" ============================================================================ " File: texviewer.vim " Author: Mikolaj Machowski " Created: Sun Jan 26 06:00 PM 2003 " Description: make a viewer for various purposes: \cite{, \ref{ " License: Vim Charityware License " Part of vim-latexSuite: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net " ============================================================================ " Tex_SetTexViewerMaps: sets maps for this ftplugin {{{ function! Tex_SetTexViewerMaps() inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_Completion <Esc>:call Tex_Complete("default","text")<CR> if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_Completion', 'i') if has('gui_running') imap <buffer> <silent> <F9> <Plug>Tex_Completion else imap <buffer> <F9> <Plug>Tex_Completion endif endif endfunction augroup LatexSuite au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType \ call Tex_Debug('texviewer.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'view') | \ call Tex_SetTexViewerMaps() augroup END command -nargs=1 TLook call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'tex') command -nargs=1 TLookAll call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'all') command -nargs=1 TLookBib call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'bib') " }}} " ============================================================================== " Main completion function " ============================================================================== " Tex_Complete: main function {{{ " Description: function! Tex_Complete(what, where) " Get info about current window and position of cursor in file let s:winnum = winnr() let s:pos = Tex_GetPos() " Change to the directory of the file being edited before running all the " :grep commands. We will change back to the original directory after we " finish with the grep. let s:origdir = fnameescape(getcwd()) exe 'cd '.fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) unlet! s:type unlet! s:typeoption if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_WriteBeforeCompletion') == 1 wall endif if a:where == "text" " What to do after <F9> depending on context let s:curline = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.')) let s:prefix = matchstr(s:curline, '.*{\zs.\{-}\(}\|$\)') " a command is of the type " \psfig[option=value]{figure=} " Thus " s:curline = '\psfig[option=value]{figure=' " (with possibly some junk before \psfig) " from which we need to extract " s:type = 'psfig' " s:typeoption = '[option=value]' let pattern = '.*\\\(\w\{-}\)\(\[.\{-}\]\)*{\([^ [\]\t]\+\)\?$' if s:curline =~ pattern let s:type = substitute(s:curline, pattern, '\1', 'e') let s:typeoption = substitute(s:curline, pattern, '\2', 'e') call Tex_Debug('Tex_Complete: s:type = '.s:type.', typeoption = '.s:typeoption, 'view') endif if exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'ref' if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseOutlineCompletion') == 1 call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: using outline search method", "view") call Tex_StartOutlineCompletion() elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch') == 1 call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: searching for \\labels in all .tex files in the present directory", "view") call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: silent! grep! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\label{'.s:prefix)." *.tex", 'view') call Tex_Grep('\\label{'.s:prefix, '*.tex') call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ProjectSourceFiles') != '' call Tex_Debug('Tex_Complete: searching for \\labels in all Tex_ProjectSourceFiles', 'view') exec 'cd '.fnameescape(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h')) call Tex_Grep('\\label{'.s:prefix, Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ProjectSourceFiles')) call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() else call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: calling Tex_GrepHelper", "view") silent! grep! ____HIGHLY_IMPROBABLE___ % call Tex_GrepHelper(s:prefix, 'label') call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() endif redraw! elseif exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'cite' let s:prefix = matchstr(s:prefix, '\([^,]\+,\)*\zs\([^,]\+\)\ze$') call Tex_Debug(":Tex_Complete: using s:prefix = ".s:prefix, "view") if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython') \ && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseCiteCompletionVer2') == 1 exe 'cd '.s:origdir silent! call Tex_StartCiteCompletion() elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseJabref') == 1 exe 'cd '.s:origdir let g:Remote_WaitingForCite = 1 let citation = input('Enter citation from jabref (<enter> to leave blank): ') let g:Remote_WaitingForCite = 0 call Tex_CompleteWord(citation, strlen(s:prefix)) else " grep! nothing % " does _not_ clear the search history contrary to what the " help-docs say. This was expected. So use something improbable. " TODO: Is there a way to clear the search-history w/o making a " useless, inefficient search? silent! grep! ____HIGHLY_IMPROBABLE___ % if g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch && exists('s:citeSearchHistory') call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow(s:citeSearchHistory) else call Tex_GrepHelper(s:prefix, 'bib') redraw! call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() endif if g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch && &ft == 'qf' let _a = @a silent! normal! ggVG"ay let s:citeSearchHistory = @a let @a = _a endif endif elseif exists("s:type") && (s:type =~ 'includegraphics' || s:type == 'psfig') call Tex_SetupFileCompletion( \ '', \ '^\.\\|\.tex$\\|\.bib$\\|\.bbl$\\|\.zip$\\|\.gz$', \ 'noext', \ Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ImageDir', '.'), \ Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ImageDir', '')) elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'bibliography' call Tex_SetupFileCompletion( \ '\.b..$', \ '', \ 'noext', \ '.', \ '') elseif exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'include\(only\)\=' call Tex_SetupFileCompletion( \ '\.t..$', \ '', \ 'noext', \ '.', \ '') elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'input' call Tex_SetupFileCompletion( \ '', \ '', \ 'ext', \ '.', \ '') elseif exists('s:type') && exists("g:Tex_completion_".s:type) call <SID>Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom('plugin_'.s:type) else let s:word = expand('<cword>') if s:word == '' call Tex_SwitchToInsertMode() return endif call Tex_Debug("silent! grep! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\<'.s:word.'\>')." *.tex", 'view') call Tex_Grep('\<'.s:word.'\>', '*.tex') call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() endif elseif a:where == 'tex' " Process :TLook command call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*.tex") call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() elseif a:where == 'bib' " Process :TLookBib command call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*.bib") call Tex_Grepadd(a:what, "*.bbl") call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() elseif a:where == 'all' " Process :TLookAll command call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*") call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow() endif endfunction " }}} " Tex_CompleteWord: inserts a word at the chosen location {{{ " Description: This function is meant to be called when the user press " ``<enter>`` in one of the [Error List] windows which shows the list of " matches. completeword is the rest of the word which needs to be inserted. " prefixlength characters are deleted before completeword is inserted function! Tex_CompleteWord(completeword, prefixlength) " Set cursor to window and position recorded when completion was invoked. exe s:winnum.' wincmd w' call Tex_SetPos(s:pos) " Complete word, check if add closing } if a:prefixlength > 0 if a:prefixlength > 1 exe 'normal! '.(a:prefixlength-1).'h' endif exe 'normal! '.a:prefixlength.'s'.a:completeword."\<Esc>" else exe 'normal! a'.a:completeword."\<Esc>" endif if getline('.')[col('.')-1] !~ '{' && getline('.')[col('.')] !~ '}' exe "normal! a}\<Esc>" endif " Return to Insert mode call Tex_SwitchToInsertMode() endfunction " }}} " ============================================================================== " File name completion helper functons " ============================================================================== " Tex_SetupFileCompletion: {{{ " Description: function! Tex_SetupFileCompletion(accept, reject, ext, dir, root) call FB_SetVar('FB_AllowRegexp', a:accept) call FB_SetVar('FB_RejectRegexp', a:reject) call FB_SetVar('FB_CallBackFunction', 'Tex_CompleteFileName') call FB_SetVar('FB_CallBackFunctionArgs', '"'.a:ext.'", "'.a:root.'"') call FB_OpenFileBrowser(a:dir) endfunction " }}} " Tex_CompleteFileName: {{{ " Description: function! Tex_CompleteFileName(filename, ext, root) let root = (a:root == '' ? Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h') : a:root) call Tex_Debug('+Tex_CompleteFileName: getting filename '.a:filename, 'view') if a:ext == 'noext' let completeword = fnamemodify(a:filename, ':r') else let completeword = a:filename endif let completeword = Tex_RelPath(completeword, root) call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteFileName: completing with ".completeword, "view") call Tex_CompleteWord(completeword, strlen(s:prefix)) endfunction " }}} " Tex_Common: common part of strings {{{ function! s:Tex_Common(path1, path2) " Assume the caller handles 'ignorecase' if a:path1 == a:path2 return a:path1 endif let n = 0 while a:path1[n] == a:path2[n] let n = n+1 endwhile return strpart(a:path1, 0, n) endfunction " }}} " Tex_NormalizePath: {{{ " Description: function! Tex_NormalizePath(path) let retpath = a:path if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("dos32") || has("dos16") let retpath = substitute(retpath, '\\', '/', 'ge') endif if isdirectory(retpath) && retpath !~ '/$' let retpath = retpath.'/' endif return retpath endfunction " }}} " Tex_RelPath: ultimate file name {{{ function! Tex_RelPath(explfilename,texfilename) let path1 = Tex_NormalizePath(a:explfilename) let path2 = Tex_NormalizePath(a:texfilename) let n = matchend(<SID>Tex_Common(path1, path2), '.*/') let path1 = strpart(path1, n) let path2 = strpart(path2, n) if path2 !~ '/' let subrelpath = '' else let subrelpath = substitute(path2, '[^/]\{-}/', '../', 'ge') let subrelpath = substitute(subrelpath, '[^/]*$', '', 'ge') endif let relpath = subrelpath.path1 return escape(Tex_NormalizePath(relpath), ' ') endfunction " }}} " ============================================================================== " Helper functions for dealing with the 'quickfix' and 'preview' windows. " ============================================================================== " Tex_SetupCWindow: set maps and local settings for cwindow {{{ " Description: Set local maps jkJKq<cr> for cwindow. Also size and basic " settings " function! s:Tex_SetupCWindow(...) call Tex_Debug('+Tex_SetupCWindow', 'view') cclose exe 'copen '. g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight " If called with an argument, it means we want to re-use some search " history from last time. Therefore, just paste it here and proceed. if a:0 == 1 set modifiable % d _ silent! 0put!=a:1 $ d _ endif setlocal nonumber setlocal nowrap let s:scrollOffVal = &scrolloff call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow() " If everything went well, then we should be situated in the quickfix " window. If there were problems, (no matches etc), then we will not be. " Therefore return. if &ft != 'qf' call Tex_Debug('not in quickfix window, quitting', 'view') return endif nnoremap <buffer> <silent> j j:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> k k:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <up> <up>:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <down> <down>:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR> " Change behaviour of <cr> only for 'ref' and 'cite' context. if exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'ref\|cite' exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> ' \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>' \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>' \ .':silent! call <SID>Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom("'.s:type.'")<CR>' else " In other contexts jump to place described in cwindow and close small " windows exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> ' \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>' \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>' \ .':call <SID>Tex_GoToLocation()<cr>' endif " Scroll the preview window while in the quickfix window nnoremap <buffer> <silent> J :wincmd j<cr><c-e>:wincmd k<cr> nnoremap <buffer> <silent> K :wincmd j<cr><c-y>:wincmd k<cr> " Exit the quickfix window without doing anything. exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q ' \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>' \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>' \ .':call Tex_CloseSmallWindows()<CR>' endfunction " }}} " Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom: complete/insert name for current item {{{ " Description: handle completion of items depending on current context " function! s:Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom(type) let prefixlength=strlen(s:prefix) if a:type =~ 'cite' if getline('.') =~ '\\bibitem\s*{' let bibkey = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\bibitem\s*{\zs.