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" File: libList.vim
" Last Change: 2001 Dec 10
" Maintainer: Gontran BAERTS <gbcreation@free.fr>
" Version: 0.1
" Please don't hesitate to correct my english :)
" Send corrections to <gbcreation@free.fr>
" Description: libList.vim is a set of functions to work with lists or one
" level arrays.
" To Enable: Normally, this file will reside in your plugins directory and be
" automatically sourced.
" Usage: Lists are strings variable with values separated by g:listSep
" character (comma" by default). You may redefine g:listSep variable as you
" wish.
" Here are available functions :
" - AddListItem( array, newItem, index ) :
" Add item "newItem" to array "array" at "index" position
" - GetListItem( array, index ) :
" Return item at "index" position in array "array"
" - GetListMatchItem( array, pattern ) :
" Return item matching "pattern" in array "array"
" - GetListCount( array ) :
" Return the number of items in array "array"
" - RemoveListItem( array, index ) :
" Remove item at "index" position from array "array"
" - ReplaceListItem( array, index, item ) :
" Remove item at "index" position by "item" in array "array"
" - ExchangeListItems( array, item1Index, item2Index ) :
" Exchange item "item1Index" with item "item2Index" in array "array"
" - QuickSortList( array, beg, end ) :
" Return array "array" with items between "beg" and "end" sorted
" Example:
" let mylist=""
" echo GetListCount( mylist ) " --> 0
" let mylist = AddListItem( mylist, "One", 0 ) " mylist == "One"
" let mylist = AddListItem( mylist, "Three", 1 ) " mylist == "One,Three"
" let mylist = AddListItem( mylist, "Two", 1 ) " mylist == "One,Two,Three"
" echo GetListCount( mylist ) " --> 3
" echo GetListItem( mylist, 2 ) " --> Three
" echo GetListMatchItem( mylist, "w" ) " --> two
" echo GetListMatchItem( mylist, "e" ) " --> One
" let mylist = RemoveListItem( mylist, 2 ) " mylist == "One,Two"
" echo GetListCount( mylist ) " --> 2
" let mylist = ReplaceListItem( mylist, 0, "Three" ) " mylist == "Three,Two"
" let mylist = ExchangeListItems( mylist, 0, 1 ) " mylist == "Two,Three"
" let mylist = AddListItem( mylist, "One", 0 ) " mylist == "One,Two,Three"
" let mylist = QuickSortList( mylist, 0, GetListCount(mylist)-1 )
" " mylist == "One,Three,Two"
" Updates:
" in version 0.1
" - First version
" Has this already been loaded ?
if exists("loaded_libList")
let loaded_libList=1
" Separator:
" You may change the separator character et any time.
let g:listSep = ","
" Add new item at given position.
" First item index is 0 (zero).
" - array : Array/List (string of values) which receives the new item.
" - newItem : String containing the item value to add.
" - index : Integer indicating the position at which the new item is added.
" It must be greater than or equals to 0 (zero).
"String containing array values, including newItem.
function AddListItem( array, newItem, index )
if a:index == 0
if a:array == ""
return a:newItem
return a:newItem . g:listSep . a:array
return substitute( a:array, '\(\%(^\|' . g:listSep . '\)[^' . g:listSep . ']\+\)\{' . a:index . '\}', '\0' . g:listSep . a:newItem , "" )
" Get item at given position.
" - array : Array/List (string of values).
" - index : Integer indicating the position of item to return.
" It must be greater than or equals to 0 (zero).
"String representing the item.
function GetListItem( array, index )
if a:index == 0
return matchstr( a:array, '^[^' . g:listSep . ']\+' )
return matchstr( a:array, "[^" . g:listSep . "]\\+", matchend( a:array, '\(\%(^\|' . g:listSep . '\)[^' . g:listSep . ']\+\)\{' . a:index . '\}' . g:listSep ) )
" Get the first item matching given pattern.
" - array : Array/List (string of values).
" - pattern : Regular expression to match with items.
" Avoid to use ^, $ and listSep characters in pattern, unless you
" know what you do.
"String representing the first item that matches the pattern.
function GetListMatchItem( array, pattern )
return matchstr( a:array, '[^' . g:listSep . ']*' . a:pattern . '[^' . g:listSep . ']*' )
" Replace item at given position by a new one.
" - array : Array/List (string of values).
" - index : Integer indicating the position of item to replace.
" It must be greater than or equals to 0 (zero).
" - item : String containing the new value of the replaced item.
"String containing array values.
function ReplaceListItem( array, index, item )
if a:index == 0
return substitute( a:array, '^[^' .g:listSep. ']\+', a:item, "" )
return substitute( a:array, '\(\%(\%(^\|' . g:listSep . '\)[^' . g:listSep . ']\+\)\{' . a:index . '\}\)' . g:listSep . '[^' . g:listSep . ']\+', '\1' . g:listSep . a:item , "" )
" Remove item at given position.
" - array : Array/List (string of values) from which remove an item.
" - index : Integer indicating the position of item to remove.
" It must be greater than or equals to 0 (zero).
"String containing array values, except the removed one.
function RemoveListItem( array, index )
if a:index == 0
return substitute( a:array, '^[^' .g:listSep. ']\+\(' . g:listSep . '\|$\)', "", "" )
return substitute( a:array, '\(\%(\%(^\|' . g:listSep . '\)[^' . g:listSep . ']\+\)\{' . a:index . '\}\)' . g:listSep . '[^' . g:listSep . ']\+', '\1', "" )
" Exchange item at position item1Index with item at position item2Index.
" - array : Array/List (string of values).
" - item1index : Integer indicating the position of the first item to exchange.
" It must be greater than or equals to 0 (zero).
" - item2index : Integer indicating the position of the second item to
" exchange. It must be greater than or equals to 0 (zero).
"String containing array values.
function ExchangeListItems( array, item1Index, item2Index )
let item1 = GetListItem( a:array, a:item1Index )
let array = ReplaceListItem( a:array, a:item1Index, GetListItem( a:array, a:item2Index ) )
return ReplaceListItem( array, a:item2Index, item1 )
" Number of items in array.
" - array : Array/List (string of values).
"Integer representing the number of items in array.
"Index of last item is GetListCount(array)-1.
function GetListCount( array )
if a:array == "" | return 0 | endif
let pos = 0
let cnt = 0
while pos != -1
let pos = matchend( a:array, g:listSep, pos )
let cnt = cnt + 1
return cnt
" Sort array.
" - array : Array/List (string of values).
" - beg : Min index of the range of items to sort.
" - end : Max index of the range of items to sort.
"String containing array values with indicated range of items sorted.
function QuickSortList( array, beg, end )
let array = a:array
let pivot = GetListItem( array, a:beg )
let l = a:beg
let r = a:end
while l < r
while GetListItem( array, r ) > pivot
let r = r - 1
if l != r
let array = ReplaceListItem( array, l, GetListItem( array, r ) )
let array = ReplaceListItem( array, r, pivot )
let l = l + 1
while GetListItem( array, l ) < pivot
let l = l + 1
if l != r
let array = ReplaceListItem( array, r, GetListItem( array, l ) )
let array = ReplaceListItem( array, l, pivot )
let r = r - 1
if a:beg < l-1
let array = QuickSortList( array, a:beg, l-1 )
if a:end > l+1
let array = QuickSortList( array, l+1, a:end )
return array