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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
[<!ENTITY dummy "dummy">
<!ENTITY date "$Date$">
<!ENTITY ls "Latex-Suite">
<!ENTITY latex "LaTeX">
<!ENTITY vim "Vim">
<!ENTITY ph "&lt;++&gt;">
<article lang="en">
<articleinfo id="articleinfo">
<title id="articleinfo-title">&ls; Reference</title>
<address><email>srinath AT fastmail DOT fm</email></address>
<address><email>mikmach AT wp DOT pl</email></address>
&ls; attempts to provide a comprehensive set of tools to
view, edit and compile LaTeX documents in Vim. Together, they
provide tools starting from macros to speed up editing LaTeX
documents to functions for forward searching .dvi documents.
&ls; has been possible because of the contributions of many
people. Please see <link
linkend="latex-suite-credits">latex-suite-credits</link> for a list of
people who have helped.
&ls; is released under the Vim charityware license. For
license and conditions of use look at |copyright|. Replace all
occurrences of ``Vim'' with ``Latex-Suite''. The current copyright
holders of &ls; are Srinath Avadhanula and Mikolaj Machowski.
Homepage: <ulink url="http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net">http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net</ulink>
<section id="recommended-settings">
<title>Installation and recommended Settings</title>
If you are reading this, it most probably means that you have already
installed &ls; and the help files. If this is not the case, follow the
detailed instructions on <ulink
download page</ulink>.
Make sure that you create a few necessary settings in your
" REQUIRED. This makes vim invoke &ls; when you open a tex file.
filetype plugin on
" IMPORTANT: win32 users will need to have 'shellslash' set so that latex
" can be called correctly.
set shellslash
" IMPORTANT: grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you
" search in a singe file. This will confuse &ls;. Set your grep
" program to always generate a file-name.
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
" OPTIONAL: This enables automatic indentation as you type.
filetype indent on
" OPTIONAL: Starting with Vim 7, the filetype of empty .tex files defaults to
" 'plaintex' instead of 'tex', which results in vim-latex not being loaded.
" The following changes the default filetype back to 'tex':
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
In addition, the following settings could go in your ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim
<programlisting>" this is mostly a matter of taste. but LaTeX looks good with just a bit
" of indentation.
set sw=2
" TIP: if you write your \label's as \label{fig:something}, then if you
" type in \ref{fig: and press &lt;C-n&gt; you will automatically cycle through
" all the figure labels. Very useful!
set iskeyword+=:
<section id="latex-suite-templates">
<title>Inserting Templates</title>
This functionality is available via the <literal>TeX-Suite &gt;
Templates</literal> menu.
This module provides a way to insert custom templates at the beginning of the
current file.
When &ls; first starts up, it scans the
directory and creates menu items based on the files found there. When
you select a template from this menu, the file will be read in above
the first line of the current file.
A template file can utilize placeholders for initializing the cursor
position when the template is read in and subsequent movement. In
addition, template files can contain dynamic elements such as the
time of creation of a file etc, by using vim expressions.
You can place your own templates in the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/</literal> directory in
order for them to be available via the menu. Unless &ls; releases a
template with the same name, these files should not get over-written
when you install a new release over an existing one.
Templates are also accessible for non-gui users with the command
|<literal>:TTemplate</literal>|. The argument should be name of
the corresponding template file. If the command is called
without arguments (preferred usage), then a list of available
templates is displayed and the user is asked to choose one of
<section id="latex-macros">
<title>&ls; Macros</title>
&ls; ships with a very comprehensive set of insert mode and
|visual-mode| mappings and menu items to typeset most of the LaTeX
These mappings are are not standard mappings in the sense that
only the last character is mapped. See plugin/imaps.vim for
further documentation. For example, in the case of the mapping
<literal>EFI</literal> provided by &ls; you can press the characters
'<literal>E</literal>', '<literal>F</literal>' and '<literal>I</literal>'
as slowly as you wish (unlike the normal <literal>imap</literal> command
where <literal>timeout</literal> issues are involved). The characters are
visible as you type them (unlike normal <literal>imap</literal>s) and you
can use the movement or backspace key to correct yourself unlike normal
<anchor id="place-holder" />
<note id="place-holders">
<title>Place Holders</title>
Almost all macros provided in &ls; implement Stephen Riem's bracketing
system and Gergely Kontra's <literal>JumpFunc()</literal> for handling
place-holders. This consists of using "place-holders" to mark off
locations where the next relevant editing has to be done. As an example,
when you type <literal>EFI</literal> in |insert-mode|, you will get the
\centerline{\psfig{figure=&lt;+eps file+&gt;}}
\caption{&lt;+caption text+&gt;}
The text <literal>&lt;+eps file+&gt;</literal> will be selected and
you will be left in |select-mode| so that you can continue typing
straight away. After having typed in the file name, you can press
<literal>&lt;Ctrl-J&gt;</literal> (while still in insert-mode). This will
take you directly to the next "place-holder". i.e, <literal>&lt;+caption
text+&gt;</literal> will be visually selected with Vim in select mode
again for typing in the caption. This saves on a lot of key presses.
<note id="overriding-macros">
<title>Over-riding &ls; Macros</title>
If you wish to change these macros from their default values, for
example, if you wish to change <literal>`w</literal> to expand to
<literal>\omega</literal> instead of its default expansion to
<literal>\wedge</literal>, you should use the <literal>IMAP</literal>
function as described in the <link linkend="ls-new-macros">Using
IMAP()</link> section.
An important thing to note is that if you wish to over-ride macros
created by &ls; rather than merely create new macros, you should place
the <literal>IMAP()</literal> calls in a script which gets sourced
after the files in &ls;. A good place typically is as a file-type
plugin file in the
<literal>~/.vim/after/ftplugin/</literal> directory. (Use
<literal>~/vimfiles</literal> if you are using
<literal>WINDOWS</literal>). For example to over-ride
<literal>`w</literal> to <literal>\omega</literal> instead of
<literal>\wedge</literal>, place the following line in (say)
<programlisting>call IMAP('`w', '\omega', 'tex')</programlisting>
It is important to use a file-name which will get sourced on a
<literal>FileType</literal> event. Therefore you must use a file-name
which conforms to the standards as described in
<note id="pausing-imaps">
<title>Pausing Macro expansion</title>
If you wish to temporarily suspend the imaps functionality, then you
can set the <literal>Imap_FreezeImap</literal> to 1. If you set
<literal>g:Imap_FreezeImap</literal> to 1, then it will be a
system-wide setting. Setting <literal>b:Imap_FreezeImap</literal> will
affect only the current buffer.
The following sections describe the various editing macros provided
by &ls;.
<section id="environment-mappings">
<title>Environment Mappings</title>
&ls; provides a rich set of mappings to insert, enclose and modify
&latex; environments, i.e, <literal>\begin{...} ... \end{...}</literal>
<section id="inserting-environments">
<title>Inserting Environments</title>
&ls; provides the following ways to insert environments
<section id="inserting-env-f5">
<title>Method 1: Pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal></title>
If you press <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> in the insert or normal
mode while on an empty line, &ls; prompts you with a list of
environments you might want to insert. You can either choose one
from the list or type in a new environment name. If you press
<literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> on a line which already has a word,
then that word is used instead of prompting.
See <link linkend="Tex_Env_name">Tex_Env_name</link> for a
description of how &ls; uses the word to form the expansion and how
to modify &ls;'s behavior.
The list of environments which &ls; prompts you with (when
<literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> is pressed on an empty line) is formed
from the <link
In addition to this setting, &ls; also lists environments found in
custom packages as described in the section <link
linkend="package-actions">Package actions.</link>
<section id="inserting-env-shift-f1">
<title>Method 2: Using <literal>&lt;S-F1&gt;</literal>-<literal>&lt;S-F4&gt;</literal></title>
The shifted function keys, <literal>&lt;S-F1&gt;</literal> to
<literal>&lt;S-F4&gt;</literal> can be mapped to insert very commonly
used environments. The environments mapped to each key can be
customized via the <link
linkend="Tex_HotKeyMappings">g:Tex_HotKeyMappings</link> setting.
<section id="inserting-env-threeletter">
<title>Method 3: Using three letter sequences</title>
Environments can also be inserted by pressing a 3 capital letter
sequence starting with an <literal>E</literal>. The sequence of 3
letters generally tries to follow the following rules:
All environment mappings begin with <literal>E</literal>
If the environment can be broken up into 2 distinct words,
such as flushright (flush + right), then the next 2 letters
are the first letters of the 2 words. Example:
<programlisting>flushleft (_f_lush + _l_eft) ---&gt; EFL
flushright (_f_lush + _r_ight) ---&gt; EFR
eqnarray (_e_qn + _a_rray) ---&gt; EEA</programlisting>
If on the other hand, the environment name cannot be broken
up into 2 distinct words, then the next 2 letters are the
first 2 letters of the name of the environment.
<programlisting>equation (_eq_uation) ---&gt; EEQ</programlisting>
Unfortunately there are some environments that cannot be
split in two words and first two letters in name are
identical. In this case shortcut is created from E, first and
last letter. Example:
<programlisting>quote (_q_uot_e_) ---&gt; EQE
quotation (_q_uotatio_n_) ---&gt; EQN</programlisting>
Of course, not every last one of the environments can follow
this rule because of ambiguities. In case of doubt, pull down
the Tex-Environments menu. The menu item should give the hint
for the map.
<section id="enclosing-environments">
<title>Enclosing in Environments</title>
&ls; provides visual-mode mappings which enclose visually
selected portions of text in environments. There are two ways provided
to do this.
<section id="enclosing-env-f5">
<title>Method 1: Pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal></title>
You can also select a portion of text visually and press
<literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> while still in visual mode. This will
prompt you with a list of environments. (This list can be customized
via the <link
setting). You can either choose from this list or type in a new
environment name. Once the selection is done, &ls; encloses the
visually selected portion in the chosen environment.
<section id="enclosing-env-threeletter">
<title>Method 2: Using three letter mappings</title>
You can also select text visually and press a sequence of three
characters beginning with <literal>,</literal> (the single comma
character) and the selected text will be enclosed in the chosen
environment. The three letter sequence follows directly from the
three letter sequence used to insert environments as described <link
linkend="inserting-env-threeletter">here</link>. The following
example describes the rule used:
If <literal>ECE</literal> inserts a
<literal>\begin{center}...\end{center}</literal> environment, then to
enclose a block of selected text in
<literal>\begin{center}...\end{center}</literal>, simply select the
text and press <literal>,ce</literal>. The rule simply says that the
leading <literal>E</literal> is converted to <literal>,</literal> and
the next 2 letters are small case.
Some of the visual mode mappings are sensitive to whether you
choose line-wise or character-wise. For example, if you choose a
word and press <literal>,ce</literal>, then you get
<literal>\centerline{word}</literal>, whereas if you press
<literal>,ce</literal> on a line-wise selection, you get:
<section id="changing-environments">
<title>Changing Environments</title>
Pressing <literal>&lt;S-F5&gt;</literal> in normal mode detects which
environment the cursor is presently located in and prompts you to
replace it with a new one. The innermost environment is detected. For
example, in the following source:
2 &amp; 3 &amp; 4
if you are located in the middle "2 &amp; 3 &amp; 4" line, then pressing
<literal>&lt;S-F5&gt;</literal> will prompt you to change the array
environment, not the eqnarray environment. In addition, &ls; will also
try to change lines within the environment to be consistent with the
new environment. For example, if the original environment was an
<literal>eqnarray</literal> environment with a
<literal>\label</literal> command, then changing it to an
<literal>eqnarray*</literal> environment will delete the
Pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> in normal mode has the same
effect as pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> in insert-mode,
namely you will be prompted to choose an environment to insert.
<section id="latex-command-maps">
<title>Command Mappings</title>
&ls; provides a rich set of mappings to insert, enclose and modify
&latex; commands.
<section id="inserting-commands">
<title>Inserting &latex; commands</title>
<anchor id="ls-imap-f7" />
<anchor id="ls-imap-s-f7" />
Pressing <literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal> in insert or normal mode while
the cursor is touching a word will insert a command formed from the
word touching the cursor.
For certain common commands, &ls; will expand them to include
additional arguments as needed. For example, <literal>frac</literal>
becomes <literal>\frac{&ph;}{&ph;}&ph;</literal>. Otherwise, it will
simply change the word under the cursor as follows
<programlisting>word --> \word{&ph;}&ph;</programlisting>
You can define custom expansions
of commands using the <literal>Tex_Com_{name}</literal> setting as
described in <link linkend="Tex_Com_name">here</link>.
If <literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal> is pressed when the cursor is on
white-space, then &ls; will prompt you to choose a command and insert
that instead.The list of commands is constructed from the <link
setting and also from commands which &ls; finds while scanning custom
packages which &ls; finds. See the <link
linkend="package-actions">Package actions</link> section for details
on which files are scanned etc.
<section id="enclosing-commands">
<title>Enclosing in a command</title>
You can select a portion of text visually and press
<literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal> while still in visual mode. This will
prompt you with a list of commands. (This list can be customized
via the <link
setting). You can either choose from this list or type in a new
command name. Once the selection is done, &ls; encloses the
visually selected portion in the chosen command.
<section id="changing-commands">
<title>Changing commands</title>
<anchor id="ls-vmap-f7" />
In both insert and normal mode <literal>&lt;S-F7&gt;</literal> will
find out if you are presently within an environment and then prompt you
with a list of commands to change it to.
<section id="font-maps">
<title>Font Mappings</title>
These mappings insert font descriptions such as:
with the cursor left in place of the first <link
linkend="place-holders">placeholder</link> (the &ph; characters).
<listitem>first letter is always F (F for font)</listitem>
<listitem>next 2 letters are the 2 letters describing the font.</listitem>
Example: Typing <literal>FEM</literal> in insert-mode expands to
Just like environment mappings, you can visually select an area and press
<literal>`sf</literal> to have it enclosed in:
depending on character-wise or line-wise selection.
<section id="section-mappings">
<title>Section Mappings</title>
These maps insert &latex; sections such as:
etc. Just as in the case of environments and fonts, can be enclosed with a
visual selection. The enclosing is not sensitive to character or line-wise
Mnemonic: (make your own!)
