mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 01:45:06 +01:00
Time-domain phase fitting works almost
Except that the initial guess seems to massively impact the fitted phase. If the initial_phase is submitted, it seems to fit quite fine
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 178 additions and 61 deletions
@ -9,20 +9,22 @@ Then fit in t-domain to resolve \\varphi_0
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import numpy as np
if not True:
import numpy.fft as ft
import scipy.fftpack as ft
import scipy.optimize as opt
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from mylib import *
rng = np.random.default_rng()
def guess_sine_parameters(samples, fft=None, fft_freqs=None, guess=[None,None,None,None]):
"""Use crude methods to guess the parameters to a sine wave
Use crude methods to guess the parameters to a sine wave
from properties of both samples and their fourier transform.
@ -31,13 +33,13 @@ def guess_sine_parameters(samples, fft=None, fft_freqs=None, guess=[None,None,No
guess - arraylike or float or None
If float, this is interpreted as a frequency
Order of parameters: [amplitude, frequency, phase, offset]
Order of parameters: [amplitude, frequency, phase, baseline]
If one parameter is None, it is filled with an approximate value if available.
guess - arraylike
An updated version of init_guess: [amplitude, frequency, phase, offset]
An updated version of init_guess: [amplitude, frequency, phase, baseline]
if not hasattr(guess, '__len__'):
@ -68,30 +70,20 @@ def guess_sine_parameters(samples, fft=None, fft_freqs=None, guess=[None,None,No
if i == 0: # amplitude
guess[i] = np.std(samples) * (2 ** 1/2)
if False:
guess[i] = np.std(samples) * (2 ** 1/2)
guess[i] = max(samples-np.mean(samples))
elif i == 1: # frequency
guess[i] = nearest_f
elif i == 2: # phase
guess[i] = nearest_phase
elif i == 3: # offset samples
elif i == 3: # baseline samples
guess[i] = np.mean(samples)
return guess
def curvefit_sine(time, samples, init_guess, fitfunc=sine_fitfunc, bounds=(-np.inf, np.inf), **curve_kwargs):
"""Fit a sine to samples with a supplied initial guess.
This function sets bounds for the phase.
if bounds is None or bounds == (-np.inf, np.inf):
high_bounds = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, +1*np.pi, np.inf])
low_bounds = -1*high_bounds
bounds = (low_bounds, high_bounds)
return opt.curve_fit(fitfunc, time, samples, p0=init_guess, bounds=bounds, **curve_kwargs)
def fit_sine_to_samples(time, samples, samplerate=1, bandpass=None, guess=[None,None,None,None], fitfunc=sine_fitfunc, fft=None, freqs=None,**curve_kwargs):
def fit_sine_to_samples(time, samples, samplerate=1, bandpass=None, guess=[None,None,None,None], fitfunc=sine_fitfunc, fft=None, freqs=None, bounds=None, restrained_fit=False, **curve_kwargs):
if bandpass is not None or guess[1] is None or guess[2] is None:
if fft is None:
fft = ft.rfft(samples)
@ -102,14 +94,64 @@ def fit_sine_to_samples(time, samples, samplerate=1, bandpass=None, guess=[None,
fft[(freqs < bandpass[0]) | (freqs > bandpass[1])] = 0
samples = ft.irfft(fft, samples.size)
old_guess = guess.copy()
guess = guess_sine_parameters(samples, fft=fft, fft_freqs=freqs, guess=guess)
guess = np.array(guess)
if restrained_fit:
# Restrained fit
# only allow phase to be fitted
# Take the amplitude from the hilbert envelope of the (bandpassed) samples
# References for lambda
frequency = guess[1]
baseline = guess[3]
envelope = np.abs(hilbert(samples))
base_fitfunc = fitfunc
samples = samples/envelope
fitfunc = lambda t, amplitude, phase: base_fitfunc(t, amp=amplitude, phase=phase, freq=frequency, baseline=baseline)
old_guess = guess.copy()
guess = guess[[0,2]]
if bounds is None:
sample_max = max(samples)
