%{ Bagpipe music settings for Lilypond. This file builds on work by Andrew McNabb (http://www.mcnabbs.org/andrew/) Substantial changes and additions made by Sven Axelsson, the Murray Pipes & Drums of Gothenburg (http://www.murrays.nu) %} \version "2.12.0" % Notes of the scale of the Great Highland Bagpipe. Extra high notes for bombarde. % Flat notes used mainly in some modern music. pitchnamesBagpipe = #`( (G . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 4 NATURAL)) (a . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 5 NATURAL)) (b . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 6 NATURAL)) (bflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 0 6 FLAT)) (c . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 0 SHARP)) (cflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 0 FLAT)) (d . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 1 NATURAL)) (e . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 2 NATURAL)) (f . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 SHARP)) (fflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 3 FLAT)) (g . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 NATURAL)) (gflat . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 4 FLAT)) (A . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 5 NATURAL)) (B . ,(ly:make-pitch 1 6 NATURAL)) (C . ,(ly:make-pitch 2 0 SHARP)) ) pitchnames = \pitchnamesBagpipe #(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames) % Bagpipe music is written in something like D major. If we use % flattened notes, the flat should be shown on all instances. bagpipeKey = { \key d \major #(set-accidental-style 'forget) } % Show the key signature e.g. for BMW compatibility. showKeySignature = { \override Staff.KeySignature #'stencil = #'ly:key-signature-interface::print \override StaffGroup.KeySignature #'stencil = #'ly:key-signature-interface::print \override Score.KeySignature #'stencil = #'ly:key-signature-interface::print } % Show the true key signature (E-flat major). Use together with % \transpose f a to print scores for other instruments. showTrueKeySignature = { \override Staff.KeySignature #'stencil = #'ly:key-signature-interface::print \override StaffGroup.KeySignature #'stencil = #'ly:key-signature-interface::print \override Score.KeySignature #'stencil = #'ly:key-signature-interface::print \override Stem #'direction = #0 \override Slur #'direction = #0 \override Tie #'direction = #0 } disgrace = #(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?) (make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)) removeGracenotes = { % grace = \disgrace } % Various tweaks to get good defaults for bagpipe music. \paper { top-margin = 4\mm bottom-margin = 4\mm } \layout { indent = 0.0 \context { \Score between-system-space = #0.1 between-system-padding = #0.0 \remove "Bar_number_engraver" \override Stem #'direction = #down \override Slur #'direction = #up \override Tie #'direction = #up \override KeySignature #'print-function = ##f \override VoltaBracketSpanner #'Y-extent = #'(-1 . 0) \override VoltaBracket #'height = #2.2 } \context { \StaffGroup between-system-space = #0.1 between-system-padding = #0.0 extraNatural = ##f \override KeySignature #'stencil = ##f } \context { \Staff extraNatural = ##f midiInstrument = #"bagpipe" \override KeySignature #'stencil = ##f } } % Some common timing tweaks. % Sets the autobeamer to span quarter notes only. Use for fast music. quarterBeaming = { #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 2 'Staff) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 3 4 'Staff) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 4 4 'Staff) #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 2 4 ) 1 8 'Staff) #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 2 4 ) 3 8 'Staff) #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 1 8 'Staff) #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 3 8 'Staff) #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 5 8 'Staff) #(revert-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 32 4 4 ) 7 8 'Staff) } halfBeaming = { #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 2 2) 1 2 'Staff) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 2 2) 2 2 'Staff) } % Reels