import string, vim, re, os, glob # catFile: assigns a local variable retval to the contents of a file {{{ def catFile(filename): try: file = open(filename) lines = ''.join(file.readlines()) file.close() except: lines = '' # escape double quotes and backslashes before quoting the string so # everything passes throught. vim.command("""let retval = "%s" """ % re.sub(r'"|\\', r'\\\g<0>', lines)) return lines # }}} # isPresentInFile: check if regexp is present in the file {{{ def isPresentInFile(regexp, filename): try: fp = open(filename) fcontents = string.join(fp.readlines(), '') fp.close() if, fcontents): vim.command('let retval = 1') return 1 else: vim.command('let retval = 0') return None except: vim.command('let retval = 0') return None # }}} # deleteFile: deletes a file if present {{{ # If the file does not exist, check if its a filepattern rather than a # filename. If its a pattern, then deletes all files matching the # pattern. def deleteFile(filepattern): if os.path.exists(filepattern): try: os.remove(filepattern) except: vim.command('let retval = -1') else: if glob.glob(filepattern): for filename in glob.glob(filepattern): os.remove(filename) else: vim.command('let retval = -1') # }}} # vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4:nowrap