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Eric Teunis de Boone 2023-03-07 12:06:56 +01:00
parent bb712d1ffa
commit 321272f453
1 changed files with 65 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,70 @@
\begin{frame}{Enhancing time accuracy}
\section{Cosmic Rays}
\begin{frame}{Particles from space}
- Ultra energy, solid idea for source missing
- Coming into atmosphere, trying to measure particle debris
through Cherenkov light.
\begin{frame}{Airshowers: Radio Detection}
measurables of RD: EM
\begin{frame}{Airshowers: Interferometric Radio Detection}
Can reconstruct spatial distribution
Requires sigma < 1 ns
\section{Experimental problem}
\begin{frame}{Experiments: Autonomous antennas}
Introduce GRAND and Auger
\begin{frame}{Experiments: GNSS timing}
Note timing accuracy obtained in Auger
\section{Improving time synchronisation}
\begin{frame}{Improving time synchronisation}
\subsection{Can GNSS be improved}
% Hardware setups WR / GRAND
\begin{frame}{Improving GNSS timing}
\subsection{Other methods to improve timing}
% mixing clock information with physics