mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 09:55:05 +01:00
ZH: improve antenna matrix solving
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 138 additions and 24 deletions
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
fname = "ZH_airshower/mysim.sry"
c_light = 3e8*1e-9
show_plots = True
ref_ant_id = None # leave None for all baselines
ref_ant_id = 50 # leave None for all baselines
fname_dir = path.dirname(fname)
antennas_fname = path.join(fname_dir, beacon.antennas_fname)
time_diffs_fname = 'time_diffs.hdf5' if not True else antennas_fname
time_diffs_fname = 'time_diffs.hdf5' if False else antennas_fname
fig_dir = "./figures" # set None to disable saving
@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if plot_residuals:
phase_residuals = lib.phase_mod(phase_diffs[:,1] - my_phase_diffs)
axs[0].set_title("Difference between Measured and Actual phase difference for Baseline (i,j)")
axs[0].set_title("Difference between Measured and Actual phase difference\n for Baseline (i,j" + ( '='+str(ref_ant_id) if ref_ant_id is not None else None) + ')')
axs[1].set_xlabel("Baseline Phase Residual $\\varphi_{ij_{meas}} - \\varphi_{ij_{true}}$ [rad]")
axs[0].set_title("Comparison Measured and Actual phase difference for Baseline (i,j)")
axs[0].set_title("Comparison Measured and Actual phase difference\n for Baseline (i,j" + ( '='+str(ref_ant_id) if ref_ant_id is not None else None) + ')')
axs[1].set_xlabel("Baseline Phase $\\varphi_{ij}$ [rad]")
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if fig_dir:
extra_name = "measured"
if plot_residuals:
extra_name = "differences"
extra_name = "residuals"
fig.savefig(path.join(fig_dir, __file__ + f".{extra_name}.F{freq_name}.pdf"))
if show_plots:
@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
from os import path
import sys
import os
import matplotlib
if os.name == 'posix' and "DISPLAY" not in os.environ:
fname = "ZH_airshower/mysim.sry"
show_plots = True
@ -22,35 +27,144 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
fname_dir = path.dirname(fname)
antennas_fname = path.join(fname_dir, beacon.antennas_fname)
time_diffs_fname = antennas_fname
time_diffs_fname = 'time_diffs.hdf5' if False else antennas_fname
fig_dir = "./figures" # set None to disable saving
basenames, time_diffs, f_beacon, true_phase_diffs, k_periods = beacon.read_baseline_time_diffs_hdf5(time_diffs_fname)
basenames, time_diffs, f_beacons, true_phase_diffs, k_periods = beacon.read_baseline_time_diffs_hdf5(time_diffs_fname)
f_beacon, tx, antennas = beacon.read_beacon_hdf5(antennas_fname)
# TODO: allow multiple frequencies
if (f_beacon != f_beacons).any():
raise NotImplementedError
N_base = len(basenames)
N_ant = len(antennas)
# reshape time_diffs into N_ant x N_ant array
sigma_phase_matrix = np.full( (N_ant, N_ant), np.nan, dtype=float)
#sigma_phase_matrix = np.arange(0, N_ant**2, dtype=float).reshape( (N_ant,N_ant))
name2idx = lambda name: int(name)-1
for i, b in enumerate(basenames):
idx = (name2idx(b[0]), name2idx(b[1]))
if idx[0] == idx[1]:
sigma_phase_matrix[(idx[0], idx[1])] = true_phase_diffs[i]
sigma_phase_matrix[(idx[1], idx[0])] = true_phase_diffs[i]
# for each row j subtract the 0,j element from the whole row
# and apply phase_mod
first_row = sigma_phase_matrix[0]
sigma_phase_matrix = sigma_phase_matrix - first_row[:,np.newaxis]
sigma_phase_matrix = lib.phase_mod(sigma_phase_matrix)
# Except for the first row, these are all separate measurements
# Condense into phase offset per antenna
if True: # do not use the first row
my_mask = np.arange(1, len(sigma_phase_matrix), dtype=int)
my_mask = np.arange(0, len(sigma_phase_matrix), dtype=int)
mean_sigma_phase = np.nanmean(sigma_phase_matrix[my_mask], axis=0)
std_sigma_phase = np.nanstd( sigma_phase_matrix[my_mask], axis=0)
# write into antenna hdf5
with h5py.File(antennas_fname, 'a') as fp:
group = fp['antennas']
freq_name = None
for i, ant in enumerate(antennas):
h5ant = group[ant.name]
h5beacon_info = h5ant['beacon_info']
# find out freq_name
if freq_name is None:
freq_name = [ k for k in h5beacon_info.keys() if np.isclose(h5beacon_info[k].attrs['freq'], f_beacon)][0]
h5attrs = h5beacon_info[freq_name].attrs
idx = name2idx(ant.name)
h5attrs['sigma_phase_mean'] = mean_sigma_phase[idx]
h5attrs['sigma_phase_std'] = std_sigma_phase[idx]
# Compare actual time shifts #
antenna_time_shifts = { a.name: a.attrs['clock_offset'] for a in antennas }
if True:
# show means and std
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2, sharey=True)
axs[0].set_xlabel("Antenna no.")