<programlisting>SPA for part
SCH for chapter
SSE for section
SSS for subsection
SS2 for subsubsection
SPG for paragraph
SSP for subparagraph</programlisting>
SSE in insert mode inserts
If you select a word or line and press <literal>,se</literal>, then you
<programlisting>\section{section name}</programlisting>
The menu item in Tex-Environments.Sections have a sub-menu called
'Advanced'. Choosing an item from this sub-menu asks a couple of questions
(whether you want to include the section in the table of contents, whether
there is a shorter name for the table of contents) and then creates a more
intelligent template.
<section id="greek-letter-mappings">
<title>Greek Letter Mappings</title>
Lower case
<literal>`a</literal> through <literal>`z</literal> expand to
<literal>\alpha</literal> through <literal>\zeta</literal>.
Upper case:
<programlisting>`D = \Delta
`F = \Phi
`G = \Gamma
`Q = \Theta
`L = \Lambda
`X = \Xi
`Y = \Psi
`S = \Sigma
`U = \Upsilon
`W = \Omega</programlisting>
<note><para>LaTeX does not support upper case for all greek alphabets.</para></note>
<para>Just like other &ls; mappings, these mappings are not created using
the standard <literal>imap</literal> command. Thus you can type slowly,
correct using <literal>&lt;BS&gt;</literal> etc.</para>
<section id="auc-tex-mappings">
<title>Auc-Tex Key Bindings</title>
These are simple 2 key expansions for some very commonly used LaTeX
<programlisting>`^ Expands To \Hat{&ph;}&ph;
`_ expands to \bar{&ph;}&ph;
`6 expands to \partial
`8 expands to \infty
`/ expands to \frac{&ph;}{&ph;}&ph;
`% expands to \frac{&ph;}{&ph;}&ph;
`@ expands to \circ
`0 expands to ^\circ
`= expands to \equiv
`\ expands to \setminus
`. expands to \cdot
`* expands to \times
`&amp; expands to \wedge
`- expands to \bigcap
`+ expands to \bigcup
`( expands to \subset
`) expands to \supset
`&lt; expands to \le
`&gt; expands to \ge
`, expands to \nonumber
`~ expands to \tilde{&ph;}&ph;
`; expands to \dot{&ph;}&ph;
`: expands to \ddot{&ph;}&ph;
`2 expands to \sqrt{&ph;}&ph;
`| expands to \Big|
`I expands to \int_{&ph;}^{&ph;}&ph;</programlisting>
(again, notice the convenient place-holders)
In addition the visual mode macros are provided:
<programlisting>`( encloses selection in \left( and \right)
`[ encloses selection in \left[ and \right]
`{ encloses selection in \left\{ and \right\}
`$ encloses selection in $$ or \[ \] depending on characterwise or
linewise selection</programlisting>
<section id="diacritic-mappings">
These mappings speed up typing European languages which contain diacritic
characters such as a-umlaut etc.
<programlisting>+&lt;l&gt; expands to \v{&lt;l&gt;}
=&lt;l&gt; expands to \'{&lt;l&gt;}</programlisting>
where <literal>&lt;l&gt;</literal> is an alphabet.
<programlisting>+} expands to \"{a}
+: expands to \^{o}</programlisting>
&ls; also ships with <link linkend="smart-backspace">smart
backspacing</link> functionality which provides another convenience while
editing languages with diacritics.
<para>Diacritics are disabled by default in &ls; because they can
sometimes be a little too intrusive. Moreover, most European users can
nowadays use font encodings which display diacritic characters directly
instead of having to rely on &ls;'s method of displaying diacritics.</para>
<para>Set the <link linkend="Tex_Diacritics">g:Tex_Diacritics</link>
variable to enable diacritics.</para>
<section id="bibtex-bindings">
<title>BibTeX Shortcuts</title>
&ls; provides an easy way of entering bibliographic entries. Four
insert-mode mappings: <literal>BBB</literal>, <literal>BBL</literal>,
<literal>BBH</literal> and <literal>BBX</literal> are provided, all of
which essentially act in the same manner. When you type any of these in
insert-mode, you will get a prompt asking you to choose a entry type
for the bibliographic entry.
When you choose an entry type, a bibliographic entry template will be
inserted. For example, if you choose the option
<literal>'book'</literal> via the map <literal>BBB</literal>, then
the following template will be inserted:
author = {&ph;},
editor = {&ph;},
title = {&ph;},
publisher = {&ph;},
year = {&ph;},
otherinfo = {&ph;}
<literal>&lt;+key+&gt;</literal> will be highlighted in select-mode and
you can type in the bib-key. After that you can use
<literal>&lt;Ctrl-J&gt;</literal> to navigate to successive locations
in the template and enter new values.
<literal>BBB</literal> inserts a template with only the fields
mandatorily required for a given entry type. <literal>BBL</literal>
inserts a template with commonly used extra options.
<literal>BBH</literal> inserts a template with more options which are
not as commonly used. <literal>BBX</literal> inserts a template with
all the fields which the entry type supports.
<literal>B</literal> for Bibliographic entry, <literal>L</literal>
for Large entry, <literal>H</literal> for Huge entry, and
<literal>X</literal> stands for all eXtras.
<section id="adding-bib-options">
<title>Customizing Bib-TeX fields</title>
If you wish the <literal>BBB</literal> command to insert a few
additional fields in addition to the fields it creates, then you will
need to define global variables of the form
in you <literal>$VIM/ftplugin/bib.vim</literal> file, where
<literal>{type}</literal> is a string like
<literal>'article'</literal>, <literal>'book'</literal> etc. This
variable should contain one of the letters defined in the following
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Field Type</entry>
For example, by default, choosing <literal>'article'</literal> via
<literal>BBB</literal> inserts the following template by default
author = {&ph;},
title = {&ph;},
journal = {&ph;},
year = {&ph;},
otherinfo = {&ph;}
However, if <literal>g:Bib_article_options</literal> is defined as
<literal>'mnp'</literal>, then <literal>'article'</literal> will
insert the following template
author = {&ph;},
title = {&ph;},
journal = {&ph;},
year = {&ph;},
month = {&ph;},
number = {&ph;},
pages = {&ph;},
otherinfo = {&ph;}
If you have some other fields you wish to associate with an article
which are not listed above, then you will have to use the
<literal>Bib_{type}_extrafields</literal> option. This is a newline
separated string of complete field names which will be included in the
template. For example, if you define
<programlisting>let g:Bib_article_extrafields = "crossref\nabstract"</programlisting>
then the article template will include the lines
<programlisting>crossref = {&ph;},
abstract = {&ph;},</programlisting>
You will need to define <literal>Bib_*</literal> settings in your
<literal>$VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/bib.vim</literal> file.
<section id="smart-keys">
<title>Smart Key Mappings</title>
&ls; ships with the following smart keys:
<anchor id="smart-backspace" />
<title>Smart Backspace</title>
Pressing <literal>&lt;BS&gt;</literal> in insert mode checks to see
whether we are just after something like <literal>\'{a}</literal> and
if so, deletes all of it. i.e, diacritics are treated as single
characters for backspacing.
<title>Smart Quotes</title>
Pressing <literal>"</literal> (English double quote) will insert
<literal>``</literal> or <literal>''</literal> by making an
intelligent guess about whether we intended to open or close a quote.
<title>Smart Space</title>
&ls; maps the <literal>&lt;space&gt;</literal> key in such a
way that $ characters are not broken across lines. It does this by
first setting <literal>tw=0</literal> so that Vim will not
automatically break lines and then maps the
<literal>&lt;space&gt;</literal> key to insert newlines keeping
<literal>$$</literal>'s on the same line.
<title>Smart Dots</title>
Pressing <literal>...</literal> (3 dots) results in
<literal>\ldots</literal> outside math mode and
<literal>\cdots</literal> in math mode.
<section id="altkey-mappings">
<title>Alt Key Macros</title>
&ls; utilizes a set of macros originally created by Carl Mueller in
auctex.vim to make inserting all the <literal>\left ... \right</literal>
stuff very easy and to also make some use of the heavily under-utilized
<literal>&lt;Alt&gt;</literal> key.
By default, typing <literal>Alt-&lt;key&gt;</literal> in &vim; takes
focus to the menu bar if a menu with the hotkey
<literal>&lt;key&gt;</literal> exists. If in your case, there are
conflicts due to this behavior, you will need to set
<programlisting>set winaltkeys=no</programlisting>
in your <literal>$VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim</literal> in order to use these
<title>Customizing the maps</title>
If for some reason, you wish to not map the
<literal>&lt;Alt&gt;</literal> keys, (some European users need to use
the <literal>&lt;Alt&gt;</literal> key to enter diacritics), you can
change these maps to other keys as described in the section <link
linkend="customize-alt-key-maps">Customizing Alt-key maps</link>.
<section id="Alt-L">
This is a polymorphic insert-mode mapping which expands to one of the
following depending on the character just before the cursor location.
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colwidth="0.5in" align="cener" />
<colspec colwidth="0.5in" />
<entry>Character before cursor</entry>
<row><entry>(</entry> <entry><literal>\left( &ph; \right)</literal></entry></row>
<row><entry>[</entry> <entry><literal>\left[ &ph; \right]</literal></entry></row>
<row><entry>|</entry> <entry><literal>\left| &ph; \right|</literal></entry></row>
<row><entry>{</entry> <entry><literal>\left\{ &ph; \right\}</literal></entry></row>
<row><entry>&lt;</entry> <entry><literal>\langle &ph; \rangle</literal></entry></row>
<row><entry>q</entry> <entry><literal>\lefteqn{&ph;}&ph;</literal></entry></row>
If the character before the cursor is none of the above, then it will
simply insert a <literal>\label{&ph;}&ph;</literal>.
<section id="Alt-B">
This insert-mode mapping encloses the previous character in
<section id="Alt-C">
In insert mode, this key is polymorphic as follows:
If the previous character is a letter or number, then capitalize it and
enclose it in <literal>\mathcal{}</literal>.
otherwise insert <literal>\cite{}</literal>.
In visual mode, it will simply enclose the selection in
<section id="Alt-I">
This mapping inserts an <literal>\item</literal> command at the
current cursor location depending on which environment the cursor is
enclosed in. The style of the <literal>\item</literal> command is
dependent on the enclosing environment. By default,
<literal>&lt;Alt-I&gt;</literal> has styles defined forthe following
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>itemize</entry><entry>\item </entry></row>
<row><entry>enumerate</entry><entry>\item </entry></row>
<row><entry>theindex</entry><entry>\item </entry></row>
<row><entry>thebibliography</entry><entry>\item[&lt;+biblabel+&gt;]{&lt;+bibkey+&gt;} &lt;++&gt;</entry></row>
<row><entry>description</entry><entry>\item[&lt;+label+&gt;] &lt;++&gt;</entry></row>
<literal>&lt;Alt-I&gt;</literal> is intelligent enough to
account for nested environments. For example,
\item first item
\item second item
\item[label1] first desc
\item[label2] second
% &lt;Alt-I&gt; will insert "\item[&lt;+label+&gt;] &lt;++&gt;" if
% used here
\item third item
% &lt;Alt-I&gt; will insert "\item " when if used here.
% &lt;Alt-I&gt; will insert nothing ("") if used here</programlisting>
The style used by <literal>&lt;Alt-I&gt;</literal> can be customized
using the <link
<section id="custom-macros-menu">
<title>Custom Macros</title>
This functionality available via the TeX-Suite.Macros menu, provides
a way of inserting customized macros into the current file via the
When &ls; starts up, it scans the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/</literal> directory and
creates a menu from the files found there. Each file is considered as
a single macro. You can place your own macros in this directory,
using <link linkend="place-holders">placeholders</link> if wanted.
When you choose a macro from the menu, the corresponding file is read
into the current buffer after the current cursor position. In non-gui
mode, you can use the |TMacro| command instead of choosing from the
menu. This command takes the macro file name as an argument. When
called without arguments (preferred usage), then a list of available
macro files is displayed and the user is prompted to choose one of
There are some other tools provided in this menu, namely:
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colwidth="0.5in" />
<colspec colwidth="0.5in" />
Creates a new (unnamed) buffer in the
latex-suite/macros/ directory. Use the command
:TexMacroNew in non-gui mode.
Opens up the corresponding macro file for editing. Use
|:TexMacroEdit| in non-gui mode. When you try to edit {macro}
not from local directory &ls; will copy it to your local
directory with suffix "-local". If local copy already exists
&ls; prompt for overwriting it.
Deletes the corresponding macro. Use the prefixed numbers for
fast navigation of menus. Use |:TexMacroDelete| in non-gui mode.
When you choose to delete {macro} which is not in your local
directory &ls; will refuse to delete it.
Rescans the macros/ directories and refreshes the macros list.
<section id="ls-new-macros">
<title>Making your own Macros via <literal>IMAP()</literal></title>
If you find the need to create your own macros, then you can use the
<literal>IMAP()</literal> function provided with &ls;. See <link
linkend="why-IMAP" endterm="why-IMAP.title"></link> for a short
explanation of why you might prefer <literal>IMAP()</literal> over
&vim;'s standard <literal>:imap</literal> command. An example best
explains the usage:
<programlisting>:call IMAP('NOM', '\nomenclature{&ph;}&ph;', 'tex')</programlisting>
This will create a &ls;-style mapping, where if you type
<literal>NOM</literal> in insert mode, you will get
<literal>\nomenclature{&ph;}&ph;</literal> with the cursor left in
place of the first <literal>&ph;</literal> characters. See <link
linkend="ls-imaps-syntax" endterm="ls-imaps-syntax.title"></link> for
a detailed explanation of the <literal>IMAP()</literal> command.
For maps which are triggered for a given filetype, the
<literal>IMAP()</literal> command above should be put in the filetype
plugin script for that file. For example, for tex-specific mappings,
the <literal>IMAP()</literal> calls should go in
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim</literal>. For globally visible maps,
you will need to use the following in either your
<literal>~/.vimrc</literal> or a file in your
<literal>$VIM/plugin</literal> directory.
<programlisting>augroup MyIMAPs
au VimEnter * call IMAP('Foo', 'foo', '')
augroup END</programlisting>
<section id="why-IMAP">
<title id="why-IMAP.title">Why use <literal>IMAP()</literal></title>
Using <literal>IMAP</literal> instead of &vim;'s built-in
<literal>:imap</literal> command has a couple of advantages:
The 'ttimeout' option will generally limit how easily you can type
the left hand side for a normal <literal>:imap</literal>. if you type
the left hand side too slowly, then the mapping will not be
If you mistype one of the letters of the lhs, then the mapping is
deactivated as soon as you backspace to correct the mistake.