\{-}\ze}') else let bibkey = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\bibitem\s*\[.\{-}\]\s*{\zs.\{-}\ze}') endif let completeword = bibkey elseif a:type =~ 'ref' let label = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\label{\zs.\{-}\ze}') let completeword = label elseif a:type =~ '^plugin_' let type = substitute(a:type, '^plugin_', '', '') let completeword = <SID>Tex_DoCompletion(type) " use old behaviour for plugins because of backward compatibility let prefixlength=0 endif call Tex_CloseSmallWindows() call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom: completing with ".completeword, "view") call Tex_CompleteWord(completeword, prefixlength) endfunction " }}} " Tex_SyncPreviewWindow: synchronize quickfix and preview window {{{ " Description: Usually quickfix engine takes care about most of these things " but we discard it for better control of events. " function! s:Tex_SyncPreviewWindow() call Tex_Debug('+Tex_SyncPreviewWindow', 'view') let viewfile = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*\ze|\d') let viewline = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze') " Hilight current line in cwindow " Normally hightlighting is done with quickfix engine but we use something " different and have to do it separately syntax clear runtime syntax/qf.vim exe 'syn match vTodo /\%'. line('.') .'l.*/' hi link vTodo Todo " Close preview window and open it again in new place pclose exe 'silent! bot pedit +'.viewline.' '.viewfile " Vanilla 6.1 has bug. This additional setting of cwindow height prevents " resizing of this window exe g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight.' wincmd _' " Handle situation if there is no item beginning with s:prefix. " Unfortunately, because we know it late we have to close everything and " return as in complete process if v:errmsg =~ 'E32\>' exe s:winnum.' wincmd w' call Tex_SetPos(s:pos) pclose! cclose if exists("s:prefix") echomsg 'No bibkey, label or word beginning with "'.s:prefix.'"' endif call Tex_SwitchToInsertMode() let v:errmsg = '' call Tex_Debug('Tex_SyncPreviewWindow: got error E32, no matches found, quitting', 'view') return 0 endif " Move to preview window. Really is it under cwindow? wincmd j " Settings of preview window exe g:Tex_ViewerPreviewHeight.' wincmd _' setlocal nofoldenable if exists('s:type') && s:type =~ 'cite' " In cite context place bibkey at the top of preview window. setlocal scrolloff=0 normal! zt else " In other contexts in the middle. Highlight this line? setlocal scrolloff=100 normal! z. endif " Return to cwindow wincmd p endfunction " }}} " Tex_CloseSmallWindows: {{{ " Description: " function! Tex_CloseSmallWindows() pclose! cclose exe s:winnum.' wincmd w' call Tex_SetPos(s:pos) endfunction " }}} " Tex_GoToLocation: Go to chosen location {{{ " Description: Get number of current line and go to this number " function! s:Tex_GoToLocation() pclose! let errmsg = v:errmsg let v:errmsg = '' exe 'silent! cc ' . line('.') " If the current buffer is modified, then split if v:errmsg =~ '^E37:' split exe 'silent! cc ' . line('.') endif cclose let v:errmsg = errmsg endfunction " }}} " ============================================================================== " Functions for finding \\label's or \\bibitem's in the main file. " ============================================================================== " Tex_GrepHelper: grep main filename for \\bibitem's or \\label's {{{ " Description: function! Tex_GrepHelper(prefix, what) let _path = &path let _suffixesadd = &suffixesadd let _hidden = &hidden let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p') " If we are already editing the file, then use :split without any " arguments so it works even if the file is modified. " FIXME: If mainfname is being presently edited in another window and " is 'modified', then the second split statement will not work. " We will need to travel to that window and back. if mainfname == expand('%:p') split else exec 'split '.fnameescape(mainfname) endif let pos = Tex_GetPos() if a:what =~ 'bib' call Tex_ScanFileForCite(a:prefix) else call Tex_ScanFileForLabels(a:prefix) endif call Tex_SetPos(pos) q let &path = _path let &suffixesadd = _suffixesadd endfunction " }}} " Tex_ScanFileForCite: search for \bibitem's in .bib or .bbl or tex files {{{ " Description: " Search for bibliographic entries in the presently edited file in the " following manner: " 1. First see if the file has a \bibliography command. " If YES: " 1. If a .bib file corresponding to the \bibliography command can be " found, then search for '@.