low_bounds = np.array([0.8,-np.pi])
high_bounds = np.array([1.2, np.pi])
low_bounds = bounds[0][[0,2]]
high_bounds = bounds[1][[0,2]]
bounds = (low_bounds, high_bounds)
elif bounds is None :
high_bounds = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, +1*np.pi, np.inf])
low_bounds = -1*high_bounds
bounds = (low_bounds, high_bounds)
print(bounds, guess)
fit = curvefit_sine(time, samples, guess, fitfunc=fitfunc, **curve_kwargs)
fit = opt.curve_fit(fitfunc, time, samples, p0=guess, bounds=bounds, **curve_kwargs)
except RuntimeError:
fit = None
if len(bounds[0]) == 1 or restrained_fit:
# Restrained fitting was used
# merge back into guess and fit
guess = old_guess
fit = [
np.array([fit[0][0], old_guess[1], fit[0][1], old_guess[3]]),
return fit, guess, (fft, freqs, samples)
def chi_sq(observed, expected):
@ -125,7 +167,8 @@ def simulate_noisy_sine_fitting_SNR_and_residuals(
N=1, snr_band=passband(), noise_band=passband(),
t_length=1e-6, f_sample=250e6,
noise_sigma=1, init_params=[1, 50e6, None, 0],
show_original_signal_figure=True, show_bandpassed_signal_figure=True
show_original_signal_figure=False, show_bandpassed_signal_figure=True,
residuals = np.empty( (int(N), len(init_params)) )
real_snrs = np.empty( (int(N)) )
@ -137,12 +180,13 @@ def simulate_noisy_sine_fitting_SNR_and_residuals(
print("Iteration {} running".format(j))
# set random phase
init_params[2] = 2*np.pi*rng.random()
init_params[2] = phasemod(2*np.pi*rng.random())
samples = sine_fitfunc(time, *init_params)
noise = None
if noise_sigma: # noise
noise = rng.normal(0,noise_sigma, size=(len(samples)))
noise = np.zeros(len(samples))
real_snrs[j] = signal_to_noise(samples, noise, signal_band=snr_band, samplerate=f_sample, noise_band=noise_band)
@ -162,7 +206,13 @@ def simulate_noisy_sine_fitting_SNR_and_residuals(
fit, guess, (fft, freqs, bandpassed) = fit_sine_to_samples(time, samples+noise, f_sample, guess=[None,f_sine,None,None], bandpass=snr_band)
if False:
# use initial_params as guess
guess = init_params
guess = [None, f_sine, None, None]
fit, guess, (fft, freqs, bandpassed) = fit_sine_to_samples(time, samples+noise, f_sample, guess=guess, bandpass=snr_band, restrained_fit=restrained_fit)
if fit is None:
residuals[j] = np.nan
@ -170,27 +220,75 @@ def simulate_noisy_sine_fitting_SNR_and_residuals(
residuals[j] = normalise_sine_params(init_params - fit[0])
# figures
if show_bandpassed_signal_figure and (j==0 or N == 1):
fitted_sine = sine_fitfunc(time, *fit[0])
analytic_signal = hilbert(bandpassed)
envelope = np.abs(analytic_signal)
instant_phase = np.angle(analytic_signal)
fig2, axs2 = plot_signal_and_spectrum(
bandpassed, f_sample, "Bandpassed samples\nS/N:{:.2e}".format(real_snrs[j]),
freq_unit='MHz', freq_scaler=freq_scaler
for ax in axs2[[1,2]]:
ax.axvline(f_sine/freq_scaler, color='r', alpha=0.4) # f_beacon
ax.axvspan(snr_band[0]/freq_scaler,snr_band[1]/freq_scaler, color='purple', alpha=0.3, label='signalband') # snr
ax.axvspan(noise_band[0]/freq_scaler, noise_band[1]/freq_scaler, color='orange', alpha=0.3, label='noiseband') # noise_band
fit_params = fit[0].tolist()
fit_params[0] = envelope
fitted_sine = sine_fitfunc(time, *fit_params)
l = axs2[0].plot(time, fitted_sine, label='fit')
axs2[0].text(1, 1, '$\chi/d.o.f. = {:.2e}/{:.2e}$'.format(chi_sq(fitted_sine, samples), dof(samples,4)), transform=axs2[0].transAxes, ha='right', va='top')
# indicate initial phase
axs2[2].axhline(init_params[2], color='r', alpha=0.4)
axs2[2].axhline(init_params[2], color=l[0].get_color(), alpha=0.4)
if False:
fig4, axs4 = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
fig4.suptitle("Bandpassed Hilbert")
axs2[0].legend(loc='upper left')
axs4[0].set_ylabel("Instant Phase")
axs4[0].plot(time, instant_phase, marker='.')