The characters in lhs are shown on top of each other. This is fairly
distracting. This becomes a real annoyance when a lot of characters
initiate mappings.
<section id="ls-imaps-syntax">
<title id="ls-imaps-syntax.title">IMAP() syntax</title>
Formally, the syntax which is used for the <literal>IMAP</literal>
function is:
<programlisting>call IMAP (lhs, rhs, ft [, phs, phe])</programlisting>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
This is the "left-hand-side" of the mapping. When you use
<literal>IMAP</literal>, only the last character of this word is
actually mapped, although the effect is that the whole word is
If you have two mappings which end in a common
<literal>lhs</literal>, then the mapping with the longer
<literal>lhs</literal> is used. For example, if you do
<programlisting>call IMAP('BarFoo', 'something', 'tex')
call IMAP('Foo', 'something else', 'tex')</programlisting>
Then typing <literal>BarFoo</literal> inserts
<literal>"something"</literal>, whereas <literal>Foo</literal> by
itself inserts <literal>"something else"</literal>.
Also, the nature of <literal>IMAP()</literal> makes creating
certain combination of mappings impossible. For example if you
<programlisting>call IMAP('foo', 'something', 'tex')
call IMAP('foobar', 'something else', 'tex')</programlisting>
Then you will never be able to trigger <literal>"foobar"</literal>
because typing <literal>"foo"</literal> will immediately insert
<literal>"something"</literal>. This is the "cost" which you incur
over the normal <literal>:imap</literal> command for the
convenience of no 'timeout' problems, the ability to correct
<literal>lhs</literal> etc.
The "right-hand-side" of the mapping. This is the expansion you
will get when you type <literal>lhs</literal>.
This string can also contain special characters such as
<literal>&lt;enter&gt;</literal> etc. To do this, you will need
to specify the second argument in double-quotes as follows:
<programlisting>:call IMAP('EFE', "\\begin{figure}\&lt;CR&gt;&ph;\\end{figure}&ph;", 'tex')</programlisting>
With this, typing <literal>EFE</literal> is equivalent to typing
in the right-hand side with all the special characters in
insert-mode. This has the advantage that if you have filetype
indentation set up, then the right hand side will also be
indented just as if you had typed it in normally.
<anchor id="IMAP_PutTextWithMovement" />
You can also set up a &ls; style mapping which calls a custom function
as follows:
<programlisting>:call IMAP('FOO', "\&lt;C-r&gt;=MyFoonction()\&lt;CR&gt;", 'tex')</programlisting>
where <literal>MyFoonction</literal> is a custom function you have
written. If <literal>MyFoonction</literal> also has to return a string
containing <literal>&ph;</literal> characters, then you will need to
use the function <literal>IMAP_PutTextWithMovement()</literal>. An
example best explains the usage:
<programlisting>call IMAP('FOO', "\&lt;C-r&gt;=AskVimFunc()\&lt;CR&gt;", 'vim')
" Askvimfunc: Asks For Function Name And Sets Up Template
" Description:
function! AskVimFunc()
let name = input('Name of the function : ')
if name == ''
let name = "&lt;+Function Name+&gt;"
let islocal = input('Is this function scriptlocal ? [y]/n : ', 'y')
if islocal == 'y'
let sidstr = '&lt;SID&gt;'
let sidstr = ''
return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(
\ "\" ".name.": &lt;+short description+&gt; \&lt;cr&gt;" .
\ "Description: &lt;+long description+&gt;\&lt;cr&gt;" .
\ "\&lt;C-u&gt;function! ".name."(&lt;+arguments+&gt;)&ph;\&lt;cr&gt;" .
\ "&lt;+function body+&gt;\&lt;cr&gt;" .
\ "endfunction \" "
\ )
The file type for which this mapping is active. When this string
is left empty, the mapping applies for all file-types. A filetype
specific mapping will always take precedence.
<entry>phs, phe</entry>
If you prefer to write the <literal>rhs</literal> with characters
other than <literal>&lt;+</literal> and <literal>+&gt;</literal>
to denote place-holders, you can use the last 2 arguments to
specify which characters in the <literal>rhs</literal> specify
place-holders. By default, these are <literal>&lt;+</literal> and
<literal>+&gt;</literal> respectively.
Note that the <literal>phs</literal> and <literal>phe</literal>
arguments do not control what characters will be displayed for
the placeholders when the mapping is actually triggered. What
characters are used to display place-holders when you trigger an
<literal>IMAP</literal> are controlled by the <link
and <link
<section id="latex-packages">
<title>Package Handling</title>
&ls; has a lot of functionality written to ease working with packages.
Packages here refers to files which you include into the &latex;
document using the <literal>\usepackage</literal> command.
<section id="inserting-packages">
<title>Inserting package commands</title>
When you first invoke &ls;, it scans the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages</literal> directory for
package script files and creates a menu from all the files found there.
This menu is created under <literal>TeX-Suite > Packages >
Supported</literal>. This menu contains a list of packages "supported"
by &ls;. When you choose one of the packages from this menu (for example
the <literal>amsmath</literal> package), then a line of
the form
will be inserted into the current file.
The <literal>\usepackage</literal> line can also be inserted in an easy
manner in the current file by pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal>
while in the preamble of the current document. This will set up a prompt
from the supported packages and ask you to choose from one of them. If
you do not find the package you want to insert in the list, you can type
in a package-name and it will use that. Pressing
<literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> in the preamble on a line containing a
single word will construct a <literal>\usepackage</literal> line from
that word.
You can also use the <link
linkend="TPackage"><literal>TPackage</literal></link> to insert the
<literal>\usepackage</literal> line.
Once you have inserted a <literal>\usepackage</literal> line, for
supported packages, you can use the Options and Commands menus
described in the <link linkend="package-actions">next section</link>.
<section id="package-actions">
<title>Actions taken for supported packages</title>
&ls; takes the following actions for packages detected when a file is
loaded, or a new <literal>\usepackage</literal> line is inserted using
one of the methods described in the <link
linkend="inserting-packages">previous section</link>.
If you are using the GUI and you have <link
linkend="Tex_Menus">g:Tex_Menus</link> set to 1, &ls; will create the
following sub-menus
<member><literal>TeX-Suite > Packages > &lt;package&gt; Options</literal></member>
<member><literal>TeX-Suite > Packages > &lt;package&gt; Commands</literal></member>
where <literal>&lt;package&gt;</literal> is the package you just
inserted (or was detected). You can use these menus to insert commands,
environments and options which &ls; recognizes as belonging to this
While inserting an option, you need to position yourself in the
appropriate place in the document, most commonly inside the square
braces in the <literal>\usepackage[]{packname}</literal> command. &ls;
will not navigate to that location.
In addition to creating these sub-menus, &ls; will also scan the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries</literal> directory and
if a dictionary file corresponding to the package file is found, then
it will add the file to the <literal>'dict'</literal> setting in &vim;
so you can use the <literal>&lt;C-X&gt;&lt;C-K&gt;</literal> command to
complete words from that file.
For example, the <literal>SIUnits</literal> package has a custom
<anchor id="latex-package-scanning" />
If a package detected at startup is found by &ls; in the current
directory or in a location specified by the <link
linkend="Tex_TEXINPUTS">g:Tex_TEXINPUTS</link> variable, &ls; will
scan the package for <literal>\newenvironment</literal> and
<literal>newcommand</literal> lines and also append any commands and
environments found to the list of commands and environments which you
are prompted with when you press <link
linkend="inserting-env-f5"><literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal></link> or <link
linkend="ls-imap-f7"><literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal></link> in insert
In addition, the <literal>TeX-Suite > Packages</literal> menu also
contains the following submenus
This command is to be invoked with the cursor placed on the package
name. If the corresponding package is found, then a sub-menu with the
supported commands and options is created.
<title>Update All</title>
This function reads the preamble of the document for
<literal>\usepackage</literal> lines and if &ls; supports the detected
packages, then sub-menus containing the package options and commands
are created.
<section id="automatic-package-detection">
<title>Automatic Package detection</title>
Whenever &ls; begins editing a new &latex; file, it scans it for
<literal>\usepackage{name}</literal> lines, and if a supported package
is found, then it will create sub-menus and add to the
<literal>'dict'</literal> setting as described above.
If a <link linkend="latex-master-file">master-file</link> has been specified,
then it will scan that file instead of the current file. See the section
<link linkend="custom-packages">Custom Packages</link>
to see which files &ls; will scan in more detail.
For all the packages detected in this manner, &ls; will take certain
actions as described in the section <link
linkend="package-actions">package support.</link>.
<section id="custom-packages">
<title>Custom Packages</title>
Often times, the preamble can become too long, and some people prefer
to put most of their personalization in a custom package and include
that using a <literal>\usepackage</literal> line. &ls; tries to search
such customs package for other <literal>\usepackage</literal> lines, so
that supported packages included in this indirect manner can also be
used to create sub-menus, extend the <literal>'dict'</literal> setting
etc. The most obvious place to place such custom packages is in the
same directory as the edited file. In addition, &latex; also supports
placing custom packages in places pointed to by the
<literal>$TEXINPUTS</literal> environment variable.
If you use the <literal>$TEXINPUTS</literal> variable in &latex;, and
you wish &ls; to search these custom packages for
<literal>\usepackage</literal> lines, then you need to initialize the
<link linkend="Tex_TEXINPUTS"><literal>g:Tex_TEXINPUTS</literal></link>
The <literal>g:Tex_TEXINPUTS</literal> variable needs to be set in the
same format which &vim; uses for the <literal>'path'</literal> setting.
This format is explained in detail if you do
<programlisting>:help file-searching</programlisting>
from within &vim;.
Therefore the value of <literal>g:Tex_TEXINPUTS</literal> will most
probably be different from <literal>$TEXINPUTS</literal> which your
native &latex; distribution uses.
<programlisting>let g:Tex_TEXINPUTS = '~/texmf/mypackages/**,./**'</programlisting>
The <literal>**</literal> indicates that all directories below the
directory <literal>~/texmf/mypackages</literal> and
<literal>./</literal> are to be scanned for custom packages.
The present directory <literal>'.'</literal> is always searched. You
need not include that in <literal>g:Tex_TEXINPUTS</literal>.
<section id="supporting-packages">
<title>Writing supporting for a package</title>
Supporting a package is easy and consists of writing a vim script with
the same name as the package and placing it in the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages</literal> directory. A
package script should define two variables as described in the next two
sections. In addition to these two variables, you can also define any
functions, environment definitions etc. in this file.
This setting is a string containing a comma separated list of options
supported by this package.
<programlisting>g:Tex_package_option_mypack = 'opt1,opt2=,sbr:group1,opt3,opt4'</programlisting>
The <literal>=</literal> suffix means that the option takes a value.
Use <literal>sbr:group name</literal> to separate options into
sub-menus. All successive options will be clubbed into the
<literal>group1</literal> sub-menu till the next
<literal>sbr:</literal> option is encountered.
g:TeX_package_&lt;package&gt; = "pre:Command,pre:Command1"
More detailed example is in latex-suite/packages/exmpl file (slightly
Here is short summary of prefixes which can be used in package files:
(x - place with cursor, &ph; - |placeholder|)
{env:command} Environment: creates simple environment template
{eno:command} Environment with option:
{ens:command[&lt;&lt;option&gt;&gt;]...} Environment special:
{bra:command} Brackets:
{brd:command} Brackets double:
{brs:command[&lt;&lt;option&gt;&gt;]...} Brackets special (as environment special:
{nor:command} Normal:
{noo:command} Normal with option:
{nob:command} Normal with option and brackets:
{pla:command} Plain:
{spe:command} Special:
command &lt;-literal insertion of command
{sep:command} creates separator. Good for aesthetics and usability :)
{sbr:command} Breaks menu into submenus. &lt;command&gt; will be title of submenu.
Can be used also in package variable.
Command can be also given without prefix:. The result is
<section id="latex-completion">
<title>Latex Completion</title>
&ls; provides an easy way to insert references to labels and
bibliographic entries and also provide filename arguments to commands
such as <literal>\includegraphics</literal>. Although the completion
capabilities are very diverse, &ls; only uses a single key
(<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> by default) to do all of it. Pressing the
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> key does different things based on where
you are located. &ls; tries to guess what you might be trying to
complete at the location where you pressed
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal>. For example, pressing
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> when you are within a
<literal>\ref</literal> command will try to list the
<literal>\label</literal>'s in the present directory. Pressing it when
you are in a <literal>\cite</literal> command will list bibliography
keys. &ls; also recognizes commands which need a file name argument and
will put up an explorer window for you to choose a filename.
<note id="ls-set-grepprg">
<title>Before you start with &ls;'s completion function...</title>
All of &ls;'s completion capabilities depend on a external program
being available on your system which can search through a number of
files for a reg-exp pattern. On *nix systems, the pre-installed
<literal>grep</literal> utility is more than adequate. Most windows
systems come with a utility <literal>findstr</literal>, but that has
proven to be very inadequate (for one, it does not have an option to
force the file name to be displayed when searching through a single
file). Your best bet is to install <ulink
url="http://www.cygwin.com">cygwin</ulink>, but if you think that's
overkill, you can <ulink
for</ulink> a windows implementation of GNU grep. (&ls; testing on
windows has been done with cygwin's port of GNU grep).
Once you have a <literal>grep</literal> program installed, you need to
set the <literal>'grepprg'</literal> option for vim. Make sure you use a
setting which forces the program to display file names even when you are
searching through a single file. For GNU grep, the syntax is
<programlisting>set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*</programlisting>
<section id="ls-completion-usage">
<title id="ls-completion-usage.title">&ls; completion example</title>
Consider the situation where you are editing a file with two equations
labelled <literal>eqn:euler</literal> and <literal>eqn:einstein</literal>.
Now you want to insert a reference to one of these equations. To do this,
you type the <literal>\ref{eqn:}</literal> command and with the cursor
placed after <literal>eqn:</literal>, press <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal>.
This will bring up two new windows beneath the main window you were working
in as shown in the figure below.
