abbrv abovedisplayshortskip abovedisplayskip abstract abstract abstractname acute addcontentsline address addtime addtocontents addtocounter addtolength addvspace align alph Alph alpha amsmath amsthm and appendix appendixname arabic array arraycolsep arrayrulewidth arraystretch article author a4paper a5paper backmatter bar bar baselineskip baselinestretch batchmode begin belowdisplayshortskip belowdisplayskip bezier bf bfseries bibindent bibitem bibliography bibliographystyle bibname big Big Bigg bigg Biggl biggl Biggm biggm Biggr biggr Bigl bigl bigm Bigm bigr Bigr bigskip bigskipamount binom blg boldmath boldsymbol book botfigrule bottmofraction bottomnumber boxedminipage bp breve b5paper calc calc caption caption2 capt-of cases cc ccaption ccname cdotscenter centering cercle cfrac changebar chapter chapterbib chaptername check cite cleardoublepage clearpage cline clock closing cm COLON columnsep columnseprule columnwidth contentsline contentsname copyright dag dashbox date dbinom dblfigure dblfloatpage dblfloatsep dbltextfloatsep dbltopfraction dbltopnumber dcolumn dd ddag ddot ddots DeclareMathOperator depth description dfrac displaylimits displaymath displaystyle document documentclass dot dotfill doublerulesep downbracefill draft dropping dywiz em emph empty encl enclname end endfloat enlargethispage enskip enspace ensuremath enumerate enumi enumii enumiii enumiv eqnarray equation errorstopmode eucal eufrak evensidemargin everyship ex executivepaper expdlist extracolsep extramark fancybox fancyhdr fbox fboxrule fboxsep figure figurename file filecontents final flafter fleqn floatflt floatpagefraction floatsep flushbottom flushleft flushright fnpara fnsymbol fn2end fontenc footheight footmisc footnote footnotemark footnoterule footnotesep footnotesize footnotetext footnpag footskip frac frame framebox frenchspacing frontmatter ftnright fussy gather genfrac geometry glossary glossaryentry graphicx graphpaper grave hat hbox headheihgt headings headsep height helvet hfill hhline hline hrulefill hspace huge Huge HUGE hyperref hyphenation ifthen in include includeonly indent indentfirst index indexentry indexname indexspace input inputenc intertext intextsep invisible it item itemindent itemize itemsep itshape jot kill label labelenumi labelenumii labelenumiii labelenumiv labelitemi labelitemii labelitemiii labelitemiv labelsep labelwidth landscape large LARGE Large LaTeX LaTeXe latexsym ldots left leftarrowfill lefteqn leftmargin leftmargini leftmarginii leftmarginiii leftmarginiv leftmarginv leftmarginvi leftmark legalpaper leq leqno letter letterpaper letterspace lhead limits line linebreak linethickness linewidth list listfigurename listfiles listoffigures listoftables listparindent location longtable lq lrbox lscape mainmatter makeatletter makeatother makebox makeglossary makeidx makeindex makelabel maketitle manyfoot marginpar marginparpush marginparsep marginparwidth markboth markleft markright math mathbb mathbf mathbin mathcal mathclose mathfrak mathindent mathit mathnormal mathop mathopen mathord mathpunct mathrel mathrm mathscr mathsf mathstrut mathtt mathversion mbox mdseries medmuskip medskip medskipamount minipage minitoc minus mkern mm moreverbatim mpfootnote mu multicol multicolumn multilanguage multiput multirow myheadings nabla name NeedsTeXFormat newcommand newcounter newenvironment newfont newlength newline newpage newsavebox newtheorem nocite nofiles noindent nolimits nolinebreak nomathsymbols nonfrenchspacing nonumber nopagebreak normalfont normalsize not notag note notitlepage nu numberline numline numprint oddsidemargin oldstyle onecolumn oneside onlynotes onlyslides openany openbib opening openright operatorname oval overbrace overlay overleftarrow overline overrightarrow page pagebreak pagenumbering pageref pagestyle paperheight paperwidth par paragraph parbox parbox parindent parsep parskip part partial partname partopsep pauza pc phi pi picture plain PLdateending plmath PLSlash plus pmb pmod polski polski poptabs pounds ppauza prefixing printindex protect providecommand ps pt pushtabs put qbezier qbeziermax qquad quad quotation quote raggedbottom raggedleft raggedright ragged2e raisebox ratio real ref refname refstepcounter relsize renewcommand renewenvironment report reversemarginpar rhead right rightarrowfill rightmargin rightmark rm rmfamily roman Roman rotate rotating rq rule samepage savebox sb sbox sc scriptscriptstyle scriptsize scriptstyle scrollmode scshape secnumdepth section sectionmark see seename selectfont selectlanguage setcounter setlength settime settodepth settoheight settowidth sf sffamily shadethm shadow shapepar shortstack showlabels sidecap signature sin sl slide slides sloppy sloppybar slshape small smallskip smallskipamount soul sp space sqrt ss SS stackrel startbreaks stepcounter stop stopbreaks stretch strut subfigure subfigure subitem subparagraph subsection subsubitem subsubsection sum supressfloats symbol symbol tabbing tabcolsep table tablename tableofcontents tabular tabularx tag tan tbinom telephone TeX textbf textbullet textcircled textcompwordmark textemdash textendash textexclamdown textfloatsep textfraction textheight textit textmd textnormal textperiodcenter textquestiondown textquotedblleft textquotedblright textquoteleft textquoteright textrm textsc textsf textsl textstyle textsuperscript texttt textup textvisiblespace textwidth tfrac thanks the thebibliography theindex theorem thepage thesection theta thicklines thickmuskip thinlines thispagestyle tilde time times tiny title titlepage tocdepth today topfigrule topfraction topmargin topmargin topmargin topsep topskip topskip totalheight totalnumber trivlist tt ttfamily twocolumn twocolumn twoside typein typein typeout typeout ulem ulem unboldmath underbrace underline unsort unsrt upbracefill upshape upshape usebox usebox usecounter usefont usepackage value vbox vdots vec vector verb verb verbatim verse vfill visible vline vmargin voffset vspace widehat widetilde width wrapfig xleftarrow xrightarrow threeparttable