% Generated from /Users/sven/Documents/Music/Bagpipe/_sets/medley_2008_strasbourg.ly by makelily.py \version "2.11.43" #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) #(set-global-staff-size 16) #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'portrait) \include "./bagpipe.ly" \include "./bagpipe_extra.ly" \include "./format.ly" % Local tweaks \paper { annotatespacing = ##f ragged-bottom = ##t } % The tune to generate. \header { title = "2008 Medley for Strasbourg" } \markuplines{\wordwrap{Four bars jig intro, then first four bars extending the last note of bar 2 and 4 by four extra beats, then start again from the top.}} \include "jigs/archie_beag.ly" \include "airs/mist_covered_mountains.ly" #(break-before-next-score) \include "strathspeys/unknown.ly" \include "strathspeys/mac_an_irish.ly" \include "scandinavian/harp_schottis.ly" #(break-before-next-score) \include "reels/airlies_big_day.ly" \include "reels/foot_it_neatly.ly" \include "piobaireachd/lament_for_the_harp_tree.ly" \markuplines{\wordwrap{Hold the cluster for 10 seconds or so, start with cuttings from the top, one set of unison cuttings before the tune starts.}} #(break-before-next-score) \include "jigs/braes_of_mellinish.ly" \markuplines{\wordwrap{Cluster like before, one single beat in jig tempo then break immediately into hornpipe.}} #(break-before-next-score) \include "suites/murrays_fancy_6_hornpipe.ly"