8 These are a couple of equations:
9 +-- 4 lines: eqnarray (eqn:euler) : e^{j\pi} + 1 &amp;=&amp; 0---------------
13 +-- 4 lines: equation (eqn:einstein) : E = m c^2---------------------
18 These are a couple of figures:
19 +-- 7 lines: figure (fig:monkeys) : Monkeys can Type-------------------
26 +-- 7 lines: figure (fig:shakespeare) : Shakespeare could not type-----
34 This is a reference to \ref{eqn:}&ph;
37 \end{document}
newfile.tex 34,32 Bot
newfile.tex|11| \label{eqn:euler}
newfile.tex|15| \label{eqn:einstein}
[Error List] 1,1 All
8 These are a couple of equations:
9 \begin{eqnarray}
10 e^{j\pi} + 1 &amp;=&amp; 0
11 \label{eqn:euler}
12 \end{eqnarray}
13 \begin{equation}
14 E = m c^2
15 \label{eqn:einstein}
16 \end{equation}
newfile.tex [Preview] 11,3 21%
The first window (shown as <literal>[Error&nbsp;List]</literal> above) is a
<literal>|cwindow|</literal> containing a list of possible matches for the
reference. The cursor will be located in the first line of this window. The
bottom window is a <literal>preview-window</literal> showing the context of
the <literal>\label</literal>. Moving around in the
<literal>[Error&nbsp;List]</literal> window automatically scrolls the
preview window so as to always keep showing the context of the
<literal>\label</literal> being viewed in the
<literal>[Error&nbsp;List]</literal> window. You can also press
<literal>J</literal> and <literal>K</literal> in the
<literal>[ErrorList]</literal> window to scroll the preview window up and
To insert one of the labels, simply position the cursor in the correct line
in the <literal>[Error&nbsp;List]</literal> window and press
<literal>&lt;enter&gt;</literal>. This will immediately close the two newly
opened windows, get back to the correct location in the original file being
edited and insert the label into the <literal>\ref</literal> command.
If you notice carefully in the example above, the
<literal>[Error&nbsp;List]</literal> window only showed the matches for the
equations and did not list any of the figure labels. This is because we
pressed <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> after <literal>\ref{eqn:</literal>
instead of simply after <literal>\ref{</literal>. This caused &ls; to
search only for those labels which started with the string
<literal>eqn:</literal>. If you had pressed
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> after a <literal>\ref{</literal>, you would
have been shown matches from <emphasis>all</emphasis> labels, not just
those starting with <literal>eqn:</literal>.
Thus prefixing all your labels with <literal>eqn:</literal>,
<literal>fig:</literal>, <literal>tab:</literal> etc. depending on what you
are labelling will lead to an easier time completing references.
<section id="ls-completion-ref">
<title>&ls; \ref completion</title>
Pressing <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> when you are within a partially
completed <literal>\ref</literal> command will split open a window
(named <literal>__OUTLINE__</literal>) which contains a nicely
formatted list of all the <literal>\label</literal>s found in the
present project. The <literal>\label</literal>s are heirarchically
arranged according to which <literal>\section</literal>,
<literal>\subsection</literal> etc of the overall document structure
they are present in. For example, when you first press
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> after typing <literal>\ref{</literal>,
you should see something like:
+-- 54 lines: 2. Kinematics--------------------------------
+-- 98 lines: 3. Aerodynamics of the MFI thorax------------
+-- 40 lines: 4. Jump Resonance in Fourbar Mechanisms------
+-- 28 lines: 5. Design and Fabrication Issues-------------
Each chapter is |fold|ed away so that you can quickly jump to the
correct section/subsection in which the relevant equation is defined.
This makes inserting references significantly faster for large projects
with hundreds of equations. You can then open some of the folds to see
for example:
+-- 54 lines: 2. Kinematics--------------------------------
3. Aerodynamics of the MFI thorax
3.1. Aerodynamic modeling of the MFI wing forces
3.1.1. Geometric Specification
\nhat = T_z(\theta_2) T_y(\theta_y)T_x(\theta_x)\nhat_0,
T_1(\theta_2) &amp;=&amp; T_z(\theta_2)
The <literal>&lt;Tab&gt;</literal> key is mapped in this window to
toggle folds so that you can quickly open/close folds in order to
navigate the heirarchy faster. Once you are positioned on a
label, press <literal>&lt;Enter&gt;</literal>. This closes the
<literal>__OUTLINE__</literal> window, returns to the window in which
you pressed <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> and inserts the reference
at the current cursor position.
<title>Filtering labels by prefix</title>
You can press <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> after typing part of the
<literal>\label</literal>. In this case, &ls; only presents
<literal>\label</literal>s which begin with the already filled
characters. You can use this to choose between equations, figures,
tables etc. if you consistently label equations to begin with
<literal>eqn:</literal>, figures to begin with <literal>fig:</literal>
etc. For example, with this scheme, pressing
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> after typing
<literal>\ref{eqn:</literal> will only list equations.
&ls; works the same way if you press <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal>
after any command which contains the letters <literal>ref</literal>.
Thus you can complete <literal>\eqref</literal> in exactly the same
This method of preseting the <literal>\label</literal>s depends on Vim
being compiled with python support. To check if you have this, see the
output of the <literal>:ver</literal> command. If you see something
like <literal>+python</literal>, you are all set. Failing this, you
will need to have <literal>python</literal> somewhere in your
<section id="latex-completion-cite">
<title>&ls; <literal>\cite</literal> completion</title>
&ls; provides an easy way to insert references to bibliographic
entries. Pressing <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> when the cursor is
placed inside a partially completed <literal>\cite</literal> command
will split open a new window (named <literal>__OUTLINE__</literal>)
which contains a formatted and syntax highlighted list of all bibtex
entries found. For example, pressing <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal>
after typing <literal>\ref{</literal> should present you with a window
which looks something like this:
Article [dickinson:science:99]
"Wing rotation and aerodynamic basis of insect flight"
M. H. Dickinson and F-O. Lehman and S. P. Sane
In Science, 1999
Article [ellington:84:part1]
"The Aerodynamics of Hovering Insect Flight. I. The Quasi-Steady Analysis"
Ellington, C P
In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 1984
Article [ellington:84:part2]
"The Aerodynamics of Hovering Insect Flight. II. Morphological Parameters"
Ellington, C P
In Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, 1984
You can easily jump from one entry to another using the
<literal>'n'</literal> and <literal>'p'</literal> keys (to go to the
next / previous entry respectively).
You can also filter out a subset of the bibtex entries by pressing
<literal>'f'</literal> while in this window. Doing this presents the
following prompt:
Field acronyms: (`:let g:Tex_EchoBibFields = 0` to avoid this message)
[t] title [a] author [b] booktitle
[j] journal [y] year [p] bibtype
(you can also enter the complete field name)
Enter filter criterion [field&lt;space&gt;value]:
At the prompt, type
<programlisting>a ellington</programlisting>
Notice that the letter a is an acronym for <literal>author</literal>
according to the prompt above. Therefore this filter only shows those
bibtex entries whose author field contains the text
<literal>ellington</literal>. You can keep narrowing your selection by
repeatedly filtering the results. If you would like to remove all the
filters and see all entries again, press 'a', which removes
all the filters.
You can also sort the bibtex entries based on a field. To do this,
press 's'. This will present you with a prompt like in the case of the
filter and you are asked to choose a field. In this case, you would
type in a single character. This sorts the entries according to that
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> will also work in a similar way after any
command which contains the word <literal>cite</literal> in it. For
example, pressing <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> will also work with
<literal>\citenum</literal> etc.
The following logic is applied to find out which bibliographic entries
are included in the completion.
Firstly, if the present file has a <link
linkend="latex-master-file">master-file</link> defined for it, then &ls;
will perform the following steps on that file instead of on the
current file.
First, the file is scanned for a <literal>\bibliography</literal>
command. To explain better, assume that a command
<programlisting>\bibliography{file1,file2}</programlisting> is found
in the present file. For each bibliography file, say
<literal>file1</literal>, &ls; first tries to see if a
<literal>.bib</literal> file, <literal>file1.bib</literal> can be
found. If so, it will scan it for bib-keys of the form
<literal>@BOOK{</literal> etc., and add these searches to the
completion list. If a <literal>.bib</literal> file cannot be found,
then it will try to see if <literal>file1.bbl</literal> can be found.
If so, &ls; will search it for bib-keys of the form
<literal>\bibitem</literal> and add these to the completion list.
You can set the location where &ls; will search for
<literal>.bib</literal> and <literal>.bbl</literal> files using the
If a <literal>\bibliography</literal> command is not found, then &ls;
tries to scan the present file for a
<literal>\begin{thebibliography}</literal> environment. If found,
&ls; searches the present file for bib-keys of the form
Finally, it will try to see if this file includes other files
via the <literal>\input</literal> command. For each such file found,
&ls; will repeat the previous two steps stopping at the first file
which has either a <literal>\bibliography</literal> command or a
<literal>thebibliography</literal> environment.
<section id="cite-search-caching">
<title>Caching the <literal>\cite</literal> completion results</title>
<anchor id="TClearCiteHist"></anchor>
Often times, the editing cycle proceeds by first laying out a
comprehensive bibliography and then completing all the
<literal>\cite</literal> commands in one session. In such situations,
it is inefficient to scan the whole list of bibliography files for
bib-keys each time. &ls; provides a way to cache the results of the
cite completion search using the <link
variable. If set, &ls; will perform the search only the first time
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> is used. Next time on, it will reuse the
search results. If you wish to redo the search results, issue the
This will redo the completion list next time you use
<section id="ls-filename-completion">
<title>&ls; filename completion</title>
When you press <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> at a location where &ls;
guesses a filename needs to be typed, then a new explorer window will
open up with the list of files. You can use this window to change
directories etc. Pressing <literal>&lt;enter&gt;</literal> on a filename
in the explorer window will automatically close the explorer window,
return to the location where you pressed <literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal>
from and insert the filename into that position.
&ls; also tries to guess what kinds of files you might not want to
insert and hides those accordingly. For example, if you press
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> when you are located at
<literal>\includegraphics{</literal>, then &ls; knows that you will not
want to insert <literal>.tex</literal> files. Therefore, the explorer
window will automatically hide these files.
As of now, &ls; recognizes the following commands for filename
completion. Along with the commands, this table also lists the
files which &ls; will not show for completing each command.
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>hide pattern</entry>
<entry><literal>\include</literal> <literal>\includeonly</literal></entry>
<entry><literal>\includegraphics</literal> <literal>\psfig</literal></entry>
<section id="ls-completion-custom">
<title>Custom command completion</title>
&ls; also recognizes certain commonly used &latex; commands for the
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> key. At the moment, the
<literal>\bibliographystyle</literal>, <literal>\addtocontents</literal>
and the <literal>\addcontentsline</literal> commands are recognized,
although more will be added in the future. When you press the
<literal>&lt;F9&gt;</literal> after such a command, &ls; will prompt
you with a list of arguments which make sense for the command.
This functionality is available for commands for which a global
variable of the form
<literal>g:Tex_completion_{&lt;command&gt;}</literal> is defined where
<literal>&lt;command&gt;</literal> is the command name. This variable
is a comma separated list of values which this command takes. For
example, the argument to the <literal>\bibliographystyle</literal>
command is commonly one of <literal>abbr,alpha,plain,unsrt</literal>.
Therefore, &ls; defines
<programlisting>let g:Tex_completion_bibliographystyle = 'abbr,alpha,plain,unsrt'</programlisting>
You can define your own completion variables in a similar manner for
commands which you might use.
<section id="latex-compiling">
<title>&latex; Compiling</title>
This functionality, available via the TeX-Suite menu, provides various tools
to compile and debug &latex; files from within &vim;.
If you are using commonly used LaTeX tools, then you should be all set
as soon as you download and install &ls;. In order to compile a
LaTeX file, simply press <literal>\ll</literal> while editing the file.
This runs latex on the current file and displays the errors in a
|quickfix-window| below the file being edited. You can then scroll
through the errors and press <literal>&lt;enter&gt;</literal> to be
taken to the location of the corresponding error. Along with the errors
being listed in the quickfix window, the corresponding log file is also
opened in |preview| mode beneath the quickfix window. It is scrolled
automatically to keep in sync with the error being viewed in the
quickfix window. You will be automatically taken to the location of the
first error/warning unless you set the <link
linkend="Tex_GotoError">g:Tex_GotoError</link> variable to 0.
&ls; also supports compiling &latex; into formats other than DVI. By
default, &ls; supports PDF and PS formats. In order to choose a format
other than DVI, use the <literal>TTarget</literal> command or the
<literal>TeX-Suite > Target Format</literal> menu item. This will ask you
to type in the name of the target format you want to compile to. If a rule
has been defined for the format (as described in the next
<link linkend="compiler-rules">section</link>), then &ls; will switch to
that format.
<para>Trying to choose a format for which no rule has been defined will
result in &ls; displaying a warning message without taking any action.
If you are using a multiple file project and need to compile a master
file while editing other files, then &ls; provides a way to specify the
file to be compiled as described in <link
<section id="compiler-rules">
<title>Setting Compilation rules</title>
In order to compile &latex; files into various formats, &ls; needs to know
which external programs to call and in which way they need to be called.
This information is provided to &ls; via a number of "rules". For each
format you want to compile to, you need to specify a rule. A rule is
specified by defining a variable of the form:
where <literal>&lt;format&gt;</literal> is a string like
<literal>"pdf"</literal>, <literal>"dvi"</literal> etc.
Example: By default, &ls; uses the following rule for compiling &latex;
documents into DVI.
<programlisting>g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'latex --interaction=nonstopmode $*'</programlisting>
Default values are also provided for ps and pdf formats. You might want to
change these rules in texrc according to your local tex environment.
For win32 users user MikTeX, sometimes the latex compiler's output has a
bug where a single number is split across different lines. In this case,
put the included <literal>vim-latex</literal> file distributed with &ls;.
<section id="compiler-dependency">
<title>Handling dependencies in compilation</title>
&ls; also handles compiling dependencies automatically via certain
rules which specify the "dependency chain" for each target format.