#axs4[0].axhline(init_params[2], color='r')
axs4[1].set_ylabel("Instant Freq")
axs4[1].plot(time[1:], np.diff(np.unwrap(instant_phase)) / (2*np.pi*f_sample), marker='.')
#axs4[1].axhline(init_params[1], color='r')
## Next figure
if True:
fig2, axs2 = plot_signal_and_spectrum(
bandpassed, f_sample, "Bandpassed samples\nS/N:{:.2e}".format(real_snrs[j]),
freq_unit='MHz', freq_scaler=freq_scaler,
signal_kwargs=dict(alpha=0.8, time_unit='us')
for ax in axs2[[1,2]]:
ax.axvline(f_sine/freq_scaler, color='r', alpha=0.4) # f_beacon
ax.axvspan(snr_band[0]/freq_scaler,snr_band[1]/freq_scaler, color='purple', alpha=0.3, label='signalband') # snr
ax.axvspan(noise_band[0]/freq_scaler, noise_band[1]/freq_scaler, color='orange', alpha=0.3, label='noiseband') # noise_band
l = axs2[0].plot(time, fitted_sine, label='fit', alpha=0.8)
#axs2[0].text(1, 1, '$\chi/d.o.f. = {:.2e}/{:.2e}$'.format(chi_sq(fitted_sine, samples), dof(samples,4)), transform=axs2[0].transAxes, ha='right', va='top')
axs2[0].plot(time, envelope, label='envelope')
# indicate initial phase
axs2[2].axhline(init_params[2], color='r', alpha=0.4)
axs2[2].axhline(fit[0][2], color=l[0].get_color(), alpha=0.4)
axs2[0].legend(loc='upper left')
if True:
fig5, axs5 = plt.subplots(2,1, sharex=True)
fig5.suptitle("Bandpassed Samples vs Model")
axs5[0].plot(bandpassed, label='samples', alpha=0.8)
axs5[0].plot(fitted_sine, label='fit', alpha=0.8)
axs5[0].plot(envelope, label='envelope')
axs5[0].plot(samples, label='orig sine', alpha=0.8)
axs5[1].plot(samples - fitted_sine, label="Sine - Model", alpha=0.8)
axs5[1].plot(bandpassed - fitted_sine, label="Bandpassed - Model", alpha=0.8)
print("init:", init_params)
print("fit :", fit[0])
@ -203,32 +301,34 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from myscriptlib import save_all_figs_to_path_or_show
rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("fname", metavar="path/to/figure[/]", nargs="?", help="Location for generated figure, will append __file__ if a directory. If not supplied, figure is shown.")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--n-rand", dest='N', default=1, type=int, nargs='?', help='Number of random sines to fit')
parser.add_argument('--seed', default=1, type=int, help='RNG seed')
args = parser.parse_args()
default_extensions = ['.pdf', '.png']
if args.fname == 'none':
args.fname = None
rng = np.random.default_rng(args.seed)
report_N_nan = True
restrained_fitting = True
f_sine = 53.123456 # MHz
sine_amplitude = 0.2
sine_offset = 0
init_params = np.array([sine_amplitude, f_sine, None, sine_offset])
sine_amplitude = 1
sine_baseline = 0
init_params = np.array([sine_amplitude, f_sine, None, sine_baseline])
N = int(args.N)
f_sample = 250 # MHz
t_length = 10 # us
noise_sigma = 1
noise_sigma = 0.01
f_delta = 1/t_length
noise_band = (30,80) # MHz
snr_band = (f_sine -2*f_delta, f_sine + 2*f_delta)
snr_band = (f_sine -50*f_delta, f_sine + 50*f_delta)
time = sampled_time(f_sample, end=t_length)
@ -236,7 +336,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
###### End of inputs
residuals, real_snrs, _ = simulate_noisy_sine_fitting_SNR_and_residuals(N=N, snr_band=snr_band, noise_band=noise_band, t_length=t_length, f_sample=f_sample, noise_sigma=noise_sigma, init_params=init_params)
