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" File: compiler.vim
" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
" Created: Tue Apr 23 05:00 PM 2002 PST
" Description: functions for compiling/viewing/searching latex documents
" Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget: sets the 'target' for the next call to Tex_RunLaTeX() {{{
function! Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget(type, target)
call Tex_Debug("+Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget: setting target to [".a:target."] for ".a:type."r", "comp")
if a:target == ''
let target = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_DefaultTargetFormat')
let target = input('Enter the target format for '.a:type.'r: ', target)
let target = a:target
if target == ''
let target = 'dvi'
let targetRule = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_'.a:type.'Rule_'.target)
if targetRule != ''
if a:type == 'Compile'
let &l:makeprg = escape(targetRule, Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_EscapeChars'))
elseif a:type == 'View'
let s:viewer = targetRule
let s:target = target
elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_'.a:type.'RuleComplete_'.target) != ''
let s:target = target
elseif a:type == 'View' && has('macunix')
" On the mac, we can have empty view rules, so do not complain when
" both Tex_ViewRule_target and Tex_ViewRuleComplete_target are
" empty. On other platforms, we will complain... see below.
let s:target = target
let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd())
exe 'cd '.fnameescape(expand('%:p:h'))
if !Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseMakefile') || (glob('makefile*') == '' && glob('Makefile*') == '')
if has('gui_running')
call confirm(
\'No '.a:type.' rule defined for target '.target."\n".
\'Please specify a rule in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex/texrc'."\n".
\' :help Tex_'.a:type.'Rule_format'."\n".
\'for more information',
\"&ok", 1, 'Warning')
call input(
\'No '.a:type.' rule defined for target '.target."\n".
\'Please specify a rule in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex/texrc'."\n".
\' :help Tex_'.a:type.'Rule_format'."\n".
\'for more information'
echomsg 'Assuming target is for makefile'
let s:target = target
exe 'cd '.s:origdir
function! SetTeXTarget(...)
if a:0 < 1
let target = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_DefaultTargetFormat')
let target = input('Enter the target format for compiler and viewer: ', target)
let target = a:1
if target == ''
let target = 'dvi'
call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('Compile', target)
call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('View', target)
com! -nargs=1 TCTarget :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('Compile', <f-args>)
com! -nargs=1 TVTarget :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('View', <f-args>)
com! -nargs=? TTarget :call SetTeXTarget(<f-args>)
" }}}
" Tex_CompileLatex: compiles the present file. {{{
" Description:
function! Tex_CompileLatex()
if &ft != 'tex'
echo "calling Tex_RunLaTeX from a non-tex file"
" close any preview windows left open.
let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd())
" Find the main file corresponding to this file. Always cd to the
" directory containing the file to avoid problems with the directory
" containing spaces.
" Latex on linux seems to be unable to handle file names with spaces at
" all! Therefore for the moment, do not attempt to handle spaces in the
" file name.
if exists('b:fragmentFile')
let mainfname = expand('%:p:t')
call Tex_CD(expand('%:p:h'))
let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t')
call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: getting mainfname = ['.mainfname.'] from Tex_GetMainFileName', 'comp')
" if a makefile exists and the user wants to use it, then use that
" irrespective of whether *.latexmain exists or not. mainfname is still
" extracted from *.latexmain (if possible) log file name depends on the
" main file which will be compiled.
