
157 lines
3.6 KiB

%% Thesis Preamble
%%% Packages
% For Bibliography
% Document
% Graphics
\usepackage[english]{babel} % for proper word breaking at line ends
%%% Settings
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang] % shape
{\normalfont\bfseries\huge} % format
{\thechapter.} % label
{0.5ex} % sep
} % before-code
] % after-code
%% Automatic float barriers for section and subsection
%%% Shortcuts
\textbf{Source:} #2%
% Math
\newcommand{\dif}[1]{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} #1}
\newcommand{\pdif}[1]{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{\partial} #1}
% Units
\newcommand{\us}{\text{\textmu s}}
% Quantities
% Notes:
% \tau is a measured/apparent quantity
% t is true time
% priming is required for moving with the signal / different reference frame
%% time variables
%% phase variables
\newcommand{\phase}{\pMeas} % deprecated
% Names
% Acronyms
\newacronym{GNSS}{GNSS}{Global Navigation Satellite System}
\newacronym{GRAND}{GRAND}{Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection}
\newacronym{BEACON}{BEACON}{Beamforming Elevated Array for COsmic Neutrinos}
\newacronym{PAObs}{PAO}{Pierre~Auger Observatory}
\newacronym{AERA}{AERA}{Auger Engineering Radio Array}
\newacronym{DTFT}{DTFT}{Discrete Time Fourier Transform}
\newacronym{DFT}{DFT}{Discrete Fourier Transform}
\newacronym{FFT}{FFT}{Fast Fourier Transform}
\newacronym{FT}{FT}{Fourier Transform}
% Thesis titling
\def\thesistitle{Enhancing Timing Accuracy \\[0.3cm] in Air Shower Radio Detectors}
\def\thesisauthorsecond{de Boone}
\def\thesissupervisorfirst{dr. Harm}
\def\thesissecondreaderfirst{dr. Katherine}
\definecolor{radboud}{RGB}{227, 0, 11}