For example, if in your case, you use
<programlisting>.tex -&gt; .dvi -&gt; .ps -&gt; .pdf</programlisting>
to generate <literal>pdf</literal> files from <literal>dvi</literal>
files, then you will need to specify the following setting in your
&ls; configuration (see <link
linkend="customizing-latex-suite">customizing &ls;</link> for where
these settings should go):
let g:Tex_FormatDependency_pdf = 'dvi,ps,pdf'
This is a comma separated string of formats specifying the order in
which the formats to be compiled into should be chosen. With this
setting, if you set the target format to <literal>pdf</literal>, then
the next time you compile via the <literal>\ll</literal> shortcut, &ls;
will first generate a <literal>dvi</literal> file, then use that to
generate the <literal>ps</literal> file and finally create the
<literal>pdf</literal> file from that.
If any of the intermediate formats is listed in the
<literal>g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats</literal> setting as described
in the section <link linkend="compiling-multiple">Compiling multiple
times</link>, then &ls; might make multiple calls to the compiler to
generate the output file of that format.
Along with the <literal>g:Tex_FormatDependency_{format}</literal>
setting, you should ofcourse specify the rule for compiling to each of
the formats as described in the <link linkend="compiler-rules">previous
section</link>. For example, with the setting above, you could use:
let g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'latex --interaction=nonstopmode $*'
let g:Tex_CompileRule_ps = 'dvips -Ppdf -o $*.ps $*.dvi'
let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'ps2pdf $*.ps'</programlisting>
By default, &ls; does not specify any compiler dependencies. Each
target format for which a rule has been derived will be compiled
<section id="compiling-multiple">
<title>Compiling multiple times</title>
Most &latex; compilers need to be re-run several times in several
commonly occurring situations in order to get a final camera ready copy.
For example, when <literal>\label</literal>'s change, when new
<literal>\cite</literal> commands are added etc. If the target format
you are compiling to requires multiple compilations, then you will
need to include the format in the
<literal>g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats</literal> setting. This is a
comma separated string of formats which need multiple compilations to
be generated correctly.
By default, this setting contains just the <literal>dvi</literal>
format. If you use the <literal>pdflatex</literal> compiler to generate
<literal>pdf</literal> files, then you might want to also include
<literal>pdf</literal> into the above setting.
For every format included in the
<literal>g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats</literal> setting described
above, &ls; will use the following logic to generate the file. Note
that although the following description uses <literal>latex</literal>
to refer to the compiler, it could be some other compiler such as
<literal>pdflatex</literal> for generating <literal>pdf</literal>
<listitem>If there was a <literal>.idx</literal> file, then remember
its contents.</listitem>
<listitem>Run <literal>latex</literal>.</listitem>
<listitem>If the <literal>.idx</literal> file changed due to the latex
compiler, then run <literal>makeindex</literal> to redo the
<literal>.ind</literal> file and then remember to rerun latex.
If the <literal>.aux</literal> file generated by the latex
compiler contains a <literal>\bibdata</literal> line, then it
means that we are using a <literal>.bib</literal> file. Therefore,
run <literal>bibtex</literal>.
This means that we will always run <literal>bibtex</literal>
whenever we use the <literal>\bibliography</literal> command
whether or not we actually need to. At this time, &ls; does not
parse the <literal>.aux</literal> file before and after the latex
compiler to see if we are required to rerun
If the <literal>.bbl</literal> file changes because of this, then
remember to rerun latex again.
<listitem>Also, we check to see if the &latex; compiler gives certain
standard warnings which notify that we need to compile once again. In
this case also, remember to rerun &latex;.</listitem>
<listitem>If we found we had to rerun latex, then we repeat
the steps above but not running <literal>makeindex</literal> or
<literal>bibtex</literal> again.</listitem>
The &latex; file is compiled atmost 5 times using this logic. These
steps will ensure that on most platforms/environments, you will get a
clean output with all the cross-references, citations etc correctly
labelled and ordered.
<section id="compiler-output-customization">
<title>Customizing the compiler output</title>
Most &latex; compilers produce a very large amount of output during
compilation, most of which is not relevant to debugging type-setting
errors. The compiler plugin provided with &ls; (which is an enhanced
version of the standard compiler plugin maintained by Artem Chuprina),
provides a way to filter the compiler output so that the actual
errors/warnings can be presented much more concisely.
The compiler plugin is set up by default to function in a "non-verbose",
"ignore-common-warnings" mode, which means that irrelevant lines from the
compiler output will be ignored and some very common warnings are also
&ls; does this via the global variable <link
This is a list of patterns, which can be used to filter out (or ignore)
some or the warnings and errors reported by the compiler. See the link
above for its default value.
&ls; uses the <link
setting to set a default ignore level. For example, for the default
value of 4, &ls; ignores warnings and errors matching the first 4
patterns in <literal>g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings</literal>.
In addition to setting a default value of the ignore level, &ls;
provides the ability to set the level dynamically, using the
<literal>TCLevel</literal> command. For example, if you issue the
<programlisting>TCLevel 3</programlisting>
from within &vim;, then the next time you compile the document, &ls; will
ignore warnings and errors which match the first three patterns in
When TCLevel is called with the unquoted string strict as follows:
<programlisting>TClevel strict</programlisting>
then &ls; switches to a "verbose", "no-lines-ignored" mode which is useful
when you want to make final checks of your document and want to be careful
not to let things slip by.
See the explanation of the settings <link
linkend="Tex_IgnoredWarnings">g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings</link> and <link
linkend="Tex_IgnoreLevel">g:Tex_IgnoreLevel</link> to find out how to
customize the filtering done by &ls;
<section id="part-compiling">
<title>Compiling parts of a file</title>
&ls; also provides a way to compile a fragment of a document. This can be
very useful while debugging a complex equation or one chapter in a book,
To do this, visually select a portion of the text and press
<literal>\ll</literal> while in visual mode. The visually selected portion
will be saved to a temporary file with the preamble from the current
document prepended. &ls; will then switch focus to this temporary file and
compile it. Continue to debug this file as required and then replace the
portion of the original file with this one.
Pressing <literal>\lv</literal> while viewing the temporary file will
view the output file generated from the temporary file, not the original
Two commands |TPartComp| and |TPartView| are provided to be able to get
this functionality via the command line.
From release 1.6 onwards of &ls;, the temporary file created
for part compilation will reside in the same directory as the file from
which the fragment is being created. This ensures that any relative
path-names defined in the fragment will still work. &ls; will
attempt to clean the temporary file(s) created when Vim exits.
<section id="latex-viewing">
<title>Latex Viewing and Searching</title>
<section id="latex-viewing-rules">
<title>Setting Viewing rules</title>
In order to view the output files created by compiling the source
files, you need to specify which external program &ls; should call. You
can specify the external program using one of two settings
<link linkend="Tex_ViewRule_format">Tex_ViewRule_format</link> or <link
By default, &ls; has default settings for viewing various common output
formats via the <literal>Tex_ViewRule_format</literal> settings, so
that if you are using commonly used programs, you should be all set to
view compiled files from within &vim; by simply pressing
The viewing function also takes the <link
linkend="latex-master-file"><literal>*.latexmain</literal></link> file
into account to decide which file to show.
If pressing <literal>\lv</literal> does not work, then it most probably
has to do with incorrect settings of the <link
where <literal>&lt;format&gt;</literal> is the format you are
attempting to view. See the link above for how to set this according to
your system.
On Windows and OS/X, you can leave the view rule empty to open the document
with the default viewer on your system. On Linux/UNIX systems, you can use
the <literal>xdg-open</literal> command to open the document with the default
In addition to viewing the files, &ls; also supports forward and inverse
searching for certain common tools for viewing documents.
See the next few sections for details on forward and inverse searching,
including an overview of viewers.
<section id="forward-searching">
<title>Forward Searching documents</title>
Forward searching refers to making a viewer display a given document at
a given location from within &vim;. At present, these viewers are known to support
forward searching, but viewers that are not listed here may work, too:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Supported documents</entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://skim-app.sourceforge.net/">Skim</ulink></entry>
<entry>Apple / OS X Tiger</entry>
<entry>Supports also inverse searching</entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://pdfview.sourceforge.net/">PDFView</ulink></entry>
<entry>Apple / OS X</entry>
<entry>No longer in development, supports also inverse searching</entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://www2.ing.unipi.it/~d9615/homepage/texniscope.html">TeXniscope</ulink></entry>
<entry>PDF, DVI</entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://www.miktex.org/">YAP</ulink></entry>
<entry>DVI, PS</entry>
<entry>ships with MikTex</entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/">Sumatra PDF</ulink></entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://developer.kde.org/~kdvi/">kdvi</ulink></entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://okular.kde.org/">okular</ulink></entry>
<entry>DVI, PDF, PS and many more</entry>
<entry>Included in KDE 4</entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://math.berkeley.edu/~vojta/xdvi.html">xdvi</ulink></entry>
<entry><ulink url="http://xdvi.sourceforge.net/">xdvik</ulink></entry>
Pressing <literal>\ls</literal> from within &vim;
should make the viewer display the portion of the document where your
cursor is placed.
OS/X users need to set the <literal>g:Tex_TreatMacViewerAsUNIX</literal> flag
to <literal>1</literal> and provide a UNIX-like viewrule, that expects as
arguments the document, the linenumber and the sourcefile in this order.
<anchor id="enabling-searching" />
<title>Enabling Forward and Inverse Searching</title>
Most DVI viewers need "source-special" information in order to do
forward (and inverse) searching. This information is embedded in the
<literal>dvi</literal> file if the &latex; source is compiled with the
<literal>--src-specials</literal> option. By default, &ls; does not
supply this argument to the compiler. See the section on
to find out how this option can be set.
For pdf viewers you need to use the <ulink url="http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/pdfsync.html">pdfsync</ulink>
package in your LaTeX document.
<section id="inverse-searching">
<title>Inverse Searching</title>
Inverse searching refers to the viewer telling &vim; to display the &latex;
source file at a given location. Usually this happens with double-clicking
or clicking while pressing the shift button in the viewer window. The
actual method depends on the viewer application.
You will need to <link linkend="enabling-searching">enable
searching</link> in order to use this functionality.
You will also need to specify certain settings to the DVI viewer
conveying the syntax which it needs to use to tell &vim; how to display
the source file. In <literal>YAP</literal>, you can set this option in
<literal>View > Options > Inverse Search</literal>. The
<literal>Command Line</literal> field needs to be set as follows:
<programlisting>"C:\Program Files\vim\vim61\gvim" -c ":RemoteOpen +%l %f"</programlisting>
The command <literal>:RemoteOpen</literal> is supplied when you install
On *nix machines, &ls; attempts to call the DVI viewer in such a way
that it already knows how to communicate with &vim;. If this does not
seem to be working, you can use the <literal>RemoteOpen</literal>
command described above.
<section id="latex-folding">
<title>Latex Folding</title>
&ls; ships with the plugin SyntaxFolds.vim which is a plugin for
creating "fake" syntax folds on the fly. The fold method is actually manual
but the folding is based on &latex; syntax. This offers a speed increase over
regular syntax folding. Ofcourse it has the disadvantage that the folds are
not dynamic, i.e newly created syntax items are not automatically folded up.
(This is a compromise between speed and convenience).
When you open up a LaTeX file, all the portions will be automatically folded
up. However, no new folds will be created until you press
<literal>&lt;F6&gt;</literal> or <literal>\rf</literal>. (rf
stands for "refresh folds").
The fold-text is set to the first line of the folded text unless the fold is a
table, figure etc. (an environment). In this case, if a \caption and/or a
label is found in the folded region, then those are used to make a more
meaningful fold-text, otherwise the second line of the environment is displayed
along with the name of the environment. In other words, the following
\caption{The Slider Crank Mechanism.}
% a LaTeX comment.
\sin(\pi) = 0
will be shown as:
<programlisting>+--- 5 lines: figure (fig:slidercrank) : The Slider Crank Mechanism. -----
% a LaTeX comment.
+--- 3 lines: eqnarray () : \sin(\pi) = 0 --------------------------------</programlisting>
<section id="default-folding">
<title>Default Folding Scheme in &ls;</title>
By default &ls; creates folds in the following manner:
The indentation shows the "nestedness" of the folding scheme.
See the <link linkend="customizing-what-to-fold">next section</link> to
see how you can change this scheme.
<section id="customizing-what-to-fold">
<title>Customizing what to fold</title>
From version 1.6 onwards, the folding in &ls; can be controlled
to a large extent via a number of global variables.
<section id="Tex_FoldedSections">
This entry defines which sections will be folded. This
setting is a comma separated list of section names.
The default value is:
Each of the entries in the list will fold up a section of the
corresponding name. The <literal>%%fakesection</literal> section is
provided as a means for the user to group lines into "fake" sections.
A <literal>%%fakesection</literal> is assumed to start on a line which
begins with the string <literal>%%fakesection</literal> and continue
till the start of the next <literal>\section</literal>,
<literal>\subsection</literal> or any other section.
See also <link linkend="fold-setting-advanced">advanced fold
<section id="Tex_FoldedEnvironments">
This entry defines which environments will be folded. It is a
comma separated string of words each of which defines a single
environment. The default setting is
The words need not be standard Latex environments. You can
add any word you like. Also, each word will fold up all
environments whose name begins with that word. For example, in
the setting above, the word <literal>"eq"</literal> folds up the
<literal>\begin{eqnarray*}</literal> environments. To avoid
this, you can replace the word <literal>"eq"</literal> with
See also <link linkend="fold-setting-advanced">advanced fold
<section id="Tex_FoldedCommands">
This entry defines which commands will be folded. It is a comma
separated string of words each of which defines a single command.
The default setting is empty, i.e no commands are folded.
The words need not be standard Latex commands. You can use whatever
words you like. Each word will fold all commands whose name begins
with that word as in the case of the <link
It is very difficult to fold commands reliably because it is very
difficult to create a regexp which will match a line containing
unmatched parentheses (or curly brackets), but will not match a line
containing matched parentheses.
Just to make things safer, only lines which start a command but do
not contain additional curly braces after the command has started are
folded. In other words, if you wanted to fold the the command
<literal>"mycommand"</literal>, then the lines
<programlisting>\mycommand{This is a line
and some more text on the next line
will be folded, but the lines
<programlisting>\mycommand{This is a \textbf{line}
and some more text
will not be folded. This is a bug which is very difficult to fix.