*'.a:prefix inside it. " 2. Otherwise, if a .bbl file corresponding to the \bibliography command " can be found, then search for '\bibitem'.a:prefix inside it. " 2. Next see if the file has a \thebibliography environment " If YES: " 1. Search for '\bibitem'.a:prefix in this file. " " If neither a \bibliography or \begin{thebibliography} are found, then repeat " steps 1 and 2 for every file \input'ed into this file. Abort any searching " as soon as the first \bibliography or \begin{thebibliography} is found. function! Tex_ScanFileForCite(prefix) call Tex_Debug('+Tex_ScanFileForCite: searching for bibkeys in '.bufname('%').' (buffer #'.bufnr('%').')', 'view') let presBufNum = bufnr('%') let foundCiteFile = 0 " First find out if this file has a \bibliography command in it. If so, " assume that this is the only file in the project which defines a " bibliography. if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w') call Tex_Debug('Tex_ScanFileForCite: found bibliography command in '.bufname('%'), 'view') " convey that we have found a bibliography command. we do not need to " proceed any further. let foundCiteFile = 1 " extract the bibliography filenames from the command. let bibnames = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(no\)\?bibliography{\zs.\{-}\ze}') let bibnames = substitute(bibnames, '\s', '', 'g') call Tex_Debug('trying to search through ['.bibnames.']', 'view') let &path = '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS let i = 1 while 1 let bibname = Tex_Strntok(bibnames, ',', i) if bibname == '' break endif " first try to find if a .bib file exists. If so do not search in " the corresponding .bbl file. (because the .bbl file will most " probly be generated automatically from the .bib file with " bibtex). let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bib') if fname != '' call Tex_Debug('finding .bib file ['.bufname('%').']', 'view') exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname) call Tex_Grepadd('@.*{'.a:prefix, "%") q else let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bbl') if fname != '' exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname) call Tex_Debug('finding .bbl file ['.bufname('.').']', 'view') call Tex_Grepadd('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix, "%") q endif endif let i = i + 1 endwhile if foundCiteFile return 1 endif endif " If we have a thebibliography environment, then again assume that this is " the only file which defines the bib-keys. Aand convey this information " upwards by returning 1. if search('^\s*\\begin{thebibliography}', 'w') call Tex_Debug('got a thebibliography environment in '.bufname('%'), 'view') let foundCiteFile = 1 split exec 'lcd'.fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) call Tex_Debug("silent! grepadd! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix)." %", 'view') call Tex_Grepadd('\\bibitem\s*[\[|{]'.a:prefix, "%") q return 1 endif " If we have not found any \bibliography or \thebibliography environment " in this file, search for these environments in all the files which this " file includes. exec 0 let wrap = 'w' while search('^\s*\\\(input\|include\)', wrap) let wrap = 'W' let filename = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(input\|include\){\zs.\{-}\ze}') let foundfile = Tex_FindFile(filename, '.,'.g:Tex_TEXINPUTS, '.tex') if foundfile != '' exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(foundfile) call Tex_Debug('scanning recursively in ['.foundfile.']', 'view') let foundCiteFile = Tex_ScanFileForCite(a:prefix) q endif if foundCiteFile return 1 endif endwhile return 0 endfunction " }}} " Tex_ScanFileForLabels: greps present file and included files for \\label's {{{ " Description: " Grep the presently edited file for \\label's. If the present file \include's " or \input's other files, then recursively scan those as well, i.e we support " arbitrary levels of \input'ed-ness. function! Tex_ScanFileForLabels(prefix) call Tex_Debug("+Tex_ScanFileForLabels: grepping in file [".bufname('%')."]", "view") exec 'lcd'.fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) call Tex_Grepadd('\\label{'.a:prefix, "%") " Then recursively grep for all \include'd or \input'ed files. exec 0 let wrap = 'w' while search('^\s*\\\(input\|include\)', wrap) let wrap = 'W' let filename = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(input\|include\){\zs.