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseMakefile') && (glob('makefile') != '' || glob('Makefile') != '')
let _makeprg = &l:makeprg
call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileLatex: using the makefile in the current directory", "comp")
let &l:makeprg = 'make $*'
if exists('s:target')
call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make! '.s:target.']', 'comp')
exec 'make! '.s:target
call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make!]', 'comp')
exec 'make!'
let &l:makeprg = _makeprg
" If &makeprg has something like "$*.ps", it means that it wants the
" file-name without the extension... Therefore remove it.
if &makeprg =~ '\$\*\.\w\+'
let mainfname = fnamemodify(mainfname, ':r')
call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make! '.mainfname.']', 'comp')
exec 'make! '.mainfname
exe 'cd '.s:origdir
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_RunLaTeX: compilation function {{{
" this function runs the latex command on the currently open file. often times
" the file being currently edited is only a fragment being \input'ed into some
" master tex file. in this case, make a file called mainfile.latexmain in the
" directory containig the file. in other words, if the current file is
" ~/thesis/chapter.tex
" so that doing "latex chapter.tex" doesnt make sense, then make a file called
" main.tex.latexmain
" in the ~/thesis directory. this will then run "latex main.tex" when
" Tex_RunLaTeX() is called.
function! Tex_RunLaTeX()
call Tex_Debug('+Tex_RunLaTeX, b:fragmentFile = '.exists('b:fragmentFile'), 'comp')
let dir = expand("%:p:h").'/'
let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd())
call Tex_CD(expand("%:p:h"))
let initTarget = s:target
" first get the dependency chain of this format.
call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling to target [".s:target."]", "comp")
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_FormatDependency_'.s:target) != ''
let dependency = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_FormatDependency_'.s:target)
if dependency !~ ','.s:target.'$'
let dependency = dependency.','.s:target
let dependency = s:target
call Tex_Debug('Tex_RunLaTeX: getting dependency chain = ['.dependency.']', 'comp')
" now compile to the final target format via each dependency.
let i = 1
while Tex_Strntok(dependency, ',', i) != ''
let s:target = Tex_Strntok(dependency, ',', i)
call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('Compile', s:target)
call Tex_Debug('Tex_RunLaTeX: setting target to '.s:target, 'comp')
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_MultipleCompileFormats') =~ '\<'.s:target.'\>'
call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling file multiple times via Tex_CompileMultipleTimes", "comp")
call Tex_CompileMultipleTimes()
call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling file once via Tex_CompileLatex", "comp")
call Tex_CompileLatex()
let errlist = Tex_GetErrorList()
call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: errlist = [".errlist."]", "comp")
" If there are any errors, then break from the rest of the steps
if errlist =~ '\v(error|warning)'
call Tex_Debug('Tex_RunLaTeX: There were errors in compiling, breaking chain...', 'comp')
let i = i + 1
let s:target = initTarget
let s:origwinnum = winnr()
call Tex_SetupErrorWindow()
exe 'cd '.s:origdir
call Tex_Debug("-Tex_RunLaTeX", "comp")
" }}}
" Tex_ViewLaTeX: opens viewer {{{
" Description: opens the DVI viewer for the file being currently edited.
" Again, if the current file is a \input in a master file, see text above
" Tex_RunLaTeX() to see how to set this information.
function! Tex_ViewLaTeX()
if &ft != 'tex'
echo "calling Tex_ViewLaTeX from a non-tex file"
let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd())
" If b:fragmentFile is set, it means this file was compiled as a fragment
" using Tex_PartCompile, which means that we want to ignore any
" *.latexmain or makefile's.
if !exists('b:fragmentFile')
" cd to the location of the file to avoid having to deal with spaces
" in the directory name.
let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t:r')
call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
let mainfname = expand("%:p:t:r")
call Tex_CD(expand("%:p:h"))
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRuleComplete_'.s:target) != ''
let execString = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRuleComplete_'.s:target)
let execString = substitute(execString, '{v:servername}', v:servername, 'g')
elseif has('win32')
" unfortunately, yap does not allow the specification of an external
" editor from the command line. that would have really helped ensure
" that this particular vim and yap are connected.
let execString = 'start '.s:viewer.' "$*.'.s:target.'"'
elseif (has('macunix') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_TreatMacViewerAsUNIX') != 1)
if strlen(s:viewer)
let appOpt = '-a '
let appOpt = ''
let execString = 'open '.appOpt.s:viewer.' $*.'.s:target
" taken from Dimitri Antoniou's tip on vim.sf.net (tip #225).