axs[0].set_ylabel("Antenna Phase $\\Delta_\\varphi$")
if True:
forward = lambda x: x/(2*np.pi*f_beacon)
inverse = lambda x: 2*np.pi*x*f_beacon
secax = axs[1].secondary_yaxis('right', functions=(forward, inverse))
secax.set_ylabel('Time $\\Delta\\varphi/(2\\pi f_{beac})$ [ns]')
my_time_shifts = []
l = axs[0].errorbar(np.arange(N_ant), mean_sigma_phase, yerr=std_sigma_phase, marker='.', alpha=0.7)
axs[1].hist(mean_sigma_phase, bins='sqrt', density=False, orientation='horizontal', color=l[0].get_color(), histtype='step')
# Actual time shifts
if True:
actual_phase_shifts = [ -1*lib.phase_mod(2*np.pi*f_beacon*v) for k,v in antenna_time_shifts.items() ]
antenna_names = [int(k) for k,v in antenna_time_shifts.items() ]
# make sure to keep the same offset
if True:
phase_offset = mean_sigma_phase[0] - actual_phase_shifts[0]
actual_phase_shifts += phase_offset
l = axs[0].plot(antenna_names, actual_phase_shifts, ls='none', marker='3', alpha=0.8)
if True:
axs[1].hist(actual_phase_shifts, bins='sqrt', density=False, orientation='horizontal', ls='dashed', color=l[0].get_color(), histtype='step')
if fig_dir:
fig.savefig(path.join(fig_dir, __file__ + f".residuals.pdf"))
actual_time_shifts = []
for i,b in enumerate(basenames):
actual_time_shift = antenna_time_shifts[b[0]] - antenna_time_shifts[b[1]]
actual_time_shift = lib.phase_mod(lib.phase_mod(antenna_time_shifts[b[0]]*2*np.pi*f_beacon) - lib.phase_mod(antenna_time_shifts[b[1]]*2*np.pi*f_beacon))
f'B({b[0]}, {b[1]}):',
'A', actual_time_shift
# unpack mean_sigma_phase back into a list of time diffs
measured_time_diffs = []
for i,b in enumerate(basenames):
time0, time1 = mean_sigma_phase[name2idx(b[0])], mean_sigma_phase[name2idx(b[1])]
measured_time_diffs.append(time1 - time0)
# Make a plot
N = len(basenames)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel("Baseline combo")
ax.plot(np.arange(N), my_time_shifts, marker='+', label='actual time shifts')
ax.plot(np.arange(N), time_diffs, marker='x', label='calculated')
if True:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel("Baseline no.")
ax.set_ylabel("$\\Delta t$[ns]")
if True: # indicate single beacon period span
ax.plot((-1, -1), (0, 1/f_beacon), marker='3', ms=10, label='1/f_beacon')
ax.plot(np.arange(N_base), actual_time_shifts, marker='+', label='actual time shifts')
ax.plot(np.arange(N_base), measured_time_diffs, marker='x', label='calculated')
if fig_dir:
fig.savefig(path.join(fig_dir, __file__ + f".calculated_shifts.pdf"))
if show_plots:
Add table
Reference in a new issue