\version "2.16.0" \header { title = "Medley Selection 2" } \paper { #(define page-breaking ly:minimal-breaking) } \markuplist{\wordwrap{ Note: Only the first two parts are played in the medley set. }} \include "hornpipes/uphold_the_right.ly" \include "airs/el_alamein.ly" \include "strathspeys/macphedrans_strathspey.ly" \pageBreak \include "reels/airlies_big_day.ly" \include "reels/wretched_man.ly" \include "reels/famous_bridge.ly" \pageBreak \include "piobaireachd/clan_campbells_gathering_2.ly" \markuplist{\wordwrap{ Replace the initial partial bar with a quarter B and the doubling with a dre, like in the piobaireachd fragment. The initial e doublings in the other parts are also replaced with dre. Note: Only the first two parts are played in the medley set. }} \include "hornpipes/donald_macleod.ly" \include "jigs/rocking_the_baby.ly"