# Author: Srinath Avadhanula # This file is distributed as part of the vim-latex project # http://vim-latex.sf.net import re class Bibliography(dict): def __init__(self, txt, macros={}): """ txt: a string which represents the entire bibtex entry. A typical entry is of the form: @ARTICLE{ellington:84:part3, author = {Ellington, C P}, title = {The Aerodynamics of Hovering Insect Flight. III. Kinematics}, journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences}, year = {1984}, volume = {305}, pages = {41-78}, number = {1122}, owner = {Srinath}, pdf = {C:\srinath\research\papers\Ellington-3-Kinematics.pdf}, timestamp = {2006.01.02}, } """ if macros: for k, v in macros.iteritems(): txt = txt.replace(k, '{'+v+'}') m = re.match(r'\s*@(\w+){\s*((\S+),)?(.*)}\s*', txt, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if not m: return None self['bibtype'] = m.group(1).capitalize() self['key'] = m.group(3) self['body'] = m.group(4) body = self['body'] self['bodytext'] = '' while 1: m = re.search(r'(\S+?)\s*=\s*(.)', body) if not m: break field = m.group(1) body = body[(m.start(2)+1):] if m.group(2) == '{': # search for the next closing brace. This is not simply a # matter of searching for the next closing brace since # braces can be nested. The following code basically goes # to the next } which has not already been closed by a # following {. mniter = re.finditer(r'{|}', body) count = 1 while 1: try: mn = mniter.next() except StopIteration: return None if mn.group(0) == '{': count += 1 else: count -= 1 if count == 0: value = body[:(mn.start(0))] break elif m.group(2) == '"': # search for the next unquoted double-quote. To be more # precise, a double quote which is preceded by an even # number of double quotes. mn = re.search(r'(?!\\)(\\\\)*"', body) if not mn: return None value = body[:(mn.start(0))] else: # $ always matches. So we do not need to do any # error-checking. mn = re.search(r',|$', body) value = m.group(2) + body[:(mn.start(0))].rstrip() self[field.lower()] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', value) body = body[(mn.start(0)+1):] self['bodytext'] += (' %s: %s\n' % (field, value)) if self['bibtype'].lower() == 'string': self['macro'] = {field: value} self['bodytext'] = self['bodytext'].rstrip() def __getitem__(self, key): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) except KeyError: return '' def __str__(self): if self['bibtype'].lower() == 'string': return 'String: %(macro)s' % self elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'article': return ('Article [%(key)s]\n' + 'TI "%(title)s"\n' + 'AU %(author)s\n' + 'IN In %(journal)s, %(year)s') % self elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'conference': return ('Conference [%(key)s]\n' + 'TI "%(title)s"\n' + 'AU %(author)s\n' + 'IN In %(booktitle)s, %(year)s') % self elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'mastersthesis': return ('Masters [%(key)s]\n' + 'TI "%(title)s"\n' + 'AU %(author)s\n' + 'IN In %(school)s, %(year)s') % self elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'phdthesis': return ('PhD [%(key)s]\n' + 'TI "%(title)s"\n' + 'AU %(author)s\n' + 'IN In %(school)s, %(year)s') % self elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'book': return ('Book [%(key)s]\n' + 'TI "%(title)s"\n' + 'AU %(author)s\n' + 'IN %(publisher)s, %(year)s') % self else: s = '%(bibtype)s [%(key)s]\n' % self if self['title']: s += 'TI "%(title)s"\n' % self if self['author']: s += 'AU %(author)s\n' % self for k, v in self.iteritems(): if k not in ['title', 'author', 'bibtype', 'key', 'id', 'file', 'body', 'bodytext']: s += 'MI %s: %s\n' % (k, v) return s.rstrip() def satisfies(self, filters): for field, regexp in filters: if not re.search(regexp, self[field], re.I): return False return True class BibFile: def __init__(self, filelist=''): self.bibentries = [] self.filters = [] self.macros = {} self.sortfields = [] if filelist: for f in filelist.splitlines(): self.addfile(f) def addfile(self, file): fields = open(file).read().split('@') for f in fields: if not (f and re.match('string', f, re.I)): continue b = Bibliography('@' + f) self.macros.update(b['macro']) for f in fields: if not f or re.match('string', f, re.I): continue b = Bibliography('@' + f, self.macros) if b: b['file'] = file b['id'] = len(self.bibentries) self.bibentries += [b] def addfilter(self, filterspec): self.filters += [filterspec.split()] def rmfilters(self): self.filters = [] def __str__(self): s = '' for b in self.bibentries: if b['key'] and b.satisfies(self.filters): s += '%s\n\n' % b return s def addsortfield(self, field): self.sortfields += [field] def rmsortfields(self): self.sortfields = [] def sort(self): def cmpfun(b1, b2): for f in self.sortfields: c = cmp(b1[f], b2[f]) if c: return c return 0 self.bibentries.sort(cmp=cmpfun) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys bf = BibFile(sys.argv[1]) print bf