STEP-UP: as given on June 12 09:30

This commit is contained in:
Eric Teunis de Boone 2023-06-12 10:31:17 +02:00
parent 83476de572
commit 74c2c350f9
1 changed files with 211 additions and 154 deletions

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@ -12,15 +12,25 @@
% Use arXiv identifier if available
% Disable Captions
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\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.7\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex,leftskip=1em,rightskip=1em,sep=0pt]{title in head/foot}%
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@ -79,8 +89,8 @@
\title[STEP-UP: Interferometry in GRAND]{% and BEACON]{
{ \large STEP'UP Interview}\\
Investigating interferometry in\\
GRAND\footnote{Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection}
Investigating interferometry in\\%
GRAND\footnote{ Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection}
% and BEACON\footnote{Beam forming Elevated Array for COsmic Neutrinos}
@ -89,10 +99,10 @@
\author[E.T. de Boone]{
E.T. de Boone
Advisors: Olivier Martineau, LPNHE\\
\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\, Harm Schoorlemmer, IMAPP
% \\
% \vspace{2em}
% Advisors: Olivier Martineau, LPNHE\\
% \quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\, Harm Schoorlemmer, IMAPP
@ -151,178 +161,164 @@
%\scriptsize{TODO: Xmax figure showing difference for photon/proton}
\imagecredit{H. Schoorlemmer}
Enhanced Xmax measurement with Interferometry\\
$\mapsto$ composition measurement\\
$\mapsto$ particle identification\\
%photon/proton/Fe differences\\
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{2006.10348/fig01.png}%
% \imagecite{Schoorlemmer:2020low}
\item Statistical discrimation: high Z at high altitudes
\item FD claims 20 g/cm2, Fe/p ~ 50 g/cm2
\item Radio Interferometry helps in Xmax measurement
\begin{frame}{Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection}
% \begin{column}{0.45\textwidth}
% \begin{figure}
% \hspace*{-2em}
% \includegraphics[width=1.3\textwidth]{grand/roadmap-per-2023-01-shortened.jpg}%
% \end{figure}
% \vfill
% \end{column}
% \hfill
% \begin{column}{0.45\textwidth}
% \hspace*{-2em}
% \end{column}
%200 000 Radio Antennas $\mapsto$ largest Cosmic Ray observatory\\
\item GRAND radio-only, heavy development
\item pathfinders upto 2026 (Auger reference, Europe testbed, China array)
\item ultra high energy has low hits, need large area
%\section{Radio Interferometry}
%\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry}
% \begin{columns}
% \begin{column}{0.6\textwidth}
% Enhanced measurements:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item Shower depth \\
% $\mapsto$ composition measurement\\
% \item Shower axis reconstruction
% \item Detector noise suppression\\
% \end{itemize}
% \vspace*{2em}
% Problem: synchronisation $\Delta t < \frac{1}{4f}$\\
% \end{column}
% \begin{column}{0.4\textwidth}
% \begin{figure}
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{2006.10348/fig01_a.png}%
% \imagecite{Schoorlemmer:2020low}
% \end{figure}
% \end{column}
% \end{columns}
\section{Implementing Interferometry in GRAND}
\begin{frame}{Time synchronisation}
\section{Radio Interferometry and Timing}
\begin{frame}{Effect of Timing Synchronisation}
Interferometry: Amplitude + Timing information of the $\vec{E}$-field\\
\vspace*{ 0.8em }
Required time accuracy $< \frac{1}{4f} \sim 1 \mathrm{ns}$ (GNSS $\gtrsim 5 \mathrm{ns}$)
\vspace*{ 0.8em }
%Problem: Interferometry requires $\Delta t < \frac{1}{4f}$\\
Internship: \\
\quad schemes to synchronise using extra physics band signal\\
% \quad synchronisation with a single beacon in simulations\\ (algorithm)
% \quad (pulse and single frequency)
\vspace*{ 0.5em }
\begin{frame}{Timing Synchronisation: Beacon}
Required time accuracy $\sim 1 \mathrm{ns}$\\
\textcolor{red}{GNSS}, in Auger $\gtrsim 5 \mathrm{ns}$\\
\textcolor{blue}{Beacon}: Pulse or Sine