are in allabreve time with half note beaming. reelTime = { \time 2/2 \halfBeaming } % 4/4 marches are written with numerical time signature and with quarter beaming. marchTime = { \time 4/4 \numericTimeSignature \quarterBeaming } % Single grace notes grG = { \grace { \small G32 } } gra = { \grace { \small a32 } } grb = { \grace { \small b32 } } grc = { \grace { \small c32 } } grd = { \grace { \small d32 } } gre = { \grace { \small e32 } } grf = { \grace { \small f32 } } grg = { \grace { \small g32 } } grA = { \grace { \small A32 } } % Doublings dblG = { \grace { \small g32[ G d] } } dbla = { \grace { \small g32[ a d] } } dblb = { \grace { \small g32[ b d] } } dblc = { \grace { \small g32[ c d] } } dbld = { \grace { \small g32[ d e] } } dble = { \grace { \small g32[ e f] } } dblf = { \grace { \small g32[ f g] } } % These are the same as the half doublings. dblg = { \grace { \small g32[ f] } } dblA = { \grace { \small A32[ g] } } % Half doublings hdblG = { \grace { \small G32[ d] } } hdbla = { \grace { \small a32[ d] } } hdblb = { \grace { \small b32[ d] } } hdblc = { \grace { \small c32[ d] } } hdbld = { \grace { \small d32[ e] } } hdble = { \grace { \small e32[ f] } } hdblf = { \grace { \small f32[ g] } } hdblg = { \grace { \small g32[ f] } } hdblA = { \grace { \small A32[ g] } } % Thumb doublings tdblG = { \grace { \small A32[ G d] } } tdbla = { \grace { \small A32[ a d] } } tdblb = { \grace { \small A32[ b d] } } tdblc = { \grace { \small A32[ c d] } } tdbld = { \grace { \small A32[ d e] } } tdble = { \grace { \small A32[ e f] } } tdblf = { \grace { \small A32[ f g] } } tdblg = { \grace { \small A32[ g f] } } % Shakes % A few of these can't really be played and are here only for consistency. shakea = { \grace { \small g32[ a e a G] } } shakeb = { \grace { \small g32[ b e b G] } } shakec = { \grace { \small g32[ c e c G] } } shaked = { \grace { \small g32[ d e d G] } } shakee = { \grace { \small g32[ e f e a] } } shakef = { \grace { \small g32[ f g f a] } } shakeg = { \grace { \small A32[ f g a] } } shakeA = { \grace { \small A32[ g A a] } } % Half shakes hshakea = { \grace { \small a32[ d a G] } } hshakeb = { \grace { \small b32[ d b G] } } hshakec = { \grace { \small c32[ d c G] } } hshaked = { \grace { \small d32[ e d G] } } hshakee = { \grace { \small e32[ f e a] } } hshakef = { \grace { \small f32[ g f a] } } hshakeg = { \grace { \small g32[ f g a] } } hshakeA = { \grace { \small A32[ g A a] } } % Thumb shakes tshakea = { \grace { \small A32[ a d a G] } } tshakeb = { \grace { \small A32[ b d b G] } } tshakec = { \grace { \small A32[ c d c G] } } tshaked = { \grace { \small A32[ d e d G] } } tshakee = { \grace { \small A32[ e f e a] } } tshakef = { \grace { \small A32[ f g f a] } } tshakeg = { \grace { \small A32[ f g a] } } tshakeA = { \grace { \small A32[ g A a] } } % Slurs % A few of these can't really be played and are here only for consistency. slura = { \grace { \small g32[ a G] } } slurb = { \grace { \small g32[ b G] } } slurc = { \grace { \small g32[ c G] } } slurd = { \grace { \small g32[ d G] } } slure = { \grace { \small g32[ e a] } } slurf = { \grace { \small g32[ f a] } } slurg = { \grace { \small A32[ f a] } } slurA = { \grace { \small f32[ a] } } % Half slurs hslura = { \grace { \small a32[ G] } } hslurb = { \grace { \small b32[ G] } } hslurc = { \grace { \small c32[ G] } } hslurd = { \grace { \small d32[ G] } } hslure = { \grace { \small e32[ a] } } hslurf = { \grace { \small f32[ a] } } hslurg = { \grace { \small g32[ a] } } hslurA = { \grace { \small A32[ a] } } % Thumb slurs tslura = { \grace { \small A32[ a G] } } tslurb = { \grace { \small A32[ b G] } } tslurc = { \grace { \small A32[ c G] } } tslurd = { \grace { \small A32[ d a] } } tslure = { \grace { \small A32[ e a] } } tslurf = { \grace { \small A32[ f a] } } tslurg = { \grace { \small A32[ f a] } } tslurA = { \grace { \small f32[ a] } } % Catches catcha = { \grace { \small a32[ G d G] } } catchb = { \grace { \small b32[ G d G] } } catchc = { \grace { \small c32[ G d G] } } catchd = { \grace { \small d32[ G b G] } } catche = { \grace { \small e32[ G d G] } } % G-grace catches gcatcha = { \grace { \small g32[ a G d G] } } gcatchb = { \grace { \small g32[ b G d G] } } gcatchc = { \grace { \small g32[ c G d