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" ==============================================================================
" History: This was originally part of auctex.vim by Carl Mueller.
" Srinath Avadhanula incorporated it into latex-suite with
" significant modifications.
" Parts of this file may be copyrighted by others as noted.
" Description:
" This ftplugin provides the following maps:
" . <M-b> encloses the previous character in \mathbf{}
" . <M-c> is polymorphic as follows:
" Insert mode:
" 1. If the previous character is a letter or number, then capitalize it and
" enclose it in \mathcal{}
" 2. otherwise insert \cite{}
" Visual Mode:
" 1. Enclose selection in \mathcal{}
" . <M-l> is also polymorphic as follows:
" If the character before typing <M-l> is one of '([{|<q', then do the
" following:
" 1. (<M-l> \left(\right
" similarly for [, |
" {<M-l> \left\{\right\}
" 2. <<M-l> \langle\rangle
" 3. q<M-l> \lefteqn{}
" otherwise insert \label{}
" . <M-i> inserts \item commands at the current cursor location depending on
" the surrounding environment. For example, inside itemize, it will
" insert a simple \item, but within a description, it will insert
" \item[<+label+>] etc.
" These functions make it extremeley easy to do all the \left \right stuff in
" latex.
" ==============================================================================
" Avoid reinclusion.
if exists('b:did_brackets')
let b:did_brackets = 1
" define the funtions only once.
if exists('*Tex_MathBF')
" Tex_MathBF: encloses te previous letter/number in \mathbf{} {{{
" Description:
function! Tex_MathBF()
return "\<Left>\\mathbf{\<Right>}"
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_MathCal: enclose the previous letter/number in \mathcal {{{
" Description:
" if the last character is not a letter/number, then insert \cite{}
function! Tex_MathCal()
let line = getline(line("."))
let char = line[col(".")-2]
if char =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]'
return "\<BS>".'\mathcal{'.toupper(char).'}'
return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\cite{<++>}<++>')
" }}}
" Tex_LeftRight: maps <M-l> in insert mode. {{{
" Description:
" This is a polymorphic function, which maps the behaviour of <M-l> in the
" following way:
" If the character before typing <M-l> is one of '([{|<q', then do the
" following:
" 1. (<M-l> \left(<++>\right<++>
" similarly for [, |
" {<M-l> \left\{<++>\right\}<++>
" 2. <<M-l> \langle<++>\rangle<++>
" 3. q<M-l> \lefteqn{<++>}<++>
" otherwise insert \label{<++>}<++>
function! Tex_LeftRight()
let line = getline(line("."))
let char = line[col(".")-2]
let previous = line[col(".")-3]
let matchedbrackets = '()[]{}||'
if char =~ '(\|\[\|{\||'
let add = ''
if char =~ '{'
let add = "\\"
let rhs = matchstr(matchedbrackets, char.'\zs.\ze')
return "\<BS>".IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\left'.add.char.'<++>\right'.add.rhs.'<++>')
elseif char == '<'
return "\<BS>".IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\langle <++>\rangle<++>')
elseif char == 'q'
return "\<BS>".IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\lefteqn{<++>}<++>')
return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\label{<++>}<++>')
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_PutLeftRight: maps <M-l> in normal mode {{{
" Description:
" Put \left...\right in front of the matched brackets.
function! Tex_PutLeftRight()
let previous = getline(line("."))[col(".") - 2]
let char = getline(line("."))[col(".") - 1]
if previous == '\'
if char == '{'
exe "normal ileft\\\<Esc>l%iright\\\<Esc>l%"
elseif char == '}'
exe "normal iright\\\<Esc>l%ileft\\\<Esc>l%"
elseif char =~ '\[\|('
exe "normal i\\left\<Esc>l%i\\right\<Esc>l%"
elseif char =~ '\]\|)'
exe "normal i\\right\<Esc>l%i\\left\<Esc>l%"
endfunction " }}}
" Provide <plug>'d mapping for easy user customization. {{{
inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathBF <C-r>=Tex_MathBF()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathCal <C-r>=Tex_MathCal()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight <C-r>=Tex_LeftRight()<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathBF <C-C>`>a}<Esc>`<i\mathbf{<Esc>
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathCal <C-C>`>a}<Esc>`<i\mathcal{<Esc>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight :call Tex_PutLeftRight()<CR>
" }}}
" Tex_SetBracketingMaps: create mappings for the current buffer {{{
function! <SID>Tex_SetBracketingMaps()
call Tex_MakeMap('<M-b>', '<Plug>Tex_MathBF', 'i', '<buffer> <silent>')
call Tex_MakeMap('<M-c>', '<Plug>Tex_MathCal', 'i', '<buffer> <silent>')
call Tex_MakeMap('<M-l>', '<Plug>Tex_LeftRight', 'i', '<buffer> <silent>')
call Tex_MakeMap('<M-b>', '<Plug>Tex_MathBF', 'v', '<buffer> <silent>')
call Tex_MakeMap('<M-c>', '<Plug>Tex_MathCal', 'v', '<buffer> <silent>')
call Tex_MakeMap('<M-l>', '<Plug>Tex_LeftRight', 'n', '<buffer> <silent>')
" }}}
augroup LatexSuite
au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
\ call Tex_Debug('brackets.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'brak') |
\ call <SID>Tex_SetBracketingMaps()
augroup END
" vim:fdm=marker