residuals, real_snrs, _ = simulate_noisy_sine_fitting_SNR_and_residuals(N=N, snr_band=snr_band, noise_band=noise_band, t_length=t_length, f_sample=f_sample, noise_sigma=noise_sigma, init_params=init_params, restrained_fit=restrained_fitting)
# Filter NaNs from fit attempts that failed
nan_mask = ~np.isnan(residuals).any(axis=1)
@ -248,26 +348,43 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
real_snrs = real_snrs [ nan_mask ]
## Plot Signal-to-Noise vs Residuals of the fit paramters
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,4, sharey=True)
fig.suptitle("S/N vs Residuals, S/N Band ({:.2e},{:.2e})MHz".format(snr_band[0]/freq_scaler, snr_band[-1]/freq_scaler))
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,1 + 2*( not restrained_fitting), sharey=True)
if not hasattr(axs,'__len__'):
axs = [axs]
fig.suptitle("S/N vs Residuals\nS/N Band ({:.2e},{:.2e})MHz \namp/sigma: {}".format(snr_band[0]/freq_scaler, snr_band[-1]/freq_scaler, sine_amplitude/ noise_sigma))
j = 0 # plot counter
for i in range(len(init_params)):
if restrained_fitting and i in [0,1,3]:
unit_scaler = [1, 1][i==1]
unit_string = ['', '[MHz]'][i==1]
xlabel = ["Amplitude", "Frequency", "Phase", "Offset"][i]
xlabel = ["Amplitude", "Frequency", "Phase", "Baseline"][i]
axs[i].set_xlabel(xlabel + unit_string)
axs[i].plot(residuals[:,i]/unit_scaler, real_snrs, ls='none', marker='o')
if i == 2:
axs[j].set_xlim(-np.pi, np.pi)
real_snrs[np.isnan(real_snrs)] = 1 # Show nan values
axs[j].set_xlabel(xlabel + unit_string)
axs[j].plot(residuals[:,i]/unit_scaler, real_snrs, ls='none', marker='o', alpha=max(0.3, 1/len(real_snrs)))
j += 1
## Plot Histograms of the Residuals
if True and N > 1:
for j in range(len(init_params)):
if j == 0 or j == 3:
if j == 3 or restrained_fitting and j == 1 or j == 0:
unit_scaler = [1, freq_scaler][j==1]
unit_string = ['', '[MHz]'][j==1]
xlabel = ["Amplitude", "Frequency", "Phase", "Offset"][j]
xlabel = ["Amplitude", "Frequency", "Phase", "Baseline"][j]
title = xlabel + " residuals"
title += "\n"
@ -290,7 +407,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
maj_div = max(1, 2**np.ceil(np.log2(np.pi/(xmax-xmin)) + 1 ))
min_div = maj_div*12
axis_pi_ticker(ax.xaxis, major_divider=maj_div, minor_divider=min_div)
#axis_pi_ticker(ax.xaxis, major_divider=maj_div, minor_divider=min_div)
# Plot histogram between phase and frequency
if True and N > 10:
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ def phasemod(phase, low=np.pi):
# Alias phase_mod to phasemod
phase_mod = phasemod
def sine_fitfunc(t, amp=1, freq=1, phase=0, off=0, t_delay=0):
def sine_fitfunc(t, amp=1, freq=1, phase=0, baseline=0, t_delay=0):
"""Simple sine wave for fitting purposes"""
return amp*np.cos( 2*np.pi*freq*(t-t_delay) + phase) + off
return amp*np.cos( 2*np.pi*freq*(t-t_delay) + phase) + baseline
def sin_delay(f, t, phase=0):
return sine_fitfunc(t, amp=1, freq=f, phase=phase, off=1, t_delay=0)
return sine_fitfunc(t, amp=1, freq=f, phase=phase, baseline=1, t_delay=0)
def sampled_time(sample_rate=1, start=0, end=1, offset=0):
return offset + np.arange(start, end, 1/sample_rate)
Add table
Reference in a new issue