\node[anchor=south west, inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{beacon/array_setup_gps_transmitter_cows.png}};
\node[anchor=south west, inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{beacon/array_setup_gps_transmitter_cows.png}};
\begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)}, y={(image.north west)}]
%\draw[help lines,xstep=.1,ystep=.1] (0,0) grid (1,1);
%\foreach \x in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=north] at (\x/10,0) {0.\x}; }
%\foreach \y in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=east] at (0,\y/10) {0.\y}; }
\draw[red, ultra thick, visible on=<2>] (0.85,0.87) circle [radius=8mm];
\draw[green, ultra thick, visible on=<3>] (0.23,0.32) circle [radius=8mm];
\draw[red, ultra thick, visible on=<{2-}>] (0.85,0.87) circle [radius=8mm];
\draw[blue, ultra thick, visible on=<{2-}>] (0.23,0.32) circle [radius=8mm];
\imagecredit{H. Schoorlemmer}
Single frequency interest due to Auger (TV@67MHz)
\section{Radio Interferometry in GRAND}
\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry in GRAND}
\imagesource{Adapted from \url{}}
\only<2-> {
Timing Requirements:\\
\quad synchronisation schemes investigated in internship,\\
\quad opportunity to implement and test (e.g.~Nan\c{c}ay)\\
% \item GRAND radio-only, heavy development
% \item pathfinders upto 2026 (Auger reference, Europe testbed, China array)
% \item ultra high energy has low hits, need large area
\only<3-> {
Interferometric Analyses:\\
\quad enhances Xmax resolution\\
\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry in GRAND in Conclusion}
\imagesource{Adapted from \url{}}
\item Timing Requirement in~Hardware\\
\quad test beacon at Auger/GP300
\item Setup Interferometric Analyses\\
\quad adapt to GRAND
\item Particle ID through Xmax\\
and Shower Axis reconstruction
% \only<2-> {
% Timing Requirements:\\
% \quad synchronisation schemes investigated in internship,\\
% \quad opportunity to implement and test (e.g.~Nan\c{c}ay)\\
% }
% \only<3-> {
% \vspace*{1em}
% Interferometric Analyses:\\
% \quad enhances Xmax resolution\\
% }
% \vspace{\stretch{100}}
%GRAND Goals:\\
@ -344,14 +340,12 @@
% \end{center}
% %\vspace{ 4em }
% }
% Backup slides
\section{Supplemental material}
\Large {
@ -361,6 +355,19 @@
\section*{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}
\section{Radio Emission}
\begin{frame}{Airshower development}
@ -368,7 +375,6 @@
\subsection{Radio Emission}
\begin{frame}{Polarised Radio Emission}
@ -395,7 +401,7 @@
% \vfill
\subsubsection{Radio Interferometry}
\section{Radio Interferometry}
\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry: Concept}
@ -445,9 +451,52 @@
\section{Time Synchronisation}
\subsection{Expected Time Accuracies vs SNR}
\begin{frame}{Sine wave: Accuracy}
\begin{frame}{Sine wave: SNR}
\begin{frame}{Pulse Template}
\begin{frame}{Pulse Template: SNR}
Signal to Noise
Impulse Response
\begin{frame}{Pulse Template: Timing}
\subsection{Synchronisation: Single frequency beacon}
\subsection{Single Frequency Beacon}
\begin{frame}{Short period beacon synchronisation}
@ -459,16 +508,6 @@
\begin{frame}{Time resolving short period beacon}
\begin{frame}{Time resolving short period beacon: phase vs full}
@ -476,6 +515,7 @@
@ -487,21 +527,19 @@
\subsection{Synchronisation: Expected Time Accuracies vs SNR}
\begin{frame}{Time resolving short period beacon}
\subsection{GNSS clock stability}
\section{GNSS clock stability}
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability I}
@ -525,6 +563,25 @@
\begin{frame}{GNSS filterchain delay experiment}
50MHz Sinewave
Delay $ \lesssim 150\mathrm{ps}$
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability II}
@ -535,7 +592,7 @@
\subsubsection{In the field}
\subsection{In the field}
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability II}
@ -547,16 +604,16 @@
\subsubsection{White Rabbit}
\subsection{White Rabbit}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: GNSS}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: Precision Time Protocol}