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\title[Timing Accuracy]{Timing Accuracy in Air Shower Detectors}
\date{February 10, 2022}
\author{E.T. de Boone}
\section{Timing Mechanisms in Detectors}
\begin{frame}{Timing Mechanisms}
\begin{block}{Why improve timing accuracy?}
\item Better statistics (narrow down direction of air showers)
\item Interferometry
\item Simulations for synchronisation techniques
\item Characterising current methods
\begin{frame}{Characterising current methods}
\begin{block}{Current Timing Methods}
\item GNSS (online)
\item Beacon (offline)
\item GPS Accuracy $\leq 30 \mathrm{ns}$ for $95$\% time (often better)
\item Total time accuracy in the order of 5 -- 10~ns
\item More accurate reference timing needed to characterise/improve current mechanisms.
\begin{frame}{Timing Mechanisms: Beacon}
\item Beating between frequency signals indicate timing
\item PA: located in physics band $\mapsto$ offline analysis, \\
corrects for GPS drift.
\item different frequency responses for antenna models and directions
\caption{Four beacon frequencies create a well-defined beating. From \cite{PierreAuger:2015aqe}}
\caption{ADS-B and signal intercepts. From \cite{PierreAuger:2015aqe}}
\section{Experimental Setup: White Rabbit}
\subsection[PTP]{Precision Time Protocol}
\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol}
\item Time synchronisation over (long) distance between (multiple) nodes
\caption{Precision Time Protocol messages. From \cite{WRPTP}}.
\subsection[WR]{White Rabbit}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit}
White Rabbit:
\item SyncE (common oscillator)
\item PTP (synchronisation)
\item device ($\Delta_{txm}$, $\Delta_{rxs}$, ...)
\item link ($\delta_{ms}$, ...)
%\caption{From \cite{WRPTP}}.
\caption{From \cite{WRPTP}}.
\section{Fourier and Phase information}
\begin{frame}{(Discrete) Fourier and Phase}
u(t) = \exp(i2\pi ft + \phi_t) \xrightarrow{\mathrm{Fourier\; Transform}} f', \phi_f
\begin{block}{Discrete Fourier Transform}
N_\mathrm{required} := f_\mathrm{sample\_rate} / f_\mathrm{signal}
f_\mathrm{Nyquist} = \frac{1}{2} f_\mathrm{sample\_rate}
\subsection{Phase reconstruction}
\begin{frame}{Phase reconstruction?}
u(t) = \exp(2i\pi ft + \phi_t)
Phase reconstruction is easy if sample rate ``correct''
\begin{frame}{Phase reconstruction?}
What if sample rate ``incorrect''? \\
$\rightarrow$ Linear interpolation ({\small $f_\mathrm{signal}$, $f_\mathrm{max}$, $f_\mathrm{submax}$, $\phi_\mathrm{max}$ and $\phi_\mathrm{submax}$})
\subsection{Without interpolation?}
\begin{frame}{Without interpolation? (Coming)}