\version "2.19.80" \header { title = "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" meter = "Reel" enteredby = "kastdeur" number = "66" source = "Ireland's Best Tin Whistle Tunes Volume 1" } global = { \key d \major \time 4/4 } bpm = \tempo 2 = 60 fluteA = \relative c'' { b8 | a4 a8 b a8 fis e d | b'4 b8 a b8 cis d4 \breathe | a4 a8 b a8fis e d | g'8 fis e d b8 cis d8 } fluteB = \relative c'' { e8 | fis4 \breathe fis8 d g4 8 e | fis4 fis8 d b8 cis d e | fis4 \breathe fis8 d g4 fis8 g | b8 fis e d b8 cis d e | fis4 \breathe fis8 d g4 g8 e | fis4 fis8 d b8 cis d4 | d8 e fis g b8 fis a fis | g8 fis e d b8 cis d \breathe } flute = \relative c'' { % Muziek volgt hier. \global \repeat volta 2 {\partial 8 \fluteA s8} \partial 8 \fluteB s8 \bar "|." } chordA = \chordmode { s8 | d1 g1 d1 e2:m g4. } chordB = \chordmode { s8 | d2 g2 d2 a2 d2 e2:m a2 g2 | d2 g2 d2 g2 d1 e2:m g4. } chordNames = \chordmode { \global % Akkoordnamen volgen. \repeat volta 2 {\partial 8 \chordA s8} \partial 8 \chordB s8 \bar "|." } chordsPart = \new ChordNames \with { chordChanges = ##t } \chordNames flutePart = \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Fl." midiInstrument = "flute" } \flute \score { << \chordsPart \flutePart >> \layout { } } \score { \unfoldRepeats \removeWithTag #'midiRemove << \chordsPart \flutePart >> \midi { \bpm } }