\{-}\ze}') let foundfile = Tex_FindFile(filename, '.,'.Tex_TEXINPUTS, '.tex') if foundfile != '' exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(foundfile) call Tex_Debug('Tex_ScanFileForLabels: scanning recursively in ['.foundfile.']', 'view') call Tex_ScanFileForLabels(a:prefix) q endif endwhile endfunction " }}} " ============================================================================== " Functions for custom command completion " ============================================================================== " Tex_completion_{var}: similar variables can be set in package files {{{ let g:Tex_completion_bibliographystyle = 'abbr,alpha,plain,unsrt' let g:Tex_completion_addtocontents = 'lof}{,lot}{,toc}{' let g:Tex_completion_addcontentsline = 'lof}{figure}{,lot}{table}{,toc}{chapter}{,toc}{part}{,'. \ 'toc}{section}{,toc}{subsection}{,toc}{paragraph}{,'. \ 'toc}{subparagraph}{' " }}} " Tex_PromptForCompletion: prompts for a completion {{{ " Description: function! s:Tex_PromptForCompletion(texcommand,ask) let common_completion_prompt = \ Tex_CreatePrompt(g:Tex_completion_{a:texcommand}, 2, ',') . "\n" . \ 'Enter number or completion: ' let inp = input(a:ask."\n".common_completion_prompt) if inp =~ '^[0-9]\+$' let completion = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_completion_{a:texcommand}, ',', inp) else let completion = inp endif return completion endfunction " }}} " Tex_DoCompletion: fast insertion of completion {{{ " Description: " function! s:Tex_DoCompletion(texcommand) let completion = <SID>Tex_PromptForCompletion(a:texcommand, 'Choose a completion to insert: ') if completion != '' return completion else return '' endif endfunction " }}} " ============================================================================== " Functions for presenting an outlined version for completion " ============================================================================== " Tex_StartOutlineCompletion: sets up an outline window {{{ " get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options. " these lines need to be outside the function. let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h') if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython') python import sys, re exec "python sys.path += [r'". s:path . "']" python import outline endif function! Tex_StartOutlineCompletion() let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p') " open the buffer let _report = &report let _cmdheight=&cmdheight let _lazyredraw = &lazyredraw set report=1000 set cmdheight=1 set lazyredraw if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython') python retval = outline.main(vim.eval("Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')"), vim.eval("s:prefix")) " transfer variable from python to a local variable. python vim.command("""let retval = "%s" """ % re.sub(r'"|\\', r'\\\g<0>', retval)) else let retval = system(shellescape(s:path.'/outline.py').' '.shellescape(mainfname).' '.shellescape(s:prefix)) endif bot split __OUTLINE__ exec Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_OutlineWindowHeight', 15).' wincmd _' setlocal modifiable setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal nowrap setlocal foldmethod=marker setlocal foldmarker=<<<,>>> " delete everything in it to the blackhole % d _ 0put!=retval 0 call Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax() exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <cr> ' \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>' \ .':call Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion()<CR>' exec 'nnoremap <buffer> q ' \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>' \ .':close<CR>' \ .':call Tex_SwitchToInsertMode()<CR>' " once the buffer is initialized, go back to the original settings. setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified let &report = _report let &cmdheight = _cmdheight let &lazyredraw = _lazyredraw endfunction " }}} " Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax: sets up the syntax items for the outline {{{ " Description: function! Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax() syn match outlineFileName "<\f\+>$" contained syn match foldMarkers "<<<\d$" contained syn match firstSemiColon '^:' contained syn match firstAngle '^>' contained syn match sectionNames '\(\d\.