See also <link linkend="fold-setting-advanced">advanced fold
<section id="Tex_FoldedMisc">
This entry defines fold syntax for certain items which do not
naturally fit into the section, environment of command lists. It is a
comma separated list of words. The default value is:
Unlike the other Tex_FoldedXXXX variables, the words in this setting
are limited to take values from the following list:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Folds up contiguous blocks of comments</entry>
<entry>Folds up the <literal>\item</literal>s within list
<entry>Folds up the preamble of a document. (The part between
the <literal>\documentclass</literal> command and the
<literal>\begin{document}</literal> environment)</entry>
<entry>Folds defined manually by the user using the
<literal>&lt;&lt;&lt;</literal> and
<literal>&gt;&gt;&gt;</literal> strings as fold-markers.</entry>
Any other words in the <literal>Tex_FoldedMisc</literal> setting
are silently ignored.
See also <link linkend="fold-setting-advanced">advanced fold
<section id="fold-setting-advanced">
<title>Advanced Fold setting details</title>
The order of the words in the <literal>Tex_FoldedXXXX</literal>
variables is <emphasis>important</emphasis>. The order defines the
order in which the folds are nested. For example, the value
<literal>"subsection,section"</literal> for the
<literal>Tex_FoldedSections</literal> variable will not fold any
subsections at all. This is because the folds are created in the
<emphasis>reverse</emphasis> order in which they occur in the
<literal>Tex_FoldedSections</literal> setting and also, once a fold is
created, the interior of the fold is not examined for creating
additional folds. In the above case, this means that a
<literal>\section</literal> is folded first and then its interior is
not examined further. The correct value should have been
<anchor id="fold-setting-adding" />
Each of the fold setting variables
<literal>Tex_FoldedEnvironments</literal> etc., as explained previously
is a comma separated string of variables. However, to make it easier
to <emphasis>add</emphasis> to the default settings without having to
repeat the whole default setting again, &ls; uses the following logic
in forming the complete setting string from the
<literal>Tex_FoldedXXXX</literal> variables. If the variable starts with
a comma, then <literal>Tex_FoldedXXXX</literal> is added to the end of
the default string rather than replacing it. Similarly, if it ends
with a comma, then it will be prepended to the beginning of the
default setting rather than replacing it.
For example, if <literal>Tex_FoldedEnvironments</literal> is set to the
string <literal>"myenv"</literal>, then only an environment of the
form <literal>\begin{myenv}</literal> will be folded. However, if the
<literal>Tex_FoldedEnvironments</literal> setting is
<literal>",myenv"</literal>, then the <literal>\begin{myenv}</literal>
environment will be folded after all other environments in the default
setting have been folded. On the other hand if
<literal>Tex_FoldedEnvironments</literal> is of the form
<literal>"myenv,"</literal>, the <literal>\begin{myenv}</literal>
environment will be folded before the rest of the environments in the
default setting.
<section id="editing-folding">
<title>Editing the folding.vim file directly</title>
If you are using version 1.5 of &ls; or older, you will need to
directly edit the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/folding.vim</literal> file if you
wish to modify the folding scheme. You will need to modify the
function <literal>MakeTexFolds()</literal> defined in that file to
modify the fold syntax. <literal>MakeTexFolds</literal> makes a number
of calls to <literal>AddSyntaxFoldItem</literal>. Each such call
defines a new "fold item". The order in which these calls are made
defines how the folds are nested. For example, if you desire an
<literal>figure</literal> environment to be nested within a
<literal>section</literal>, then you should define the fold for the
<literal>figure</literal> first. The syntax of
<literal>AddSyntaxFoldItem</literal> is as follows:
<programlisting>AddSyntaxFoldItem(startpat, endpat, startoff, endoff [, startskip, endskip])</programlisting>
If the last two arguments are omitted, then they are assumed to default
to the empty strings <literal>''</literal>.
The explanation for each argument is as follows:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>a line matching this pattern defines
the beginning of a fold.
a line matching this pattern defines the end of a fold.
this is the offset from the starting line at which folding will
actually start
like <literal>startoff</literal>, but gives the offset of the
actual fold end from the line satisfying <literal>endpat</literal>.
<literal>startoff</literal> and <literal>endoff</literal> are
necessary when the folding region does not have a specific end
pattern corresponding to a start pattern. for example in &latex;,
<literal>\section{Section Name}</literal> defines the beginning of
a section, but there is no command which specifically ends a
section. Thus a <literal>\section</literal> is assumed to end 1
line <emphasis>before</emphasis> another section starts.
A Pattern Which Defines The Beginning Of A "Skipped" Region.
For example, suppose we define a \itemize fold as follows:
<programlisting><literal>startpat</literal> = '^\s*\\item',
<literal>endpat</literal> = '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
<literal>startoff</literal> = 0,
<literal>endoff</literal> = -1</programlisting>
This defines a fold which starts with a line beginning with an
<literal>\item</literal> and ending one line before a line beginning with an
<literal>\item</literal> or <literal>\end{enumerate}</literal> etc.
Then, as long as <literal>\item</literal>'s are not nested things are fine.
However, once items begin to nest, the fold started by one
<literal>\item</literal> can end because of an
<literal>\item</literal> in an <literal>\itemize</literal>
environment within this <literal>\item</literal>. i.e, the following can happen:
\item Some text &lt;------- fold will start here
This item will contain a nested item
\begin{itemize} &lt;----- fold will end here because next line contains \item...
\item Hello
\end{itemize} &lt;----- ... instead of here.
\item Next item of the parent itemize
Therefore, in order to completely define a folding item which
allows nesting, we need to also define a "skip" pattern.
<literal>startskip</literal> and end skip do that.
Leave '' when there is no nesting.
the pattern which defines the end of the "skip" pattern for
nested folds.
<title>Example 1</title>
A syntax fold region for the latex section is defined with the
following arguments to <literal>AddSyntaxFoldItem</literal>:
<programlisting>startpat = "\\section{"
endpat = "\\section{"
startoff = 0
endoff = -1
startskip = ''
endskip = ''</programlisting>
Note that the start and end patterns are thus the same and
<literal>endoff</literal> has a negative value to capture the effect
of a section ending one line before the next starts.
<title>Example 2</title>
A syntax fold region for the \itemize environment is:
<programlisting>startpat = '^\s*\\item',
endpat = '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
startoff = 0,
endoff = -1,
startskip = '^\s*\\begin{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
endskip = '^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}'</programlisting>
Note the use of <literal>startskip</literal> and
<literal>endskip</literal> to allow nesting.
<section id="latex-project">
<title>Multiple file &latex; projects</title>
<anchor id="latex-project-example" />
Many &latex; projects contain multiple source files which are
<literal>\include</literal>d from a master file. A typical example of
this situation is a directory layout such as the following
In the above case, <literal>main.tex</literal> will typically look like
<programlisting>% file: main.tex
<anchor id="latex-master-file-specification" /> In such situations, you will
need to convey to &ls; that <literal>main.tex</literal> is the main file
which <literal>\input</literal>s the other files. This is done by creating
an empty file called <literal>main.tex.latexmain</literal> in the same
directory in which <literal>main.tex</literal> resides. This file is called
the <emphasis>master file</emphasis> in this manual. See <link
linkend="Tex_MainFileExpression">Tex_MainFileExpression</link> for an
alternative way of specifying the master file.
Here <literal>main.tex.latexmain</literal> is (obviously) a different
file from <literal>main.tex</literal> itself.
<literal>main.tex</literal> need not be renamed. This ofcourse
restricts each directory to have a single master file.
Each time &ls; opens a new &latex; file, it will try to see if it is
part of a multiple file project by searching upwards (to the root of
the file-system) from the current file's directory to see if it finds a
file of the form <literal>*.latexmain</literal>. If such a file is
found, then it is considered that the current file is part of a larger
project. The name of the &latex; master file is inferred directly from
the first part of the <literal>*.latexmain</literal> file as described
in the example above.
<section id="latex-project-settings">
<title>&ls; project settings</title>
If a <link linkend="latex-master-file">master file</link> is found,
then &ls; <literal>:source</literal>s the file. Thus this file needs to
contain valid &vim; commands. This file is typically used to store
project specific settings.
Some typical per-project settings which are best put in the master file
<section id="latex-master-file">
<title>Specifying which file to compile</title>
In the example described <link
linkend="latex-project-example">previously</link>, if you are editing
<literal>intro/intro.tex</literal> and press <literal>\ll</literal>,
then you still want &ls; to compile <literal>main.tex</literal>,
because <literal>intro/intro.tex</literal> is merely a fragment which
is <literal>\input</literal>'ed into <literal>main.tex</literal>. If
the master file is already specified using the
<literal>*.latexmain</literal> convention described <link
linkend="latex-project-example">previously</link>, then &ls; will automatically
compile the master file when you are editing any of its
<literal>\input</literal>'ed fragments. Thus pressing
<literal>\ll</literal> while editing <literal>intro/intro.tex</literal>
will compile <literal>main.tex</literal>.
<anchor id="Tex_MainFileExpression" />
If you wish to use some different logic to specify the main file name,
you can specify a custom expression via the
<literal>Tex_MainFileExpression</literal> variable. This is a string
containing a valid vim expression. In addition, you can use a variable
<literal>modifier</literal> which is in the format used for
<literal>|filename-modifiers|</literal>, for example,
<literal>':p:h'</literal>. You should utilize this variable to modify
the filename of the main file.
<programlisting>let g:Tex_MainFileExpression = 'MainFile(modifier)'
function! MainFile(fmod)
if glob('*.latexmain') != ''
return fnamemodify(glob('*.latexmain'), a:fmod)
return ''
<section id="latex-suite-commands-maps">
<title>&ls; Commands and Maps</title>
This section describes the maps and commands used in &ls;. It also
describes a way to change the map sequences according to your
<section id="latex-suite-maps">
<title>&ls; Maps</title>
<anchor id="remapping-latex-suite-keys" />
Most of the mappings used in &ls; can be mapped to a different key
combination to suit your particular needs. An example best explains the
procedure for doing this. Suppose you want to remap the
<literal>&lt;C-j&gt;</literal> key which &ls; (actually imaps.vim) uses
to jump to the next placeholder. To do this, you first need to find out
which <literal>&lt;Plug&gt;</literal> mapping
<literal>&lt;C-j&gt;</literal> is derived from. You will need to look
at the relevant section of this manual to do this. For example, the
section <link linkend="customize-imap-maps">IMAP mappings</link> has
the information that the <literal>&lt;C-j&gt;</literal> key is derived
from <literal>&lt;Plug&gt;IMAP_JumpForward</literal>. Therefore to
remap the <literal>&lt;C-j&gt;</literal> key to say
<literal>&lt;C-space&gt;</literal>, you will need to put a
statement like the following in your <literal>~/.vimrc</literal>.
<programlisting>imap &lt;C-space&gt; &lt;Plug&gt;IMAP_JumpForward</programlisting>
To change the <literal>IMAP</literal> mappings which affect jumping
between placeholders, the <literal>map</literal> statement above has
to be placed in your <literal>~/.vimrc</literal>. For other mappings
you can place the <literal>map</literal> statement in your
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim</literal> file. The reason for this is
that the <literal>&lt;C-j&gt;</literal> maps are created in
<literal>plugin/imaps.vim</literal>, which is sourced as soon as &vim;
starts before sourcing any ftplugin files.
<section id="customize-imap-maps">
<title>IMAP mappings</title>
These mappings are utilized for jumping between placeholders as
described <link linkend="place-holders">here</link>. See the <link
linkend="latex-suite-maps">parent section</link> to find out how to
use this information to change the default maps.
<anchor id="Plug_IMAP_JumpForward" />
<anchor id="Plug_IMAP_JumpBack" />
<anchor id="Plug_IMAP_DeleteAndJumpForward" />
<anchor id="Plug_IMAP_DeleteAndJumBack" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Plug map</entry>
<entry>Default Key</entry>
<literal>&lt;Plug&gt;IMAP_JumpForward</literal> takes you to the
location of the next <link
<literal>&lt;Plug&gt;IMAP_JumpBack</literal> takes you to the previous
<link linkend="place-holders">place-holder</link>.
<literal>&lt;Plug&gt;IMAP_DeleteAndJumpForward</literal> deletes the
presently selected place-holder and jumps to the next place-holder
irrespective of whether the present placeholder is empty or not and
ignoring the value of place-holder settings like <link
and <link
<literal>&lt;Plug&gt;IMAP_DeleteAndJumpBack</literal> deletes the
presently selected place-holder and jumps to the previous place-holder
irrespective of whether the present placeholder is empty or not and
ignoring the value of place-holder settings like <link
and <link
<section id="customize-alt-key-maps">
<title>Alt-Key mappings</title>
These mappings are are described in the section <link
linkend="altkey-mappings">Alt key macros</link>. See <link
linkend="remapping-latex-suite-keys">the parent section</link> to see
how to use the following information to remap keys.
<anchor id="Plug_Tex_MathBF" />
<anchor id="Plug_Tex_MathCal" />
<anchor id="Plug_Tex_LeftRight" />
<anchor id="Plug_Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Plug Mapping</entry>
<entry>Default Key</entry>
<section id="latex-suite-commands">
<title>Latex Suite Commands</title>
<section id="TMacro">
<title>:TMacro [{macro}]</title>
When used without any arguments lists all available macros defined
in runtime ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/ directories and prompts you
to choose one of them. With one argument |:read| this macro under
cursor position. With more than one argument it will not work :) In
Vim >= 6.2 works completion of names of macros (see 'wildmenu',
'wildmode' for more about command-line completion).
<section id="TMacroEdit">
<title>:TMacroEdit [{macro}]</title>
Splits window for editing {macro}. When used without any arguments
lists all available macros defined in runtime
ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/ directories and prompt you to choose
one of them. When you try to edit {macro} not from local directory
&ls; will copy it to your local directory with suffix
"-local". If local copy already exists &ls; prompt for
overwriting it. In Vim >= 6.2 works completion of names of macros
(see 'wildmenu', 'wildmode' for more about command-line completion).
<section id="TMacroNew">
Splits window to write new macro. Directory in new buffer is
locally changed to &ls;/macros/.
<section id="TMacroDelete">
<title>:TMacroDelete [{macro}]</title>
Delets {macro} from your local ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/
directory. When used without any arguments lists all available
macros defined in &ls;/macros/ directory and prompt you to
choose one of them. When you choose to delete {macro} which is not
in your local directory &ls; will refuse to delete it. In
Vim >= 6.2 works completion of names of macros (see 'wildmenu',
'wildmode' for more about command-line completion)
<section id="TPackage">
<title>:TPackage [{package, ...}]</title>
When used without any arguments lists name of the packages for
which support is available. If you are using &vim; GUI and have
<literal>Tex_Menus</literal> set to 1, then it will list all files
found in the <literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages</literal>
directory. Otherwise, &ls; will list files found in the
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries</literal> directory.