" slight change to actually use the current servername instead of
" hardcoding it as xdvi.
" Using an option for specifying the editor in the command line
" because that seems to not work on older bash'es.
if s:target == 'dvi'
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 &&
\ v:servername != '' &&
\ s:viewer =~ '^ *xdvik\?\( \|$\)'
let execString = s:viewer.' -editor "gvim --servername '.v:servername.
\ ' --remote-silent +\%l \%f" $*.dvi'
elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 &&
\ s:viewer =~ '^ *kdvi\( \|$\)'
let execString = s:viewer.' --unique $*.dvi'
let execString = s:viewer.' $*.dvi'
let execString = s:viewer.' $*.'.s:target
if( Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ExecuteUNIXViewerInForeground') != 1 )
let execString = execString.' &'
let execString = substitute(execString, '\V$*', mainfname, 'g')
call Tex_Debug("Tex_ViewLaTeX: execString = ".execString, "comp")
exec 'silent! !'.execString
if !has('gui_running')
exe 'cd '.s:origdir
" }}}
" Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX: searches for current location in dvi file. {{{
" Description: if the DVI viewer is compatible, then take the viewer to that
" position in the dvi file. see docs for Tex_RunLaTeX() to set a
" master file if this is an \input'ed file.
" Tip: With YAP on Windows, it is possible to do forward and inverse searches
" on DVI files. to do forward search, you'll have to compile the file
" with the --src-specials option. then set the following as the command
" line in the 'view/options/inverse search' dialog box:
" gvim --servername LATEX --remote-silent +%l "%f"
" For inverse search, if you are reading this, then just pressing \ls
" will work.
function! Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX()
if &ft != 'tex'
echo "calling Tex_ForwardSeachLaTeX from a non-tex file"
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRule_'.s:target) == ''
let viewer = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRule_'.s:target)
let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd())
let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':t')
let mainfnameRoot = fnamemodify(Tex_GetMainFileName(), ':t:r')
let mainfnameFull = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:r')
" cd to the location of the file to avoid problems with directory name
" containing spaces.
call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
" inverse search tips taken from Dimitri Antoniou's tip and Benji Fisher's
" tips on vim.sf.net (vim.sf.net tip #225)
if (has('win32') && (viewer =~? '^ *yap\( \|$\)'))
let execString = 'silent! !start '. viewer.' -s '.line('.').expand('%').' '.mainfnameRoot
elseif (has('macunix') && (viewer =~ '^ *\(Skim\|PDFView\|TeXniscope\)\( \|$\)'))
" We're on a Mac using a traditional Mac viewer
if viewer =~ '^ *Skim'
let execString = 'silent! !/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline '.
\ line('.').' "'.mainfnameFull.'.'.s:target.'" "'.expand("%:p").'"'
elseif viewer =~ '^ *PDFView'
let execString = 'silent! !/Applications/PDFView.app/Contents/MacOS/gotoline.sh '.
\ line('.').' "'.mainfnameFull.'.'.s:target.'" "'.expand("%:p").'"'
elseif viewer =~ '^ *TeXniscope'
let execString = 'silent! !/Applications/TeXniscope.app/Contents/Resources/forward-search.sh '.
\ line('.').' "'.expand("%:p").'" "'.mainfnameFull.'.'.s:target.'"'
" We're either UNIX or Mac and using a UNIX-type viewer
" Check for the special DVI viewers first
if viewer =~ '^ *\(xdvi\|xdvik\|kdvi\|okular\)\( \|$\)'
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 &&
\ exists('v:servername') &&
\ viewer =~ '^ *xdvik\?\( \|$\)'
let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' -name xdvi -sourceposition "'.line('.').' '.expand("%").'"'.
\ ' -editor "gvim --servername '.v:servername.' --remote-silent +\%l \%f" '.