\)\+ .*' contains=foldMarkers syn match previousLine '^:.*' contains=firstSemiColon syn match labelLine '^>.*' contains=firstAngle,outlineFileName hi def link outlineFileName Ignore hi def link foldMarkers Ignore hi def link firstSemiColon Ignore hi def link firstAngle Ignore hi def link sectionNames Type hi def link previousLine Special hi def link labelLine Comment endfunction " }}} " Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion: inserts the reference back in the text {{{ function! Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion() if getline('.') !~ '^[>:]' return endif if getline('.') =~ '^>' let ref_complete = matchstr(getline('.'), '^>\s\+\zs\S\+\ze') elseif getline('.') =~ '^:' let ref_complete = matchstr(getline(line('.')-1), '^>\s\+\zs\S\+\ze') endif close call Tex_CompleteWord(ref_complete, strlen(s:prefix)) endfunction " }}} " ============================================================================== " Functions for presenting a nicer list of bibtex entries " ============================================================================== " Tex_FindBibFiles: finds all .bib files used by the main file {{{ " Description: function! Tex_FindBibFiles() call Tex_Debug(":Tex_FindBibFiles: ", "view") let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p') new exec 'e ' . fnameescape(mainfname) if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w') call Tex_Debug('Tex_FindBibFiles: found bibliography command in '.bufname('%'), 'view') " extract the bibliography filenames from the command. let bibnames = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(no\)\?bibliography{\zs.\{-}\ze}') let bibnames = substitute(bibnames, '\s', '', 'g') call Tex_Debug(':Tex_FindBibFiles: trying to search through ['.bibnames.']', 'view') let bibfiles = '' let i = 1 while 1 let bibname = Tex_Strntok(bibnames, ',', i) if bibname == '' break endif let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bib') if fname != '' let bibfiles = bibfiles.fname."\n" endif let i = i + 1 endwhile call Tex_Debug(":Tex_FindBibFiles: returning [".bibfiles."]", "view") q return bibfiles else q return '' endif endfunction " }}} " Tex_StartBibtexOutline: sets up an outline window {{{ " get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options. " these lines need to be outside the function. if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython') python import sys, re exec "python sys.path += [r'". s:path . "']" python import bibtools endif function! Tex_StartCiteCompletion() let bibfiles = Tex_FindBibFiles() if bibfiles !~ '\S' call Tex_SwitchToInsertMode() echohl WarningMsg echomsg 'No bibfiles found! Sorry' echohl None return endif bot split __OUTLINE__ exec Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_OutlineWindowHeight', 15).' wincmd _' exec 'python Tex_BibFile = bibtools.BibFile("""'.bibfiles.'""")' exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("key ^'.s:prefix.'")' call Tex_DisplayBibList() nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_JumpToNextBibEntry :call search('^\S.*\]$', 'W')<CR>:call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()<CR>z. nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_JumpToPrevBibEntry :call search('^\S.*\]$', 'bW')<CR>:call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()<CR>z. nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_FilterBibEntries :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('filter')<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_RemoveBibFilters :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('remove_filters')<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_SortBibEntries :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('sort')<CR> nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_CompleteCiteEntry :call Tex_CompleteCiteEntry()<CR> nmap <buffer> <silent> n <Plug>Tex_JumpToNextBibEntry nmap <buffer> <silent> p <Plug>Tex_JumpToPrevBibEntry nmap <buffer> <silent> f <Plug>Tex_FilterBibEntries nmap <buffer> <silent> s <Plug>Tex_SortBibEntries nmap <buffer> <silent> a <Plug>Tex_RemoveBibFilters nmap <buffer> <silent> q :close<CR>:call Tex_SwitchToInsertMode()<CR> nmap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <Plug>Tex_CompleteCiteEntry endfunction " }}} " Tex_DisplayBibList: displays the list of bibtex entries {{{ " Description: function! Tex_DisplayBibList() " open the buffer let _report = &report let _cmdheight=&cmdheight let _lazyredraw = &lazyredraw set report=1000 set cmdheight=1 set lazyredraw setlocal modifiable setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nowrite setlocal bufhidden=delete setlocal nowrap setlocal foldmethod=marker setlocal foldmarker=<<<,>>> " delete everything in it to the blackhole % d _ exec 'python Tex_CurBuf = vim.current.buffer' exec 'python Tex_CurBuf[:] = str(Tex_BibFile).splitlines()' call Tex_SetupBibSyntax() 0 call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts() " once the buffer is initialized, go back to the original settings. setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified let &report = _report let &cmdheight = _cmdheight let &lazyredraw = _lazyredraw endfunction " }}} " Tex_EchoBibShortcuts: echos all the shortcuts in the status line {{{ " Description: function! Tex_EchoBibShortcuts() echomsg '(a) all (f) filter (s) sort (n) next (p) previous (q) quit (<CR>) choose' endfunction " }}} " Tex_SetupBibSyntax: sets up the syntax items for the outline {{{ " Description: function! Tex_SetupBibSyntax() syn match BibTitleHeader "^TI" contained syn match BibAuthorHeader "^AU" contained syn match BibLocationHeader "^IN" contained syn match BibMiscHeader "^MI" contained syn match BibKeyLine '^\S.*\]$' contains=BibKey syn match BibTitle "^TI .*" contains=BibTitleHeader syn match BibAuthor "^AU .*" contains=BibAuthorHeader syn match BibLocation "^IN .*" contains=BibLocationHeader syn match BibMisc "^MI .*" contains=BibMiscHeader hi def link BibTitleHeader Ignore hi def link BibAuthorHeader Ignore hi def link BibLocationHeader Ignore hi def link BibMiscHeader Ignore hi def link BibKeyLine Visual hi def link BibTitle Type hi def link BibAuthor Special hi def link BibLocation Comment hi def link BibMisc Comment endfunction " }}} " Tex_HandleBibShortcuts: handles user keypresses {{{ " Description: function! Tex_HandleBibShortcuts(command) if a:command == 'filter' || a:command == 'sort' let fieldprompt = \ "Field acronyms: (`:let g:Tex_EchoBibFields = 0` to avoid this message)\n" . \ " [t] title [a] author [b] booktitle \n" . \ " [j] journal [y] year [p] bibtype \n" . \ " (you can also enter the complete field name) \n" let fieldprompt = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibFieldPrompt', fieldprompt) if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_EchoBibFields', 1) == 1 echo fieldprompt endif let inp = input('Enter '.a:command.' criterion [field<space>value]: ') if inp !~ '\v^\S+\s+\S.*' echohl WarningMsg echomsg 'Invalid filter specification. Use "field<space>value"' echohl None return endif if inp != '' " If the field is specified as a single character, then replace " it with the corresponding 'full form'. if inp =~ '^[a-z]\>' if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibAcronym_'.inp[0]) != '' let inp = substitute(inp, '.', Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibAcronym_'.inp[0]), '') elseif fieldprompt =~ '\['.inp[0].'\]' let full = matchstr(fieldprompt, '\['.inp[0].'\] \zs\w\+\ze') let inp = substitute(inp, '.', full, '') endif endif call Tex_Debug(":Tex_HandleBibShortcuts: using inp = [".inp."]", "view") if a:command == 'filter' exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("'.inp.'")' elseif a:command == 'sort' exec "python Tex_BibFile.addsortfield(\"".inp."\")" exec 'python Tex_BibFile.sort()' endif silent! call Tex_DisplayBibList() endif elseif a:command == 'remove_filters' exec 'python Tex_BibFile.rmfilters()' exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("key ^'.s:prefix.'")' call Tex_DisplayBibList() endif endfunction " }}} " Tex_CompleteCiteEntry: completes cite entry {{{ " Description: function! Tex_CompleteCiteEntry() normal! 0 call search('\[\S\+\]$', 'W') if getline('.') !~ '\[\S\+\]$' call search('\[\S\+\]$', 'bW') endif if getline('.') !~ '\[\S\+\]$' return endif let ref = matchstr(getline('.'), '\[\zs\S\+\ze\]$') close call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteCiteEntry: completing with ".ref, "view") call Tex_CompleteWord(ref, strlen(s:prefix)) endfunction " }}} " Tex_SwitchToInsertMode: Switch to insert mode {{{ " Description: This is usually called when completion is finished function! Tex_SwitchToInsertMode() call Tex_Debug(":Tex_SwitchToInsertMode: ", "view") if col('.') == strlen(getline('.')) startinsert! else normal! l startinsert endif endfunction " }}} com! -nargs=0 TClearCiteHist unlet! s:citeSearchHistory " vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:noet:ff=unix:ts=4:sw=4