#!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np def diff(a, b): return np.amax(np.abs(a-b)) def jacobi(A, b, eps): A = np.array(A, dtype=np.float64) b = np.array(b, dtype=np.float64) D = np.diag(A) L = -np.tril(A, -1) U = -np.triu(A, 1) D_inv = np.diagflat(np.reciprocal(D)) # initially x_f = x_(i-1) # this changes when in the loop x_i = np.dot(D_inv, b) x_f = np.zeros(len(A)) k = 1 while diff(x_i, x_f) >= eps: k += 1 # Save the previous solution vector as x_f x_f = x_i # Create new solution vector x_i = np.dot(np.dot(D_inv, ( L + U )), x_f ) + np.dot(D_inv, b) return x_i, k def steepest_descent(A, b, eps): A = np.array(A, dtype=np.float64) b = np.array(b, dtype=np.float64) # initially x_f = x_(i-1) # this changes when in the loop x_f = np.zeros(len(A), dtype=np.float64) k = 1 v_f = b t = np.dot(v_f, v_f) / np.dot(v_f, np.dot(A, v_f)) x_i = x_f + t*v_f while diff(x_i, x_f) >= eps: k += 1 # Pre calculate v_f and t v_f = b - np.dot(A, x_i) t = np.dot(v_f, v_f) / np.dot(v_f, np.dot(A, v_f)) # Save the previous solution vector as x_f x_f = x_i # Create new solution vector x_i = x_f + t * v_f return x_i, k def conjugate_gradient(A, b, eps): A = np.array(A, dtype=np.float64) b = np.array(b, dtype=np.float64) # initially x_f = x_(i-1) # this changes when in the loop x_f = np.zeros(len(A), dtype=np.float64) r_f = b - np.dot(A, x_f) v_f = r_f k = 1 # Calculate first iteration t = np.dot(r_f, r_f) / np.dot(v_f, np.dot(A, v_f)) x_i = x_f + t*v_f r_i = r_f - t * np.dot(A, v_f) s = np.dot(r_i, r_i) / np.dot(r_f, r_f) v_i = r_i + s*v_f # Set r and v vectors for next loop r_f = r_i v_f = v_i while diff(x_i, x_f) >= eps: k += 1 t = np.dot(r_f, r_f) / np.dot(v_f, np.dot(A, v_f)) # Save the previous solution vector as x_f x_f = x_i # Create new solution vector x_i = x_f + t*v_f # Calculate r and v vectors r_i = r_f - t * np.dot(A, v_f) s = np.dot(r_i, r_i) / np.dot(r_f, r_f) v_i = r_i + s*v_f # Save r and v vectors for next loop r_f = r_i v_f = v_i return x_i, k