@article{Adri_n_Mart_nez_2016, doi = {10.1088/0954-3899/43/8/084001}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F0954-3899%2F43%2F8%2F084001}, year = 2016, month = {jun}, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {43}, number = {8}, pages = {084001}, author = {S Adri{\'{a}}n-Mart{\'{\i}}nez and M Ageron and F Aharonian and S Aiello and A Albert and F Ameli and E Anassontzis and M Andre and G Androulakis and M Anghinolfi and G Anton and M Ardid and T Avgitas and G Barbarino and E Barbarito and B Baret and J Barrios-Mart{\'{\i}} and B Belhorma and A Belias and E Berbee and A van den Berg and V Bertin and S Beurthey and V van Beveren and N Beverini and S Biagi and A Biagioni and M Billault and M Bond{\`{\i}} and R Bormuth and B Bouhadef and G Bourlis and S Bourret and C Boutonnet and M Bouwhuis and C Bozza and R Bruijn and J Brunner and E Buis and J Busto and G Cacopardo and L Caillat and M Calamai and D Calvo and A Capone and L Caramete and S Cecchini and S Celli and C Champion and R Cherkaoui El Moursli and S Cherubini and T Chiarusi and M Circella and L Classen and R Cocimano and J A B Coelho and A Coleiro and S Colonges and R Coniglione and M Cordelli and A Cosquer and P Coyle and A Creusot and G Cuttone and A D'Amico and G De Bonis and G De Rosa and C De Sio and F Di Capua and I Di Palma and A F D{\'{\i}}az Garc{\'{\i}}a and C Distefano and C Donzaud and D Dornic and Q Dorosti-Hasankiadeh and E Drakopoulou and D Drouhin and L Drury and M Durocher and T Eberl and S Eichie and D van Eijk and I El Bojaddaini and N El Khayati and D Elsaesser and A Enzenhöfer and F Fassi and P Favali and P Fermani and G Ferrara and C Filippidis and G Frascadore and L A Fusco and T Gal and S Galat{\`{a}} and F Garufi and P Gay and M Gebyehu and V Giordano and N Gizani and R Gracia and K Graf and T Gr{\'{e}}goire and G Grella and R Habel and S Hallmann and H van Haren and S Harissopulos and T Heid and A Heijboer and E Heine and S Henry and J J Hern{\'{a}}ndez-Rey and M Hevinga and J Hofestädt and C M F Hugon and G Illuminati and C W James and P Jansweijer and M Jongen and M de Jong and M Kadler and O Kalekin and A Kappes and U F Katz and P Keller and G Kieft and D Kie{\ss}ling and E N Koffeman and P Kooijman and A Kouchner and V Kulikovskiy and R Lahmann and P Lamare and A Leisos and E Leonora and M Lindsey Clark and A Liolios and C D Llorens Alvarez and D Lo Presti and H Löhner and A Lonardo and M Lotze and S Loucatos and E Maccioni and K Mannheim and A Margiotta and A Marinelli and O Mari{\c{s}} and C Markou and J A Mart{\'{\i}}nez-Mora and A Martini and R Mele and K W Melis and T Michael and P Migliozzi and E Migneco and P Mijakowski and A Miraglia and C M Mollo and M Mongelli and M Morganti and A Moussa and P Musico and M Musumeci and S Navas and C A Nicolau and I Olcina and C Olivetto and A Orlando and A Papaikonomou and R Papaleo and G E P{\u{a}}v{\u{a}}la{\c{s}} and H Peek and C Pellegrino and C Perrina and M Pfutzner and P Piattelli and K Pikounis and G E Poma and V Popa and T Pradier and F Pratolongo and G Pühlhofer and S Pulvirenti and L Quinn and C Racca and F Raffaelli and N Randazzo and P Rapidis and P Razis and D Real and L Resvanis and J Reubelt and G Riccobene and C Rossi and A Rovelli and M Salda{\~{n}}a and I Salvadori and D F E Samtleben and A S{\'{a}}nchez Garc{\'{\i}}a and A S{\'{a}}nchez Losa and M Sanguineti and A Santangelo and D Santonocito and P Sapienza and F Schimmel and J Schmelling and V Sciacca and M Sedita and T Seitz and I Sgura and F Simeone and I Siotis and V Sipala and B Spisso and M Spurio and G Stavropoulos and J Steijger and S M Stellacci and D Stransky and M Taiuti and Y Tayalati and D T{\'{e}}zier and S Theraube and L Thompson and P Timmer and C Tönnis and L Trasatti and A Trovato and A Tsirigotis and S Tzamarias and E Tzamariudaki and B Vallage and V Van Elewyck and J Vermeulen and P Vicini and S Viola and D Vivolo and M Volkert and G Voulgaris and L Wiggers and J Wilms and E de Wolf and K Zachariadou and J D Zornoza and J Z{\'{u}}{\~{n}}iga}, title = {Letter of intent for {KM}3NeT 2.0}, journal = {Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics}, abstract = {The main objectives of the KM3NeT Collaboration are (i) the discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe and (ii) the determination of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. These objectives are strongly motivated by two recent important discoveries, namely: (1) the high-energy astrophysical neutrino signal reported by IceCube and (2) the sizable contribution of electron neutrinos to the third neutrino mass eigenstate as reported by Daya Bay, Reno and others. To meet these objectives, the KM3NeT Collaboration plans to build a new Research Infrastructure consisting of a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea. A phased and distributed implementation is pursued which maximises the access to regional funds, the availability of human resources and the synergistic opportunities for the Earth and sea sciences community. Three suitable deep-sea sites are selected, namely off-shore Toulon (France), Capo Passero (Sicily, Italy) and Pylos (Peloponnese, Greece). The infrastructure will consist of three so-called building blocks. A building block comprises 115 strings, each string comprises 18 optical modules and each optical module comprises 31 photo-multiplier tubes. Each building block thus constitutes a three-dimensional array of photo sensors that can be used to detect the Cherenkov light produced by relativistic particles emerging from neutrino interactions. Two building blocks will be sparsely configured to fully explore the IceCube signal with similar instrumented volume, different methodology, improved resolution and complementary field of view, including the galactic plane. One building block will be densely configured to precisely measure atmospheric neutrino oscillations.} }