\ mainfnameRoot.'.dvi'
elseif viewer =~ '^ *kdvi'
let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' --unique file:'.mainfnameRoot.'.dvi\#src:'.line('.').expand("%")
elseif viewer =~ '^ *xdvik\?\( \|$\)'
let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' -name xdvi -sourceposition "'.line('.').' '.expand("%").'" '.mainfnameRoot.'.dvi'
elseif viewer =~ '^ *okular'
let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' --unique '.mainfnameRoot.'.'.s:target.'\#src:'.line('.').expand("%:p")
" We must be using a generic UNIX viewer
let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' "'.mainfnameRoot.'.'.s:target.'" '.line('.').' "'.expand('%').'"'
" See if we should add &. On Mac (at least in MacVim), it seems
" like this should NOT be added...
if( Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ExecuteUNIXViewerInForeground') != 1 )
let execString = execString.' &'
call Tex_Debug("Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX: execString = ".execString, "comp")
execute execString
if !has('gui_running')
exe 'cd '.s:origdir
" }}}
" ==============================================================================
" Functions for compiling parts of a file.
" ==============================================================================
" Tex_PartCompile: compiles selected fragment {{{
" Description: creates a temporary file from the selected fragment of text
" prepending the preamble and \end{document} and then asks Tex_RunLaTeX() to
" compile it.
function! Tex_PartCompile() range
call Tex_Debug('+Tex_PartCompile', 'comp')
" Get a temporary file in the same directory as the file from which
" fragment is being extracted. This is to enable the use of relative path
" names in the fragment.
let tmpfile = Tex_GetTempName(expand('%:p:h'))
" Remember all the temp files and for each temp file created, remember
" where the temp file came from.
let s:Tex_NumTempFiles = (exists('s:Tex_NumTempFiles') ? s:Tex_NumTempFiles + 1 : 1)
let s:Tex_TempFiles = (exists('s:Tex_TempFiles') ? s:Tex_TempFiles : '')
\ . tmpfile."\n"
let s:Tex_TempFile_{s:Tex_NumTempFiles} = tmpfile
" TODO: For a function Tex_RestoreFragment which restores a temp file to
" its original location.
let s:Tex_TempFileOrig_{s:Tex_NumTempFiles} = expand('%:p')
let s:Tex_TempFileRange_{s:Tex_NumTempFiles} = a:firstline.','.a:lastline
" Set up an autocmd to clean up the temp files when Vim exits.
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_RemoveTempFiles')
augroup RemoveTmpFiles
au VimLeave * :call Tex_RemoveTempFiles()
augroup END
" If mainfile exists open it in tiny window and extract preamble there,
" otherwise do it from current file
let mainfile = Tex_GetMainFileName(":p")
exe 'bot 1 split '.escape(mainfile, ' ')
exe '1,/\s*\\begin{document}/w '.tmpfile
wincmd q
exe a:firstline.','.a:lastline."w! >> ".tmpfile
" edit the temporary file
exec 'drop '.tmpfile
" append the \end{document} line.
$ put ='\end{document}'
" set this as a fragment file.
let b:fragmentFile = 1
silent! call Tex_RunLaTeX()
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_RemoveTempFiles: cleans up temporary files created during part compilation {{{
" Description: During part compilation, temporary files containing the
" visually selected text are created. These files need to be
" removed when Vim exits to avoid "file leakage".
function! Tex_RemoveTempFiles()
if !exists('s:Tex_NumTempFiles') || !Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_RemoveTempFiles')
let i = 1
while i <= s:Tex_NumTempFiles
let tmpfile = s:Tex_TempFile_{i}
" Remove the tmp file and all other associated files such as the
" .log files etc.
call Tex_DeleteFile(fnamemodify(tmpfile, ':p:r').'.*')
let i = i + 1
endfunction " }}}
" ==============================================================================
" Compiling a file multiple times to resolve references/citations etc.
