampling_rate
sample_time = np.linspace(t_start, t_end, sampling_rate, endpoint=False)
ax.plot(sample_time, sig_func(sample_time), label='Sampling 1', linestyle='None', marker='x')
sample_time += sampling_offset
ax.plot(sample_time, sig_func(sample_time), label='Sampling 2', linestyle='None', marker='+')
ax.legend(loc="upper center", ncol=2, )
return fig, ax, dict(
if __name__ == "__main__":
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os.path as path
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument('type', choices=['ttl','sine'])
parser.add_argument('--periods', default=1, help='Number of periods to show', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--with-rates', action='store_true', help='show two samplings with different phase')
parser.add_argument("fname", metavar="path/to/figure[/]", nargs="?", help="Location for generated figure, will append __file__ if a directory. If not supplied, figure is shown.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.fname is not None and path.isdir(args.fname):
args.fname = path.join(args.fname, path.splitext(path.basename(__file__))[0] + ".pdf")
fig, _, _ = main(beacon_type=args.type, overplot_sampling_rates=args.with_rates, N_periods=args.periods)
if args.fname is not None: