mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 20:15:22 +01:00
More tweaks.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 66 additions and 58 deletions
@ -112,20 +112,11 @@ showTrueKeySignature = {
% Sets the autobeamer to span quarter notes only. Use for fast music.
quarterBeaming = {
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 2 'Staff)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 3 4 'Staff)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 4 4 'Staff)
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 2 4 ) 1 8 'Staff)
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 2 4 ) 3 8 'Staff)
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 1 8 'Staff)
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 3 8 'Staff)
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 5 8 'Staff)
#(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 7 8 'Staff)
\set Staff.beamExceptions = #'()
halfBeaming = {
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 2 2) 1 2 'Staff)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 2 2) 2 2 'Staff)
\set Staff.beamExceptions = #'((end . (((1 . 8) . (4 4))
((1 . 12) . (3 3)))))
% Reels are in allabreve time with half note beaming.
@ -141,13 +132,15 @@ marchTime = {
% Add appropriate tweaks needed for piping grace notes to look great.
pgrace = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?)
#{ \override Score.GraceSpacing #'spacing-increment = #0
\override Score.Stem #'beamlet-default-length = #'(0.6 . 0.6)
\grace $notes
\revert Score.Stem #'beamlet-default-length
stemspace = #(define-music-function (parser location extent) (pair?) #{
\once \override Staff.Stem #'X-extent = #$extent
pgrace = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?) #{
\override Score.GraceSpacing #'spacing-increment = #0
\override Score.Stem #'beamlet-max-length-proportion = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
\grace $notes
\revert Score.Stem #'beamlet-default-length
% Single pgrace notes
grG = { \pgrace { \small G32 } }
@ -226,34 +219,37 @@ tshakeA = { \pgrace { \small A32[ g A a] } }
% Slurs
% A few of these can't really be played and are here only for consistency.
slura = { \pgrace { \small g32[ a G] } }
slurb = { \pgrace { \small g32[ b G] } }
slurc = { \pgrace { \small g32[ c G] } }
slurd = { \pgrace { \small g32[ d G] } }
slure = { \pgrace { \small g32[ e a] } }
slurf = { \pgrace { \small g32[ f a] } }
slurg = { \pgrace { \small A32[ f a] } }
slurA = { \pgrace { \small f32[ a] } }
slura = { \pgrace { \small g32[ a G] } }
slurb = { \pgrace { \small g32[ b G] } }
slurc = { \pgrace { \small g32[ c G] } }
slurd = { \pgrace { \small g32[ d G] } }
wslurd = { \pgrace { \small g32[ d c] } }
slure = { \pgrace { \small g32[ e a] } }
slurf = { \pgrace { \small g32[ f a] } }
slurg = { \pgrace { \small A32[ f a] } }
slurA = { \pgrace { \small f32[ a] } }
% Half slurs
hslura = { \pgrace { \small a32[ G] } }
hslurb = { \pgrace { \small b32[ G] } }
hslurc = { \pgrace { \small c32[ G] } }
hslurd = { \pgrace { \small d32[ G] } }
hslure = { \pgrace { \small e32[ a] } }
hslurf = { \pgrace { \small f32[ a] } }
hslurg = { \pgrace { \small g32[ a] } }
hslurA = { \pgrace { \small A32[ a] } }
hslura = { \pgrace { \small a32[ G] } }
hslurb = { \pgrace { \small b32[ G] } }
hslurc = { \pgrace { \small c32[ G] } }
hslurd = { \pgrace { \small d32[ G] } }
whslurd = { \pgrace { \small d32[ c] } }
hslure = { \pgrace { \small e32[ a] } }
hslurf = { \pgrace { \small f32[ a] } }
hslurg = { \pgrace { \small g32[ a] } }
hslurA = { \pgrace { \small A32[ a] } }
% Thumb slurs
tslura = { \pgrace { \small A32[ a G] } }
tslurb = { \pgrace { \small A32[ b G] } }
tslurc = { \pgrace { \small A32[ c G] } }
tslurd = { \pgrace { \small A32[ d a] } }
tslure = { \pgrace { \small A32[ e a] } }
tslurf = { \pgrace { \small A32[ f a] } }
tslurg = { \pgrace { \small A32[ f a] } }
tslurA = { \pgrace { \small f32[ a] } }
tslura = { \pgrace { \small A32[ a G] } }
tslurb = { \pgrace { \small A32[ b G] } }
tslurc = { \pgrace { \small A32[ c G] } }
tslurd = { \pgrace { \small A32[ d G] } }
wtslurd = { \pgrace { \small A32[ d c] } }
tslure = { \pgrace { \small A32[ e a] } }
tslurf = { \pgrace { \small A32[ f a] } }
tslurg = { \pgrace { \small A32[ f a] } }
tslurA = { \pgrace { \small f32[ a] } }
% Catches
catcha = { \pgrace { \small a32[ G d G] } }
@ -322,8 +318,8 @@ crunamdfosg = { \pgrace { \small e32[ d f d ] } }
% Special piobaireachd notations
grGcad = { \pgrace { \small G16 } }
gracad = { \pgrace { \small a16 } }
cad = { \pgrace { \small g32[ e8 d32] } }
hcad = { \pgrace { \small g32[ e8] } }
cad = { \pgrace { \small \stemspace #'(0 . 0.5) g32[ e8 d32] } }
hcad = { \pgrace { \small \stemspace #'(0 . 0.5) g32[ e8] } }
tcad = { \pgrace { \small e8[ d32] } }
thcad = { \pgrace { \small e8 } }
% This is the same as thrwe
@ -352,7 +348,7 @@ Gbarluadh = { \pgrace { \small d32[ a e a f a e a d a c a b a e a f a] } }
GbarluadhG = { \pgrace { \small d32[ a e G f G e G d G c G b G e G f G] } }
% Non-gracenote piobaireachd markup.
trebling = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.3)
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.4)
\column {
\musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto"
\musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto"
@ -361,15 +357,21 @@ trebling = \markup {
% Abbreviated notation common in piobaireachd scores.
% TODO: Make sure these are put on a fixed Y-position.
txtaor = \markup { "T" }
txcrun = \markup { "C" }
txtaor = \markup { \center-align "T" }
txcrun = \markup { \center-align "C" }
txtaorcrun = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8)
\column { "T" "C" }
\column {
\center-align "T"
\center-align "C"
txtaoram = \markup { "T’’" }
txcrunam = \markup { "C’’" }
txtaoram = \markup { \center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "T" }
txcrunam = \markup { \center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "C" }
txtaorcrunam = \markup {
\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8)
\column { "T’’" "C’’" }
\column {
\center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "T"
\center-align \scale #'(-1 . -1) "C"
@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
ragged-bottom = ##t
\layout {
indent = 30\mm
indent = 30\mm
\context {
\override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f
\score {
@ -65,12 +69,12 @@
\set Staff.instrumentName = "Slurs "
\slura a \slurb b \slurc c \slurd d
\slura a \slurb b \slurc c \slurd d \wslurd d
\slure e \slurf f \slurg g \slurA A
\hslurf f \tslurf f
\addlyrics {
"\slura" "\slurb" "\slurc" "\slurd"
"\slura" "\slurb" "\slurc" "\slurd" "\wslurd"
"\slure" "\slurf" "\slurg" "\slurA"
"\hslurf" "\\tslurf"
@ -164,10 +168,12 @@
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { "Crunluath " }
e \crun e d \dcrun e G \Gcrun e
b \crunamb e c \crunamc e b \crunamd e
s16 \grg a8[ \grd b16 \crunambfosg b] s16 \grg a8[ \grd c16 \crunamcfosg c]
\addlyrics {
\skip 4 "\\crun" \skip 4 "\dcrun" \skip 4 "\Gcrun"
\skip 4 "\\crunamb" \skip 4 "\\crunamc" \skip 4 "\\crunamd"
\skip 4 "\\crunambfosg" \skip 4 "\\crunamcfosg"
@ -177,13 +183,13 @@
\set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Piobaireachd " "notation " } }
\cad c4 A \hcad c
e \gracad e d \grGcad d
a \pthrwd d c \darodo b G \Gdarodo c
a \pthrwd d c \darodo b c \pdarodo b G \Gdarodo c
a \dre e G \bari g e \dari g e \dare f
\addlyrics {
"\cad" \skip 4 "\hcad"
\skip 4 "\gracad" \skip 4 "\grGcad"
\skip 4 "\pthrwd" \skip 4 "\darodo" \skip 4 "\Gdarodo"
\skip 4 "\pthrwd" \skip 4 "\darodo" \skip 4 "\pdarodo" \skip 4 "\Gdarodo"
\skip 4 "\dre" \skip 4 "\bari" \skip 4 "\dari" \skip 4 "\dare"
@ -248,6 +254,6 @@
\header {
title = "Cheat sheet for entering bagpipe music"
subtitle = "Intended for Lilypond 2.12 or better"
subtitle = "Intended for Lilypond 2.14 or better"
tagline = \markup { "P/S Sven Axelsson, The Murray Pipes & Drums of Gothenburg" }
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