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\def\thesistitle{Enhancing Timing Accuracy\texorpdfstring{\\[0.3cm]}{ }in Air Shower Radio Detectors}
\def\thesisauthorsecond{de Boone}
\def\thesissupervisorfirst{dr. Harm}
\title[]{Enhancing Timing Accuracy in Air Shower Radio Detectors}
\date{July, 2023}
{Supervisor: \thesissupervisorfirst\space\thesissupervisorsecond\thanks{\thesissupervisoremail} }
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% Start of slides <<<
\section{Cosmic Particles}% <<<<
% Sources, Types, Propagation, Observables
% Flux -> Large instrumentation area
% Detection methods of Auger
% - FD, SD
% AERA / AugerPrime RD or GRAND
% >>>>
\section{Radio Interferometry}% <<<<
% >>>>
\section{Timing in Radio Detectors}% <<<<
% reference system: White Rabbit, AERA beacon, (ADS-B?)
% GRAND setup and measurements
% >>>>
\section{Beacon Synchronisation}% <<<<
% Geometry
% Pulse method + SNR
% Sine method + SNR
% >>>>
\section{Single Sine Synchronisation}% <<<<
% Sine method + Radio Interferometry
% >>>>
\section{Conclusion}% <<<<
% Single Sine + Air Shower
% Outlook: Parasitic/Active vs Pulse/Sine table
% Parasitic Single Sine: 67MHz Auger
% Implementation for GRAND?
% >>>>
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Supplemental material
\section*{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}{Table of Contents}
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% Bibliography <<<
% >>> Bibliography