\documentclass[../thesis.tex]{subfiles} \graphicspath{ {.} {../../figures/} {../../../figures/} } \begin{document} \chapter{Disciplining by Beacon} \label{sec:disciplining} The main method of synchronising multiple stations is by employing a GNSS. This system should deliver timing with an accuracy in the order of $50\ns$. As outlined in Section~\ref{sec:time:beacon}, a beacon can also be employed to synchronise the stations. This chapter outlines the steps required to setup a synchronisation between multiple antennae using one transmitter. \\ The distance between a transmitter and an antenna incurs a time delay $t_d$. Since the signal is an electromagnetic wave, its phase velocity $v$ depends on the refractive index~$n$ as \begin{equation} \label{eq:refractive_index} v_p = \frac{c}{n} \end{equation} with $c$ the speed of light in vacuum. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,height=\textheight,keepaspectratio]{beacon/beacon_spatial_time_difference_setup.pdf} \caption{ The spatial setup of one transmitter ($T_1$) and two antennas ($A_i$) at different distances. } \label{fig:beacon_spatial_setup} \end{figure} To synchronise two antennas with a common signal, the difference in these time delays must be known. Taking the refractive index to be constant, this is a matter of vector addition of the distances, resulting in \begin{equation} \label{eq:spatial_time_difference_simple} \phantom{.} \Delta t_{d} = t_1 - t_2 = (\vec{d_1} - \vec{d_2})/v = d_{12} / v . \end{equation} \\ \bigskip In addition to the time delay incurred from varying distances, the local antenna clock can be skewed. In effect, this can be viewed as an additional time delay $t_c$. \\ In total, the difference in apparent arrival time of a signal is a combination of both time delays \begin{equation} \label{eq:total_time_difference} \phantom{.} \Delta t = t_d + t_c . \end{equation} \bigskip As mentioned in Section~\ref{sec:time:beacon}, a single beacon allows to correct the time difference of two antennas, upto an unknown multiple $k$ of its period, by measuring the phases $\phase_1$, $\phase_2$ of the beacon at both antennas, with \begin{equation} \label{eq:phase_diff_to_time_diff} \phantom{.} \Delta t = \Delta t_\phase + kT = \frac{\phase_1 - \phase_2}{2\pi} T + kT . \end{equation} \\ In Figure~\ref{fig:beacon_outline}, both the beacon signal and a bandpassed impulsive signal is shown. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{beacon/08_beacon_sync_timing_outline.pdf} \caption{ Outline for synchronising two signals containing the same beacon. } \label{fig:beacon_outline} \end{figure} \hrule \bigskip \hrule Simulation Sine + impulsive signal \end{document}