""" Routines to assist in plotting """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def annotate_width(ax, name, x1, x2, y, text_kw={}, arrow_kw={}): default_arrow_kw = dict( xy = (x1, y), xytext = (x2,y), arrowprops = dict( arrowstyle="<->", shrinkA=False, shrinkB=False ), ) default_text_kw = dict( va='bottom', ha='center', xy=((x1+x2)/2, y) ) an1 = ax.annotate("", **{**default_arrow_kw, **arrow_kw}) an2 = ax.annotate(name, **{**default_text_kw, **text_kw}) return [an1, an2] def beacon_sync_figure( time, impulses, beacons, delta_t=0, beacon_offsets=[], impulse_offsets=[], f_beacon=1, colors=['y','g'], show_annotations=False, multiplier_name = ['m','n'], fig_kwargs = {'figsize': (12,4)}, ns=1e-3 ): if not hasattr(delta_t, "__len__"): delta_t = np.repeat(delta_t, 2) N_axes = 2 if show_annotations: N_axes += 1 fig, axes = plt.subplots(N_axes,1, sharex=True, **fig_kwargs) axes[-1].set_xlabel("Time [ns]") for i in range(0, 2): axes[i].set_yticks([],[]) axes[i].set_ylabel("Antenna {:d}".format(i+1)) axes[i].plot((time-delta_t[i])/ns, impulses[i]) axes[i].plot((time-delta_t[i])/ns, beacons[i], marker='.') # indicate timing of pulses for i, impulse_offset in enumerate(impulse_offsets): kwargs = dict(color=colors[i]) axes_list = [axes[i]] if show_annotations: axes_list.append(axes[-1]) [ax.axvline((impulse_offset-delta_t[i])/ns, **kwargs) for ax in axes_list] # indicate timing of beacon for i, beacon_offset in enumerate(beacon_offsets): kwargs = dict(color=colors[i], ls=(0, (3,2))) tick_kwargs = dict(color='k', alpha=0.2) axes_list = [axes[i]] if show_annotations: axes_list.append(axes[-1]) # indicate every period of the beacon beacon_ticks = beacon_offset + [(n)*1/f_beacon for n in range(1+int((time[-1] - time[0]) * f_beacon))] [axes[i].axvline((tick-delta_t[i])/ns, **{**kwargs, **tick_kwargs}) for tick in beacon_ticks] # reference period in beacon # is the first tick > 0 ref_tick = beacon_ticks[0] [ax.axvline((ref_tick-delta_t[i])/ns, **kwargs) for ax in axes_list] if show_annotations: # annotate width between impulse and closest beacon tick # and closest beacon tick and reference tick closest_beacon_tick_id = np.argmin(np.abs(beacon_ticks-impulse_offsets[i])) if closest_beacon_tick_id != 0 and beacon_ticks[closest_beacon_tick_id] > impulse_offsets[i]: closest_beacon_tick_id -= 1 closest_beacon_tick = beacon_ticks[closest_beacon_tick_id] annotate_width(axes[i], f"$A_{i+1}$", (closest_beacon_tick - delta_t[i])/ns, (impulse_offsets[i]-delta_t[i])/ns, 0.7) annotate_width(axes[i], f"$B_{i+1}={multiplier_name[i]}T$", (closest_beacon_tick-delta_t[i])/ns, (ref_tick-delta_t[i])/ns, 0.4) if show_annotations: axes[-1].set_yticks([],[]) # annotate width between beacon reference periods annotate_width(axes[-1], "$t_\phi$", (beacon_offsets[0]-delta_t[0])/ns, (beacon_offsets[-1]-delta_t[-1])/ns, 0.4) # annotate width between pulses annotate_width(axes[-1], "$\Delta t$", (impulse_offsets[0]-delta_t[0])/ns, (impulse_offsets[-1]-delta_t[-1])/ns, 0.4) return fig, axes