Choosing a file from the list will insert a
<programlisting>\usepackage[&ph;]{&lt;packname&gt;}</programlisting> line into the
buffer at the current cursor location. For &vim; 6.2 and above, you
can use command-line completion to choose a package file. You can also
call <literal>TPackage</literal> with one or more package names
separated with spaces in which case, &ls; will insert
<literal>\usepackage</literal> lines for each of them in turn.
After inserting the <literal>\usepackage</literal> line(s), &ls; will
support it (them) in various ways as described in the section <link
linkend="package-actions">Actions taken for supported
<section id="TPackageUpdate">
This command `reads' name of package under cursor and turns on
possible support.
<section id="TPackageUpdateAll">
After issuing this command latexSuite scans the file in
looking for not declared packages, removing not needed entries
from Packages menu and turning off not necessary packages'
<section id="TTemplate">
<title>:TTemplate [{template}]</title>
When used without any arguments lists all available templates
from latex-suite/templates/ directory and prompts to choose
one of them.
With one argument :0|read| {template} file.
With more than one argument it will not work :)
In Vim >= 6.2 works completion of names of macros (see 'wildmenu',
'wildmode' for more about command-line completion)
<section id="TSection">
<title>:TSection [{argument}]</title>
Used without any arguments inserts last section type
Accepts arguments:
n&gt; inserts section name in &lt;n&gt; logical level.
Levels are:
<tgroup cols="2">
<tgroup cols="2">
inserts section name &lt;n&gt; logical levels above the last
used comand
inserts section name &lt;n&gt; logical levels below the last
used comand
inserts section name one logical level below the last
used command (equal to +1).
inserts section name two logical levels below the last
used command (equal to +2).
inserts section name one logical level over the last
used command (equal to -1).
inserts section name two logical levels over the last
used command (equal to -2).
Command accepts also latexSuite mappings (|latex-macros|)
without preceding S and in lowercase:
<programlisting>:TSection pa</programlisting>
will result in <literal>\part{}</literal>. It is possible to use full names of
sections: <literal>:TSection part</literal>
<section id="TSectionAdvanced">
Accepts the same arguments as |TSection| but leads to a couple
of questions (whether you want to include the section in the
table of contents, whether there is a shorter name for the
table of contents) and then creates a more intelligent
<section id="TLook">
Accepts one argument. Will look through .tex files in
directory of edited file for argument. It can be regexp. You
don't have to enclose argument in "". &lt;cr&gt; takes you to
location. Other keys work as described in |latex-viewer|.
Note: TLook uses :grep command and is using 'grepprg'. Its
regular expressions can be different from those of Vim.
<section id="TLookBib">
Accepts one argument. Will look through .bib files in
directory of edited file for argument. It can be regexp. You
don't have to enclose argument in "". &lt;cr&gt; takes you to
location. Other keys work as described in |latex-viewer|.
TLookBib uses :grep command and is using 'grepprg'. Its
regular expressions can be different from those of Vim.
<section id="TLookAll">
Accepts one argument. Will look through all files in directory
of edited file for argument. It can be regexp. You don't have
to enclose argument in "". &lt;cr&gt; takes you to location. Other
keys work as described in |latex-viewer|.
Note: TLook uses :grep command and is using 'grepprg'. Its
regular expressions can be different from those of Vim.
<section id="TPartComp">
No argument allowed but accepts range in all formats. Define
fragment of interest with :'a,'b, :/a/,/b/, :'&lt;,'&gt; or :20,30.
All other rules of compilation apply.
<section id="TPartView">
Show last compiled fragment. All rules of viewing apply but
<section id="Tshortcuts">
<title>:Tshortcuts [{arg}]</title>
Show shortcuts in terminal (not using menu). Without {arg}
you will see simple menu prompting for one of them. Possible
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>g</entry><entry>General shortcuts</entry></row>
<row><entry>e</entry><entry>Environment shortcuts</entry></row>
<row><entry>f</entry><entry>Font shortcuts</entry></row>
<row><entry>s</entry><entry>Section shortcuts</entry></row>
<row><entry>m</entry><entry>Math shortcuts</entry></row>
<row><entry>a</entry><entry>All shortcuts</entry></row>
<section id="customizing-latex-suite">
<title>Customizing &ls;</title>
Customizing &ls; is done by defining certain global variables in
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim</literal>, where
<literal>$VIM</literal> corresponds to <literal>~/.vim</literal> for *nix
machines and <literal>~/vimfiles</literal> for windows machines. This file
is not part of the &ls; distribution. You will need to create this file
yourself (or modify it if it exists) if
you need to change any default settings. Since this file is not
included as part of the &ls; distribution, it will not be over-written in
subsequent updates.
The default settings in &ls; are defined in
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc</literal>. Please take a look at
this file if you find this documentation incomplete or confusing. That file
is also well documented.
This chapter describes the various settings which effect &ls; and their
default values. The settings are broken up into sections according to the
behavior which they influence.
<section id="ls-general-purpose-settings">
<title>General Settings</title>
<section id="Tex_Debug">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
If set to 1, then &ls; will create certain global debug
statements which can be printed by doing
<programlisting>:call Tex_PrintDebug()</programlisting>
<section id="Tex_UsePython">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
If &ls; detects that your vim is python enabled (using
<literal>has('python')</literal>), then it tries to use python in
certain places to speed things up. If this misbehaves, you can set
this to zero, in which case, &ls; will use vimscript to accomplish
the same.
<section id="customizing-place-holders">
<title>Place-Holder Customization</title>
&ls; uses <link linkend="place-holders">place-holders</link> to minimize
using the movement keys while typing. The following settings affect how
place-holders are used.
These setting need to be set in your <literal>~/.vimrc</literal>, not
<literal>$VIM/ftplugin/tex.vim</literal> because these settings affect
the behavior of <literal>imaps.vim</literal>, which is a global plugin,
not a file-type plugin.
<section id="Imap_UsePlaceHolders">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
Setting this to zero completely disables using place-holders.
<section id="Imap_PlaceHolderStart">
<anchor id="Imap_PlaceHolderEnd"></anchor>
<title>g:Imap_PlaceHolderStart &amp; g:Imap_PlaceHolderEnd</title>
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
These settings affect the strings displayed at the beginning and end of
the place-holder string. Set these strings to a value different than a
commonly occurring sequence of characters.
If you use the <literal>latin1</literal> encoding and do not type in
french, then you can set these strings to the <literal>\xab</literal>
and <literal>\xbb</literal> characters (the french quotation marks).
<section id="Imap_DeleteEmptyPlaceHolders">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
When set to one, non-descriptive or empty place-holders are deleted on
pressing <literal>&lt;Ctrl-J&gt;</literal>.
<section id="Imap_StickyPlaceHolders">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
When set to 1, in visual mode, <literal>&lt;Ctrl-J&gt;</literal> takes
you to the next placeholder without deleting the current placeholder.
<section id="customizing-macros">
<title>Macro Customization</title>
<section id="Tex_Env_name">
If you wish to wish to expand certain environments differently from
the way &ls; does it, you can define custom expansions using global
variables of the form <literal>Tex_Env_{name}</literal> where
<literal>name</literal> corresponds to the environment.
For example, if you press <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> after typing
<literal>theorem</literal>, &ls; will by default expand it to
However, if you wish change this to
then define the following variable
<programlisting>let g:Tex_Env_theorem = "\\begin{theorem}\&lt;CR&gt;&ph;\&lt;CR&gt;\\end{theorem}"</programlisting>
If the expansion uses special keys such as carriage return etc, then
use double-quotes and use the <literal>"\&lt;key&gt;"</literal>
notation for special keys. Backslashes have to be doubled.
You could even use strings returned by functions as the expansion by
using the <link
If the name of the environment contains special characters (for
example, the <literal>eqnarray*</literal> environment), then use the
following form:
<programlisting>let g:Tex_Env_{'eqnarray*'} =
\ "\\begin{eqnarray*}\&lt;CR&gt;&ph; &amp;=&amp; &ph;\&lt;CR&gt;\\end{eqnarray*}&ph;"</programlisting>
This will make pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> after
<literal>eqnarray*</literal> expand to
&ph; &amp;=&amp; &ph;
<section id="Tex_Com_name">
If you wish to define new expansions for fast command insertion as
described <link linkend="latex-command-maps">here</link>, or redefine
expansions from the default values in &ls;, you will need to define
variables of the form <literal>g:Tex_Com_{name}</literal> where
<literal>name</literal> is a command name. For example, with the
<programlisting>let g:Tex_Com_frac = "\\frac{&ph;}{&ph;}&ph;"</programlisting>
pressing <literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal> after typing
<literal>frac</literal> will change it to <literal>\frac{&ph;}{&ph;}&ph;</literal>
See <link linkend="Tex_Env_name">Tex_Env_name</link> for additional
details on how to create this setting in various special
<section id="macro-enabling">
<title>Enabling / disabling macros</title>
The following variables disable various parts of the macro functionality
of &ls;. See the links to the relevant sections to see what functionality
setting each of the variables to zero will take away.
<anchor id="Tex_EnvironmentMaps" />
<anchor id="Tex_EnvironmentMenus" />
<anchor id="Tex_FontMaps" />
<anchor id="Tex_FontMenus" />
<anchor id="Tex_SectionMaps" />
<anchor id="Tex_SectionMenus" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<row><entry>Setting</entry><entry>Link to relevant section</entry><entry>Default Value</entry></row>
</literal></entry><entry><link linkend="environment-mappings">Environment Mappings</link></entry><entry>1</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>g:Tex_FontMaps </literal></entry><entry><link linkend="font-maps">Font Mappings</link></entry><entry>1</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>g:Tex_FontMenus </literal></entry><entry></entry><entry>1</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>g:Tex_SectionMaps </literal></entry><entry><link linkend="section-mappings">Section Mappings</link></entry><entry>1</entry></row>
<row><entry><literal>g:Tex_SectionMenus </literal></entry><entry></entry><entry>1</entry></row>
<section id="Tex_UseMenuWizard">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
If this variable is set to 1, then when an environment is chosen from the
menu then for selected environments, &ls; asks a series of
questions on the command line and inserts a template with the
corresponding fields already filled in. Setting this to zero will insert
a template with <link linkend="place-holders">place-holders</link>
marking off the places where fields need to be filled.
<section id="Imap_FreezeImap">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This option when set to 1, temporarily freezes &ls;'s macro
expansion. It might be useful when you are using some other keymap
which is causing excessive macro expansion. Use a buffer-local
variable of the same name if you wish to affect just the present
<section id="Tex_CatchVisMapErrors">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
With so many visual maps, its helpful to have a way of catching typing
errors made in visual mode. What this does is to prompt you to correct
your visual mode mapping if you start out with <literal><link
linkend="Tex_Leader">g:Tex_Leader</link></literal> and then type some
illegal keys. It basically maps just the <literal>g:Tex_Leader</literal>
character to a function.
<section id="Tex_Diacritics">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry> <entry><literal>0</literal></entry></row>
Whether or not you want to use <link
<section id="Tex_Leader">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
The mappings in &ls; are by default prefixed with the back-tick
character. For example, <literal>`/</literal> inserts
<literal>\frac{&ph;}{&ph;}&ph;</literal> etc. You can change the
prefix with the following setting.
<literal>','</literal>, <literal>'/'</literal>,
<literal>'`'</literal> are preferred values. <literal>''</literal> or
<literal>'\'</literal> will lead to a <emphasis>lot</emphasis> of
g:Tex_Leader is also used for visual mode mappings for fonts.
<section id="Tex_Leader2">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
In order to avoid clashes between the large number of visual mode macros
provided, the <link linkend="enclosing-env-threeletter">visual mode
macros for environments</link> and sections start with a character
different from <literal>g:Tex_Leader</literal>.
<section id="Tex_PromptedEnvironments">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry> <entry><literal>'eqnarray*,eqnarray,equation,equation*,\[,$$,align,align*'</literal></entry></row>
This string represents a comma separated list of fields corresponding to
environments. Pressing <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal> in insert-mode in
the body of the document asks you to choose from one of these
environments to insert.
Leaving this string empty will leave the <literal>&lt;F5&gt;</literal>
key unmapped
<section id="Tex_HotKeyMappings">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This string represents a comma separated list of environments which are
mapped to <literal>&lt;Shift-F-1&gt;</literal> through
<literal>&lt;Shift-F-4&gt;</literal>. For example, pressing
<literal>&lt;Shift-F-2&gt;</literal> with this setting inserts the
<literal>eqnarray</literal> environment.
Leaving this string empty will leave <literal>&lt;Shift-F-1&gt;</literal> through
<literal>&lt;Shift-F-4&gt;</literal> unmapped.
Only the first four fields of this list are used. The rest are silently
<section id="Tex_PromptedCommands">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This string represents a comma separated list of &latex; commands
which &ls; uses for the <literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal> and
<literal>&lt;S-F7&gt;</literal> maps as described <link
Leaving this string empty will leave the <literal>&lt;F7&gt;</literal>
key unmapped.
<section id="Tex_ItemStyle_environment">
This setting affects the style which &ls; uses to insert an
<literal>\item</literal> when <literal>&lt;Alt-I&gt;</literal> is
pressed as described <link linkend="Alt-I">here</link>. By default
&ls; defines styles for the following environments:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>itemize</entry><entry>\item </entry></row>
<row><entry>enumerate</entry><entry>\item </entry></row>
<row><entry>theindex</entry><entry>\item </entry></row>
<row><entry>thebibliography</entry><entry>\item[&lt;+biblabel+&gt;]{&lt;+bibkey+&gt;} &lt;++&gt;</entry></row>
<row><entry>description</entry><entry>\item[&lt;+label+&gt;] &lt;++&gt;</entry></row>
Each style is defined by a variable of the form
<literal>g:Tex_ItemStyle_{envname}</literal> where
<literal>envname</literal> is the name of the environment for which
the style is defined. For example, by default
<programlisting>g:Tex_ItemStyle_description = '\item[&lt;+label+&gt;] &lt;++&gt;'</programlisting>
Redefining the style for a particular environment or defining a style
for an entirely new environment is simply a matter of setting the
value of a variable of the corresponding name.