G] } } gcatchd = { \grace { \small g32[ d G b G] } } gcatche = { \grace { \small g32[ e G d G] } } % Thumb catches tcatcha = { \grace { \small A32[ a G d G] } } tcatchb = { \grace { \small A32[ b G d G] } } tcatchc = { \grace { \small A32[ c G d G] } } tcatchd = { \grace { \small A32[ d G b G] } } tcatche = { \grace { \small A32[ e G d G] } } % Triple strikes (BMW has them all, but I've never seen any but the A one used, so ...) tripleA = { \grace { \small A32[ g A g A g] } } % Throws thrwd = { \grace { \small G32[ d c] } } Gthrwd = { \grace { \small d32[ c] } } gripthrwd = { \grace { \small G32[ d G c] } } thrwe = { \grace { \small e32[ a f a] } } wthrwe = { \grace { \small e32[ d f d] } } thrwf = { \grace { \small f32[ e g e] } } % Birls birl = { \grace { \small a32[ G a G] } } wbirl = { \grace { \small G32[ a G] } } gbirl = { \grace { \small g32[ a G a G] } } dbirl = { \grace { \small d32[ a G a G] } } % Grips grip = { \grace { \small G32[ d G] } } dgrip = { \grace { \small G32[ b G] } } egrip = { \grace { \small G32[ e G] } } % Taorluaths taor = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e] } } dtaor = { \grace { \small G32[ b G e] } } Gtaor = { \grace { \small d32[ G e] } } taoramb = { \grace { \small G32[ d G b e] } } taoramc = { \grace { \small G32[ d G c e] } } taoramd = { \grace { \small G32[ d G c d e] } } % Crunluaths crun = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e a f a ] } } dcrun = { \grace { \small G32[ b G e a f a ] } } Gcrun = { \grace { \small d32[ G e G f a ] } } crunamb = { \grace { \small G32[ d G b e b f b ] } } crunamc = { \grace { \small G32[ d G c e c f c ] } } crunamd = { \grace { \small G32[ d G c d e d f d ] } } crunambfosg = { \grace { \small e32[ b f b ] } } crunamcfosg = { \grace { \small e32[ c f c ] } } crunamdfosg = { \grace { \small e32[ d f d ] } } % Special piobaireachd notations grGcad = { \grace { \small G16 } } gracad = { \grace { \small a16 } } cad = { \grace { \small g32[ e8 d32] } } hcad = { \grace { \small g32[ e8] } } tcad = { \grace { \small e8[ d32] } } thcad = { \grace { \small e8 } } % This is the same as thrwe dre = { \grace { \small e32[ a f a] } } % This is the same as thrwf dare = { \grace { \small f32[ e g e] } } bari = { \grace { \small e32[ G f G] } } dari = { \grace { \small f32[ e g e f e] } } pthrwd = { \grace { \small G16[ d32 c] } } darodo = { \grace { \small G32[ d G c G] } } Gdarodo = { \grace { \small d32[ G c G] } } pdarodo = { \grace { \small G16[ d32 G c G16] } } pGdarodo = { \grace { \small d32[ G c G16] } } % Weird stuff from Joseph MacDonald’s book fifteenthcutting = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e a f a e a d] } } fifteenthcuttingG = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e G f G e G d] } } Gfifteenthcutting = { \grace { \small d32[ G e a f a e a d] } } GfifteenthcuttingG = { \grace { \small d32[ G e G f G e G d] } } seventeenthcutting = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e a f a e a d a c] } } seventeenthcuttingG = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e G f G e G d G c] } } Gseventeenthcutting = { \grace { \small d32[ G e a f a e a d a c] } } GseventeenthcuttingG = { \grace { \small d32[ G e G f G e G d G c] } } barluadh = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e a f a e a d a c a b a e a f a] } } barluadhG = { \grace { \small G32[ d G e G f G e G d G c G b G e G f G] } } Gbarluadh = { \grace { \small d32[ G e a f a e a d a c a b a e a f a] } } GbarluadhG = { \grace { \small d32[ G e G f G e G d G c G b G e G f G] } } % Non-gracenote piobaireachd markup. trebling = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.3) \column { \musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto" \musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto" \musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto" } } % Abbreviated notation common in piobaireachd scores. % TODO: Make sure these are put on a fixed Y-position. txtaor = \markup { "T" } txcrun = \markup { "C" } txtaorcrun = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8) \column { "T" "C" } } txtaoram = \markup { "T’’" } txcrunam = \markup { "C’’" } txtaorcrunam = \markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.8) \column { "T’’" "C’’" } }