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\title[Beacon Timing]{Enhancing Timing Accuracy using Beacons}
\date{Oct 06, 2022}
\author{E.T. de Boone}
\begin{frame}{Enhancing time accuracy}
Goal: $\sigma_t < 1\mathrm{ns}$
(enabling Radio Interferometry)
\item Simulating beacons
\item Characterising GNSS (GRAND)
\begin{block}{Current Timing Methods}
\item GNSS (online) (GPS: $\sigma_t \leq 30 \mathrm{ns}$ $@95\%$ of the time)
\item Beacon (online/offline)
% Antenna Setup
\begin{frame}{Antenna Setup}
Local time $i$ due to time delay $t_{\mathrm{d}i}$ and clock skew $\sigma_i$\\
\Delta t'_{12} = t'_1 - t'_2 = \Delta t_{\mathrm{d}12} + \sigma_{12}
\sigma_{12} + \sigma_{23} + \sigma_{31} = 0
\begin{frame}{Beacon properties}
%\Todo{Pulse vs Sine and why choose one over the other}
% online only
% direct measurement of \sigma_i
% online and offline
% measurement of phase
% removable if f appropriate
% \centering
% \begin{tabular}{r|l|l}
% & Pulse & Sine \\
% \hline \\
% on/offline & online & online + offline \\
% measurement & $t'_i (= t_i + \sigma_i)$ & $\varphi'_i (= 2\pi (\frac{t'_i}{T}\mod 1))$ \\
% resolving & requires high sampling rate & tracelength dependent \\
% removable from trace & unsure & if $f$ appropriate \\
% \end{tabular}
\item online
\item $t'_i$ {\small $(= t_i + \sigma_i)$}
\item resolving requires high sampling rate
\item online + offline
\item $\varphi'_i$ {\small $(= 2\pi (ft'_i\mod 1))$}
\item resolving is tracelength dependent
\item removable from physics if $f$ appropriate
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Pulse (single baseline)}
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Pulse (3 baselines)}
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Pulse (multi baseline)}
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine (single baseline)}
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine (3 baseline)}
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine (multi baseline)}
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine: Two traces}
t'_i = [t_i + \sigma_i] \mod T + n_i T = (\frac{\varphi'_i}{2\pi} + n_i)T = A_i + B_i
\Delta t_{ij} &= (A_j + B_j) - (A_i + B_i) + \Delta t_\varphi \\
&= \Delta A_{ij} + t_\varphi + k_{ij}T\\
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine: Two traces: Discrete solutions}
\begin{block}{Work in Progress}
Simulated airshower + sine beacon and determining the relative offsets between the antennas...