" ==============================================================================
" Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: The main function {{{
" Description: compiles a file multiple times to get cross-references right.
function! Tex_CompileMultipleTimes()
" Just extract the root without any extension because we want to construct
" the log file names etc from it.
let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd())
let mainFileName_root = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t:r')
call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
" First ignore undefined references and the
" "rerun to get cross-references right" message from
" the compiler output.
let origlevel = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_IgnoreLevel')
let origpats = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_IgnoredWarnings')
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings."\n"
\ . 'Reference %.%# undefined'."\n"
\ . 'Rerun to get cross-references right'
TCLevel 1000
let idxFileName = mainFileName_root.'.idx'
let auxFileName = mainFileName_root.'.aux'
let runCount = 0
let needToRerun = 1
while needToRerun == 1 && runCount < 5
" assume we need to run only once.
let needToRerun = 0
let idxlinesBefore = Tex_CatFile(idxFileName)
let auxlinesBefore = Tex_GetAuxFile(auxFileName)
" first run latex.
echomsg "latex run number : ".(runCount+1)
call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: latex run number : ".(runCount+1), "comp")
silent! call Tex_CompileLatex()
" If there are errors in any latex compilation step, immediately
" return. For now, do not bother with warnings because those might go
" away after compiling again or after bibtex is run etc.
let errlist = Tex_GetErrorList()
call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: errors = [".errlist."]", "comp")
if errlist =~ 'error'
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = origpats
exec 'TCLevel '.origlevel
let idxlinesAfter = Tex_CatFile(idxFileName)
" If .idx file changed, then run makeindex to generate the new .ind
" file and remember to rerun latex.
if runCount == 0 && glob(idxFileName) != '' && idxlinesBefore != idxlinesAfter
echomsg "Running makeindex..."
let temp_mp = &mp | let &mp = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_MakeIndexFlavor')
exec 'silent! make '.mainFileName_root
let &mp = temp_mp
let needToRerun = 1
" The first time we see if we need to run bibtex and if the .bbl file
" changes, we will rerun latex.
if runCount == 0 && Tex_IsPresentInFile('\\bibdata', mainFileName_root.'.aux')
let bibFileName = mainFileName_root.'.bbl'
let biblinesBefore = Tex_CatFile(bibFileName)
echomsg "Running '".Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibtexFlavor')."' ..."
let temp_mp = &mp | let &mp = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibtexFlavor')
exec 'silent! make '.mainFileName_root
let &mp = temp_mp
let biblinesAfter = Tex_CatFile(bibFileName)
" If the .bbl file changed after running bibtex, we need to
" latex again.
if biblinesAfter != biblinesBefore
echomsg 'Need to rerun because bibliography file changed...'
call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Need to rerun because bibliography file changed...', 'comp')
let needToRerun = 1
" check if latex asks us to rerun
let auxlinesAfter = Tex_GetAuxFile(auxFileName)
if auxlinesAfter != auxlinesBefore
echomsg "Need to rerun because the AUX file changed..."
call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Need to rerun to get cross-references right...", 'comp')
let needToRerun = 1
let runCount = runCount + 1
call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Ran latex ".runCount." time(s)", "comp")
echomsg "Ran latex ".runCount." time(s)"
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = origpats
exec 'TCLevel '.origlevel
" After all compiler calls are done, reparse the .log file for
" errors/warnings to handle the situation where the clist might have been
" emptied because of bibtex/makeindex being run as the last step.
exec 'silent! cfile '.mainFileName_root.'.log'
exe 'cd '.s:origdir
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_GetAuxFile: get the contents of the AUX file {{{
" Description: get the contents of the AUX file recursively including any
" @\input'ted AUX files.
function! Tex_GetAuxFile(auxFile)
if !filereadable(a:auxFile)
return ''
let auxContents = Tex_CatFile(a:auxFile)
let pattern = '@\input{\(.\{-}\)}'
let auxContents = substitute(auxContents, pattern, '\=Tex_GetAuxFile(submatch(1))', 'g')
return auxContents
endfunction " }}}
" ==============================================================================
" Helper functions for
" . viewing the log file in preview mode.
