#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np def pdeHyperbolic(a, x, t, f, g, dtype=np.float64): """ Solve a Hyperbolic Partial Differential using finite differences. """ m = len(x) # Amount of objects to track n = len(t) # Length of Time Vector # Determine stepsizes h = x[0] - x[1] k = t[0] - t[1] λ_sq = (a*k/h)**2 # Create array to hold the solution w = np.zeros((n,m), dtype=dtype) # Create finite difference matrix A = np.diag(m*[2*(1 - λ_sq)], k=0) + np.diag((m-1)*[λ_sq], k=-1) + np.diag((m-1)*[λ_sq], k=1) # Initialise first two timesteps w[0] = f(x, t[0]) w[1] = A@w[0]/2 + k*g(x, t[0]) # Calculate for following timesteps for j in range(2, n-1): w[j] = A@w[j-1] - w[j-2] return w def test_pdeHyperbolic_case1(x_steps=1e2, t_steps=1e2, max_x=1, max_t=1): a = 1 # from the Schroedinger Equation # Setup spatial and time grids x = np.linspace(0, max_x, x_steps) t = np.linspace(0, max_t, t_steps) # Boundary conditions def f(x,t): return np.sin(2*np.pi*x) def g(x,t): return 2*np.pi*np.sin(2*np.pi*x) # Solve it sol = pdeHyperbolic(a, x, t, f, g) # Plot it with the exact solution exact_f = lambda x,t: np.sin(2*np.pi*x)*(np.cos(2*np.pi*t) + np.sin(2*np.pi*t)) plot_animation(x, sol, func=exact_f) def test_pdeHyperbolic_case2(x_steps=2e2, t_steps=4e2, max_x=1, max_t=1): a = 1 # from the Schroedinger Equation # Setup spatial and time grids x = np.linspace(0, max_x, x_steps) t = np.linspace(0, max_t, t_steps) # Boundary conditions def f(x,t): return 2*(x < 0.5) -1 def g(x,t): return 0 # Solve it sol = pdeHyperbolic(a, x, t, f, g) plot_animation(x, sol) def plot_animation(x, sol, func=None, interval = 10): from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib import animation as anim fig, _ = pyplot.subplots() def animate(i): pyplot.clf() pyplot.grid() pyplot.ylim(-1.5, 1.5) pyplot.title('t = {}/{}'.format(i, len(sol))) #if func is not None: # pyplot.plot(x, func(x, sol[i]), label='exact') pyplot.plot(x, sol[i,:], label="iter") frames = np.arange(0, len(sol)) try: myAnim = anim.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames, interval = interval ) pyplot.legend() pyplot.show() except AttributeError: # This final error is fugly pass if __name__ == "__main__": test_pdeHyperbolic_case1() #test_pdeHyperbolic_case2()