
% Goal: show enthousiasm, knowledge and drive about the field



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\title[STEP-UP: Interferometry in GRAND]{% and BEACON]{
	{ \large STEP'UP Interview}\\
		Investigating interferometry in\\%
		GRAND\footnote{ Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection}
		% and BEACON\footnote{Beam forming Elevated Array for COsmic Neutrinos}

\date{June, 2023}

\author[E.T. de Boone]{
	E.T. de Boone
%	\\
%	\vspace{2em}
%	Advisors: Olivier Martineau, LPNHE\\
%	\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\, Harm Schoorlemmer, IMAPP

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\section{My Background}
\begin{frame}{My Background}
	Studies @Radboud University, Nijmegen
		\item Master's Physics and Astronomy {\small (\textit{1yr courses + 1yr internship})}\\
			\quad { \small Specialisation: Particle and Astrophysics }\\
			\quad { \small Minor: Computational Data Science }\\


		\item Master's Internship: \\
			\quad {\small Supervisor: Harm Schoorlemmer, IMAPP, Radboud University}\\
			\quad {\small ``Enhancing Timing Accuracy in Air Shower Radio Detectors'' }\\
	\item Interests since Bachelor's, continued in Master's
		\item Ultra High Energy particles
		\item Radio detection \& Hardware experimenting

	\item Now wrapping up Master and full year's worth of internship

	\item Why start internship? (Experimental)

% Cosmic Rays and Radio
\section{Radio and Airshowers}
\begin{frame}{Ultra High Energy particles}
\item Ultra High Energies (EeV $10^{18}$ eV) (Sources)
\item Propagation effects (Magnetic Field deflections, Horizons)
\item Multiple classes (Different combinations of effects)

\begin{frame}{Air Showers: Atmospheric Depth \& Composition}
				\imagecredit{H. Schoorlemmer}
			Enhanced Xmax measurement with Interferometry\\
				$\mapsto$ particle identification\\
\item Statistical discrimation: high Z at high altitudes
\item FD claims 20 g/cm2, Fe/p ~ 50 g/cm2
\item Radio Interferometry helps in Xmax measurement

\section{Radio Interferometry and Timing}
\begin{frame}{Effect of Timing Synchronisation}
	Interferometry: Amplitude + Timing information of the $\vec{E}$-field\\
	\vspace*{ 0.8em }


\begin{frame}{Timing Synchronisation: Beacon}
			Required time accuracy $\sim 1 \mathrm{ns}$\\
				\textcolor{red}{GNSS},  in Auger $\gtrsim 5 \mathrm{ns}$\\
				\textcolor{blue}{Beacon}: Pulse or Sine
			\node[anchor=south west, inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{beacon/array_setup_gps_transmitter_cows.png}};
			\begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)}, y={(image.north west)}]
				%\draw[help lines,xstep=.1,ystep=.1] (0,0) grid (1,1);
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				\draw[red, ultra thick, visible on=<{2-}>] (0.85,0.87) circle [radius=8mm];
				\draw[blue, ultra thick, visible on=<{2-}>] (0.23,0.32) circle [radius=8mm];
		\imagecredit{H. Schoorlemmer}
	Single frequency interest due to Auger (TV@67MHz)

\section{Radio Interferometry in GRAND}
\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry in GRAND}
		\imagesource{Adapted from \url{https://grand.cnrs.fr/overview/roadmap/}}

%	\item GRAND radio-only, heavy development
%	\item pathfinders upto 2026 (Auger reference, Europe testbed, China array)
%	\item ultra high energy has low hits, need large area

\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry in GRAND in Conclusion}
			\imagesource{Adapted from \url{https://grand.cnrs.fr/overview/roadmap/}}
				\item Timing Requirement in~Hardware\\
					\quad test beacon at Auger/GP300
				\item Setup Interferometric Analyses\\
					\quad adapt to GRAND
				\item Particle ID through Xmax\\
					and Shower Axis reconstruction

%	\only<2-> {
%	Timing Requirements:\\
%		\quad synchronisation schemes investigated in internship,\\
%		\quad opportunity to implement and test (e.g.~Nan\c{c}ay)\\
%	}
%	\only<3-> {
%	\vspace*{1em}
%	Interferometric Analyses:\\
%		\quad enhances Xmax resolution\\
%	}
%	\vspace{\stretch{100}}

	%GRAND Goals:\\
	%	\quad Largest UHECR observatory, \\
	%	\quad Multi-messenger science case,\\
	%	\quad meaningful contribution to a new experiment\\
%\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry in GRAND}

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%					\textit{Thank you!}
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%			}

% Backup slides
	\Large {
		\textcolor{blue} {
	Supplemental material

\section*{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}


\section{Radio Emission}
\begin{frame}{Airshower development}

\begin{frame}{Polarised Radio Emission}
%	\vfill

\section{Radio Interferometry}
\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry: Concept}
				\item<1-> Measure signal $S_i(t)$ at antenna $\vec{a_i}$

				\item<2-> Calculate light travel time \\[5pt]
					\quad $\Delta_i(\vec{x}) = \frac{ \left| \vec{x} - \vec{a_i} \right| }{c} n_{eff}$

				\item<2-> Sum waveforms accounting \\
					for time delay \\[5pt]
					\quad $S(\vec{x}, t) = \sum S_i( t + \Delta_i(\vec{x}) )$
			\begin{figure}% Spatially

\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry: Image}

\begin{frame}{Radio Interferometry: Xmax Resolution vs Timing Resolution}

\section{Time Synchronisation}
\subsection{Expected Time Accuracies vs SNR}
\begin{frame}{Sine wave: Accuracy}
\begin{frame}{Sine wave: SNR}

\begin{frame}{Pulse Template}
\begin{frame}{Pulse Template: SNR}
			Signal to Noise
			Impulse Response
\begin{frame}{Pulse Template: Timing}

\subsection{Single Frequency Beacon}
\begin{frame}{Short period beacon synchronisation}

\begin{frame}{Time resolving short period beacon: phase vs full}
			{ Phase reparation }
			{ Phase + Period reparation }

\begin{frame}{Time resolving short period beacon}

\section{GNSS clock stability}
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability I}
					GRAND Digitizer Unit's ADC to antennae
					Channel filterchain delay experiment 

\begin{frame}{GNSS filterchain delay experiment}
			50MHz Sinewave

				Delay $ \lesssim 150\mathrm{ps}$


\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability II}
			GNSS stability experiment

\subsection{In the field}
\begin{frame}{GNSS clock stability II}

\subsection{White Rabbit}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: GNSS}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: Precision Time Protocol}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: Delay model}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit: Clocks Reference}

% Bibliography