" . syncing the display between the quickfix window and preview window
" . going to the correct line _and column_ number from from the quick fix
" window.
" ==============================================================================
" Tex_SetupErrorWindow: sets up the cwindow and preview of the .log file {{{
" Description:
function! Tex_SetupErrorWindow()
let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName()
let winnum = winnr()
" close the quickfix window before trying to open it again, otherwise
" whether or not we end up in the quickfix window after the :cwindow
" command is not fixed.
" create log file name from mainfname
let mfnlog = fnamemodify(mainfname, ":t:r").'.log'
call Tex_Debug('Tex_SetupErrorWindow: mfnlog = '.mfnlog, 'comp')
" if we moved to a different window, then it means we had some errors.
if winnum != winnr()
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ShowErrorContext')
call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow(mfnlog)
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> j j:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> k k:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <up> <up>:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <down> <down>:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <enter> :call Tex_GotoErrorLocation("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
setlocal nowrap
" resize the window to just fit in with the number of lines.
exec ( line('$') < 4 ? line('$') : 4 ).' wincmd _'
if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_GotoError') == 1
call Tex_GotoErrorLocation(mfnlog)
exec s:origwinnum.' wincmd w'
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_PositionPreviewWindow: positions the preview window correctly. {{{
" Description:
" The purpose of this function is to count the number of times an error
" occurs on the same line. or in other words, if the current line is
" something like |10 error|, then we want to count the number of
" lines in the quickfix window before this line which also contain lines
" like |10 error|.
function! Tex_PositionPreviewWindow(filename)
if getline('.') !~ '|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|'
if !search('|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|')
call Tex_Debug("not finding error pattern anywhere in quickfix window :".bufname(bufnr('%')),
\ 'comp')
" extract the error pattern (something like 'file.tex|10 error|') on the
" current line.
let errpat = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|\ze')
let errfile = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*\ze|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|')
" extract the line number from the error pattern.
let linenum = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze \(error\|warning\)|')
" if we are on an error, then count the number of lines before this in the
" quickfix window with an error on the same line.
if errpat =~ 'error|$'
" our location in the quick fix window.
let errline = line('.')
" goto the beginning of the quickfix window and begin counting the lines
" which show an error on the same line.
let numrep = 0
while 1
" if we are on the same kind of error line, then means we have another
" line containing the same error pattern.
if getline('.') =~ errpat
let numrep = numrep + 1
normal! 0
" if we have reached the original location in the quick fix window,
" then break.
if line('.') == errline
" otherwise, search for the next line which contains the same
" error pattern again. goto the end of the current line so we
" dont count this line again.
normal! $
call search(errpat, 'W')
let numrep = 1
if getline('.') =~ '|\d\+ warning|'
let searchpat = escape(matchstr(getline('.'), '|\d\+ warning|\s*\zs.*'), '\ ')
let searchpat = 'l\.'.linenum
" We first need to be in the scope of the correct file in the .log file.
" This is important for example, when a.tex and b.tex both have errors on
" line 9 of the file and we want to go to the error of b.tex. Merely
" searching forward from the beginning of the log file for l.9 will always
" land us on the error in a.tex.
if errfile != ''
exec 'silent! bot pedit +/(\\(\\f\\|\\[\\|\]\\|\\s\\)*'.errfile.'/ '.a:filename
exec 'bot pedit +0 '.a:filename
" Goto the preview window
" TODO: This is not robust enough. Check that a wincmd j actually takes
" us to the preview window.
wincmd j
" now search forward from this position in the preview window for the
" numrep^th error of the current line in the quickfix window.
while numrep > 0
call search(searchpat, 'W')
let numrep = numrep - 1
normal! z.
