Copy old STEP-UP slides

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Eric Teunis de Boone 2023-05-09 12:04:16 +02:00
parent 5ee21ea2da
commit 1ec6f8bfc8
4 changed files with 419 additions and 0 deletions

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% Goal: show enthousiasm, knowledge and drive about the field
% Disable Captions
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\title[HEP Student seminar]{
{ \large HEP Student seminar }\\
Investigating interferometry with\\
GRAND\footnote{Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection} and BEACON\footnote{Beam forming Elevated Array for COsmic Neutrinos}
\date{May $10^{\text{\tiny{th}}}$, 2023}
E.T. de Boone
Advisor: Olivier Martineau, LPNHE\\
\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad Harm Schoorlemmer, IMAPP
\setbeamertemplate{footline}{} % no page number here
\frame{ \titlepage }
\begin{frame}{My studies}
Studies @Radboud University, Nijmegen
\item Bachelor from 2012 to 2020 \\
\quad {\small Minor: Astrophysics}
\item Master from 2020 to 2023 (expected) \\
\quad {\small Specialisation: Particle and Astrophysics}\\
\quad {\small Minor: Computational Data Science}
\item Master's Internship (November 2021 - May 2023) \\
\quad {\small Supervisor: Harm Schoorlemmer, IMAPP, Radboud University}\\
\quad {\small ``Enhancing Timing Accuracy in Air Shower Radio Detectors''}
\item Hardware experimenting
\item Ultra High Energy particles
\item Radio detection
% Context
\begin{frame}{Ultra High Energy particles}
% \caption{
% From: \cite{GRAND:2018ia}
% }
\begin{frame}{Radio signals and Airshowers}
% \caption{
% From: \cite{GRAND:2018ia}
% }
\begin{frame}{Advantages of Radio Interferometry}
\item<1-> Shower axis reconstruction%\; Relevant for $\nu$s pointing back to sources
\item<2-> Depth of airshower\\
$\mapsto$ composition measurement (Fe, p, $\gamma$, $\nu$)
% \caption{
% From: \cite{Schoorlemmer:2020low}
% }
% Radio Interferometry
\section{Radio Interferometry Concept}
\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry: Concept}
\item<1-> Measure signal $S_i(t)$ at antenna $\vec{a_i}$
\item<2-> Calculate light travel time \\[5pt]
$\Delta_i(\vec{x}) = \frac{ \left| \vec{x} - \vec{a_i} \right| }{c} n_{eff}$
\item<2-> Sum waveforms accounting \\
for time delay \\[5pt]
$S(\vec{x}, t) = \sum S_i( t + \Delta_i(\vec{x}) )$
\begin{figure}% Spatially
% My Internship
\begin{frame}{Timing Constraint for Radio Interferometry}
\vspace*{ -2em }
Required time accuracy $< 1 \mathrm{ns}$ not provided by GNSS $ \gtrsim 5 \mathrm{ns}$.
\vspace{ 2em }
\visible<2->{Additional synchronisation\\
using physics band
\item<2-> Pulsed beacon
\item<2-> Long period ($\sim 1 \mathrm{\mu s}$)% (AERA)
\item<3-> Short period ($\lesssim 20 \mathrm{ns}$)
\begin{figure}% Clock error fixes
\begin{frame}{My Internship: Enhancing Timing Accuracy in Air Shower Radio Detectors}
In-band mechanisms affect physics data \\
How often should we `resynchronise'? \\
\item GNSS clock stability
\item dead-time
\item disruptiveness
% Towards GRAND
\begin{frame}{GRAND and Interferometry}
GRAND in heavy development\\
relying on radio measurements
Special interest in horizontal showers\\
Neutrino's point back to source\\
\vspace{ 2em }
\textit{Thank you!}
%\vspace{ 4em }
% \caption{
% From: \cite{Schoorlemmer:2020low}
% }
% Backup slides
\section{Supplemental material}
\Large {
\textcolor{blue} {
Supplemental material
\begin{frame}{Airshower development}
% \caption{
% From \cite{Schroder:2016hrw}
% }
\subsection{Radio Emission}
\begin{frame}{Polarised Radio Emission}
% \vfill
% From: \cite{Huege:2017bqv}
\subsection{Single frequency beacon synchronisation}
\begin{frame}{Short period beacon synchronisation}
\begin{frame}{Time resolving short period beacon}
\subsection{GNSS clock stability}
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability I}
GRAND Digitizer Unit's ADC to antennae
Channel filterchain delay experiment
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability II}
GNSS stability experiment
\subsubsection{In the field}
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability II}
% Bibliography

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# Preparation for second round Interview for grant to do PhD in Paris
length: 10minutes + 10minutes questions
## Outline
1. Airshowers / Ultra high energy / Radio Signal
2. Radio Interferometry principle
3. RI requires good timing -> work in internship
mention, but put most in [backup slides]
4. Direct Advantages of RI
(follow airshower through the air)
5. RI, CRs and Neutrinos
(better direction reconstruction is interesting for Ns not for CR)

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