<section id="customizing-smart-keys">
<title>Smart Key Customization</title>
These settings affect the smart key functionality as described <link
<section id="Tex_SmartKeyBS">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
Whether or not <literal>&lt;Backspace&gt;</literal> deletes diacritics.
<section id="Tex_SmartKeyQuote">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
Whether or not the <link linkend="smart-keys">smart quotes</link>
functionality is available.
If enabled, the quote characters can be customized by setting the
following variables:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
Non-English users will want to change these settings to their locale.
These global variables will be ignored if there are buffer-local
variables (with the same name), which may be set in the language specific
package files, such as
<section id="customizing-latex-completion">
<title>Latex Completion Customization</title>
The following settings affect the <link linkend="latex-completion">
completion</link> functionality in &ls;.
<section id="completion-window-preferences">
<title>Window size settings</title>
These three settings affect the aesthetics of the completion
<anchor id="Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight" />
<anchor id="Tex_ViewerPreviewHeight" />
<anchor id="Tex_ExplorerHeight" />
<anchor id="Tex_ImageDir" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry>Default Value</entry>
<entry>The height of the <literal>cwindow</literal> which displays the
list of <literal>\label</literal>s etc.</entry>
<entry>The height of the preview window which shows the context of a
<literal>\label</literal> etc.</entry>
<entry>10 </entry>
<entry>The height of the explorer window which lists the files from
which to choose an image file.</entry>
<entry>The directory to scan for images</entry>
<section id="Tex_BIBINPUTS">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This string describes the directories which are scanned while trying
to search for <literal>.bib</literal> and <literal>.bbl</literal>
files. See the <link linkend="latex-completion-cite">cite completion
section</link> for more details.
This string should be set in the syntax accepted by &vim;'s native
<literal>'path'</literal> setting. Do not include the present
directory <literal>'.'</literal>. While searching for
<literal>bibliography</literal> files, the present directory will be
prepended to this variable.
<section id="Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch">
When set to 1, &ls; searches for <literal>\label</literal>s in all
<literal>.tex</literal> files in the directory containing the file
being edited when &lt;F9&gt; is pressed. See <link
linkend="ls-completion-ref">\ref completion</link> for details.
<section id="Tex_ProjectSourceFiles">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting is meant to be initialized on a per-project basis using
the <link linkend="latex-master-file">&ls; master file</link> as
described in <link linkend="latex-project">&ls; Project</link>
section. It is a list of source files which are used in the project.
If defined, then instead of using the logic described in
linkend="Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch">Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch</link> to
search for files in which to search for <literal>\label</literal>s, we
simply search for <literal>\label</literal>s in this list. This
significantly reduces the time it takes to generate the list of
possible completions for large projects.
The list is specified as a whitespace separated list of filenames
relative to the location of the main file.
<section id="Tex_RememberCiteSearch">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
When this variable is non-zero, then &ls; will try to remember results
from the <literal>\cite</literal> completion as described in <link
linkend="cite-search-caching">this section</link>.
<section id="customizing-compiling">
<title>Compiler Customization</title>
The following settings affect &ls;'s compilation functionality
<section id="Tex_DefaultTargetFormat">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
<entry><literal>dvi</literal> for windows/*nix and
<literal>pdf</literal> for mac</entry></row>
Use this setting to choose the default target format. For example,
setting this to <literal>pdf</literal> makes &ls; compile a pdf file
when you press <literal>\ll</literal> and fire up the
<literal>pdf</literal> viewer on pressing <literal>\lv</literal>. Make
sure that a rules for compiling and viewing have been defined for this
target format as described <link
linkend="Tex_CompileRule_format">here</link> and <link
<section id="Tex_CompileRule_format">
Here <literal>&lt;format&gt;</literal> refers to the target format for
which this rule is defined. &ls; supports compiling into
<literal>dvi</literal>, <literal>ps</literal> and <literal>pdf</literal>
by default. All these rules are strings defined by default as follows:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry><literal>'latex -interaction=nonstopmode $*'</literal></entry>
<entry><literal>'ps2pdf $*'</literal></entry>
<entry><literal>'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $*'</literal></entry>
If you desire forward and inverse searching via &ls;, you will need to
change <literal>g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi</literal> to include
<literal>-src-specials</literal>. However, this has been known to cause
problems with the output file. Therefore, use this with care.
<section fd="Tex_FormatDependency_format">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
By default, there are no format dependencies defined. Each definition
is of the form above where <literal>&lt;format&gt;</literal> is a
string such as <literal>'dvi'</literal> etc.
The value of each string is a comma separated string such as 'dvi,ps'.
See the <link linkend="compiler-dependency">Compiler dependency</link>
section to see how to use/specify this setting
<section id="Tex_MultipleCompileFormats">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This is a comma separated string of formats for which the compiler
needs to be called multiple times in order to get cross-references,
citations etc right. See the <link
linkend="compiling-multiple">Compiling multiple times</link> section
for details.
<section id="Tex_IgnoredWarnings">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
<entry><literal>a new-line separated list of patterns as described
The default value of this setting is
\"specifier changed to\n".
\"You have requested\n".
\"Missing number, treated as zero.\n".
\"There were undefined references\n"
\"Citation %.%# undefined"</programlisting>
This setting defines a set of patterns which will be filtered out when
displaying the output from the latex compiler. This is to aid in
filtering out very common warnings/errors.
Remember to check the value of <link
when you change this setting. For example, if you append a new pattern
which you would like to ignore by default, increase the value of
<section id="Tex_IgnoreLevel">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting defines a "filter level" or an "ignore level". A value of 7
for instance means that any warning/error matching with any of the first
7 fields of <link
will be ignored. Setting this value to zero will mean that no
error/warning is ignored. However, even with a value of zero, &ls; will
filter out most of the text which a &latex; compiler typically produces.
<programlisting>TCLevel strict</programlisting>
from within &vim; in order to see all the lines from the compiler's
<section id="Tex_UseMakefile">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
When set to 1, then if a <literal>makefile</literal> or
<literal>Makefile</literal> is present in the current directory, then
&ls; sets the <literal>makeprg</literal> option to just
<literal>"make &lt;target&gt;"</literal>, where
<literal>&lt;target&gt;</literal> is the target format chosen using
the <literal>TCTarget</literal> or <literal>TTarget</literal>
When set to 0, then &ls; will set the <literal>makeprg</literal>
setting to whatever is defined by the <link
<section id="Tex_GotoError">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
If set to 1, then pressing <literal>\ll</literal> will take you to
the location of the first warning/error, otherwise you will remain in
the original location but the errors/warnings will be listed in the
preview window.
<section id="customizing-viewing">
<title>Viewer Customization</title>
The following settings affect how &ls; will display compiled files.
<section id="Tex_ViewRule_format">
Here <literal>&lt;format&gt;</literal> refers to a format such as
<literal>dvi</literal>, <literal>ps</literal>, etc. This variable defines
the program which will be called to display a file of that format.
By default, &ls; defines viewer programs for viewing DVI, PS and PDF
formats as follows:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<entry><literal>'yap -1'</literal></entry>
For Macintosh systems, these strings are left empty by default. This lets
the system pick the program for each format. If you define these variables
for Mac, the system choice will be over-ridden.
&ls; appends <literal>file.format</literal> to the above settings
while calling the external programs. For example, with
<programlisting>let g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi = 'yap -1'</programlisting>
<literal>yap</literal> is called as
<programlisting>!start yap -1 file.dvi</programlisting> from within
&vim;. (The initial <literal>start</literal> is used on
<literal>Windows</literal> platforms is to make <literal>yap</literal>
start as a separate process.) If you find the way &ls; constructs the
command line too restrictive, you can use the <link
setting for more complete control on how the command line is
constructed while calling the external program for viewing.
For windows, you will need to set the <literal>$PATH</literal> variable
to include the paths to <literal>yap</literal>,
<literal>AcroRd32</literal>, <literal>gsview32</literal> and any other
programs. See your system documentation for how to do this.
<title>Default Viewing Format</title>
To change the default format for viewing files, set the <link
<section id="Tex_ViewRuleComplete_format">
Here <literal>&lt;format&gt;</literal> refers to the extension of a
output format such as <literal>dvi</literal>, <literal>html</literal>
<literal>Tex_ViewRuleComplete_format</literal> takes precedence over
<literal>Tex_ViewRule_format</literal> if both are specified. By
default, &ls; does not define values for
<literal>Tex_ViewRuleComplete_format</literal> for any
<literal>format</literal>. Unlike in the case of
<literal>Tex_ViewRule_format</literal>, &ls; does not modify
<literal>Tex_ViewRuleComplete_format</literal> at all in constructing
the command line. The only modification is to substitute
<literal>'$*'</literal> everywhere in the string with the name of the
file being viewed (without the extension).
Make sure you make the process go into the background otherwise vim
will wait for the viewer to terminate before letting you edit the file
To make a process go into the background on a <literal>*nix</literal>
platform, use a trailing <literal>&amp;</literal> in the setting. On
<literal>Windows</literal>, use <literal>start</literal> at the
beginning of the setting. Example: Suppose you have a latex->html
converter which converts a file say foo.tex to a file foo/index.html.
Then you would use:
<programlisting>" On *nix platform
let g:Tex_ViewRuleComplete_html = 'MozillaFirebird $*/index.html &amp;'
" On windows platform
let g:Tex_ViewRuleComplete_html = 'start MozillaFirebird $*/index.html'</programlisting>
<section id="customizing-menus">
<title>Menu Customization</title>
In addition to using the variables defined in this section to affect
the menu-layout permanently (i.e, the layout &ls; will start with), you
can also use the <literal>TeX-Suite > Configure Menu</literal> menu to
dynamically configure the menu layout after &ls; has started.
<section id="Tex_Menus">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
If set to 0, &ls; will suppress showing all menus. Useful if you mostly
work in terminals.
<section id="Tex_MainMenuLocation">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting decides the location of the first top-level &ls;
menu. You can for example shift all the menus created by &ls;
to the very end by setting this value to a large number like 990.
<section id="Tex_MathMenus">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
The <literal>Tex-Math</literal> menu consists of hundreds of mathematical
symbols used in &latex;. This menu comprises about 75% of the menus.
<section id="Tex_NestElementMenus">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting controls the "compactness" of the menus. If set to 1, then the
Font, Counter and Dimensioning menus are collected together in a single
menu called <literal>Tex-Elements</literal>, otherwise, they will each get
a separate menu.
<section id="Tex_PackagesMenu">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
Setting this to zero will stop &ls; from automatically creating the
<literal>TeX-Suite > Packages > Supported</literal> menu at startup. You
can still create the menu after startup by going to
<literal>TeX-Suite > Configure Menu</literal>.
<section id="Tex_NestPackagesMenu">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This string is the prefix added to all the menus created by &ls;. If you
define this variable with a dot (<literal>'.'</literal>) as the last
character, then all the menus created by &ls; will be nested under a
single master menu. For example, set this to
<literal>'&amp;LaTeX-Suite.'</literal> to nest all menus under a menu
called <literal>&amp;LaTeX-Suite</literal>.
<section id="Tex_UseUtfMenus">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting controls whether &ls; uses utf-8 symbols to display some of
the mathematical symbols in the <literal>TeX-Math</literal> menu. It is
necessary for your system/GUI to support utf-8. Setting this to 1 has the
side-effect of setting the <literal>'encoding'</literal> option of &vim;
to 'utf-8'.
<section id="customizing-folding">
<title>Folding Customization</title>
The following settings control the <link
linkend="latex-folding">folding</link> functionality of &ls;.
<section id="Tex_Folding">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
Setting this to zero completely disables &ls;'s folding functionality.
However, the <literal>TexFoldTextFunction()</literal> is still available
in case you want to use another folding scheme but still want to continue
using the fold text function.
<section id="Tex_AutoFolding">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting controls whether &ls; automatically creates manual folds for
a file when it is opened. You can still use the <literal>\rf</literal>
mapping to refresh/create folds even when this variable is set to zero.
<section id="customizing-packages">
<title>Package Handling Customization</title>
These settings affect the <link linkend="custom-packages">custom
packages</link> functionality in &ls;
<section id="Tex_TEXINPUTS">
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="2">
<row><entry>Default Value</entry>
This setting describes the directories scanned by &ls; while searching
for custom user packages as described in the <link
linkend="custom-packages">custom packages</link> section. Do not
include the present directory in this setting. The present directory
is always scanned for custom packages.
This string should be set in the syntax accepted by &vim;'s native
<literal>'path'</literal> setting.
<section id="latex-suite-credits">
And finally, the credits:
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>Artur R. Czechowski</entry>
<entry>maintains the BSD package of &ls;. Lots of valuable
Lubomir Host
provided the diacritics and also helped in development.
Alexander Wagner
valuable suggestions during development.
Luc Hermitte
his variation of Stephen Riehm's bracketing system is used
in &ls;.
Gergely Kontra
the clever little JumpFunc() in imaps.vim is due to him.
The implementation of the templates also borrows from
mu-template.vim by him.
Dimitri Antoniou
author of ltags and also provided the nice tip about
forward / reverse search on DVI documents.
Stephen Riehm
the extremely helpful bracketing system is from him.
Alan Schmitt
provided macros/folding elements. Continued feedback,
Hari Krishna Dara
for ExecMap(), the clever little function which makes
typing visual mode mappings so much easier and error-free.
Alan G Isac
for the comprehensive BibT() function for entering bibtex
Gontran Baerts
for libList.vim
Peter Heslin
useful discussion and also a lot of bug fixes.
the %%fakesection in folding.vim.
Zhang Lin-bo
lots of very useful additions to folding. The code for customizing
the folding scheme is due to him.
A large number of functions in &ls; come from various other people.
Some of those people might have been missed here. Each function should however
have the author's name/e-mail above it. Thats the more authoritative place to
check out who has done what.
<anchor id="latex-suite-maintainer"></anchor>
The current maintainer(s) of &ls; is(are)
<member>Srinath Avadhanula &lt;srinath@fastmail.fm&gt;</member>
<member>Mikolaj Machowski &lt;mikmach@wp.pl&gt;</member>
<member>Benji Fisher &lt;benji@member.AMS.org&gt;</member>
vim: et:sw=1:sts=4