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow: updates the view of the log file {{{
" Description:
" This function should be called when focus is in a quickfix window.
" It opens the log file in a preview window and makes it display that
" part of the log file which corresponds to the error which the user is
" currently on in the quickfix window. Control returns to the quickfix
" window when the function returns.
function! Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow(filename)
call Tex_PositionPreviewWindow(a:filename)
if &previewwindow
6 wincmd _
wincmd p
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_GotoErrorLocation: goes to the correct location of error in the tex file {{{
" Description:
" This function should be called when focus is in a quickfix window. This
" function will first open the preview window of the log file (if it is not
" already open), position the display of the preview to coincide with the
" current error under the cursor and then take the user to the file in
" which this error has occured.
" The position is both the correct line number and the column number.
function! Tex_GotoErrorLocation(filename)
" first use vim's functionality to take us to the location of the error
" accurate to the line (not column). This lets us go to the correct file
" without applying any logic.
exec "normal! \<enter>"
" If the log file is not found, then going to the correct line number is
" all we can do.
if glob(a:filename) == ''
let winnum = winnr()
" then come back to the quickfix window
wincmd w
" find out where in the file we had the error.
let linenum = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze \(warning\|error\)|')
call Tex_PositionPreviewWindow(a:filename)
if getline('.') =~ 'l.\d\+'
let brokenline = matchstr(getline('.'), 'l.'.linenum.' \zs.*\ze')
" If the line is of the form
" l.10 ...and then there was some error
" it means (most probably) that only part of the erroneous line is
" shown. In this case, finding the length of the broken line is not
" correct. Instead goto the beginning of the line and search forward
" for the part which is displayed and then go to its end.
if brokenline =~ '^\M...'
let partline = matchstr(brokenline, '^\M...\m\zs.*')
let normcmd = "0/\\V".escape(partline, "\\")."/e+1\<CR>"
let column = strlen(brokenline) + 1
let normcmd = column.'|'
elseif getline('.') =~ 'LaTeX Warning: \(Citation\|Reference\) `.*'
let ref = matchstr(getline('.'), "LaTeX Warning: \\(Citation\\|Reference\\) `\\zs[^']\\+\\ze'")
let normcmd = '0/'.ref."\<CR>"
let normcmd = '0'
" go back to the window where we came from.
exec winnum.' wincmd w'
exec 'silent! '.linenum.' | normal! '.normcmd
if !Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ShowErrorContext')
endfunction " }}}
" Tex_SetCompilerMaps: sets maps for compiling/viewing/searching {{{
" Description:
function! <SID>Tex_SetCompilerMaps()
if exists('b:Tex_doneCompilerMaps')
let s:ml = '<Leader>'
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_Compile :call Tex_RunLaTeX()<cr>
vnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_Compile :call Tex_PartCompile()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_View :call Tex_ViewLaTeX()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_ForwardSearch :call Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX()<cr>
call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."ll", "<Plug>Tex_Compile", 'n', '<buffer>')
call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."ll", "<Plug>Tex_Compile", 'v', '<buffer>')
call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."lv", "<Plug>Tex_View", 'n', '<buffer>')
call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."ls", "<Plug>Tex_ForwardSearch", 'n', '<buffer>')
" }}}
augroup LatexSuite
au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
\ call Tex_Debug('compiler.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'comp') |
\ call <SID>Tex_SetCompilerMaps()
augroup END
command! -nargs=0 -range=% TPartCompile :<line1>, <line2> silent! call Tex_PartCompile()
" Setting b:fragmentFile = 1 makes Tex_CompileLatex consider the present file
" the _main_ file irrespective of the presence of a .latexmain file.
command! -nargs=0 TCompileThis let b:fragmentFile = 1
command! -nargs=0 TCompileMainFile let b:fragmentFile = 0
" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4