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!! Overall Styling
!*background: #1d1d1d
!*foreground: #99aa99
#define base00 #282828
#define base01 #3c3836
#define base02 #504945
#define base03 #665c54
#define base04 #bdae93
#define base05 #d5c4a1
#define base06 #ebdbb2
#define base07 #fbf1c7
#define base08 #fb4934
#define base09 #fe8019
#define base0A #fabd2f
#define base0B #b8bb26
#define base0C #8ec07c
#define base0D #83a598
#define base0E #d3869b
#define base0F #d65d0e
*foreground: base05
*background: base00
*cursorColor: base05
*color0: base00
*color1: base08
*color2: base0B
*color3: base0A
*color4: base0D
*color5: base0E
*color6: base0C
*color7: base05
*color8: base03
*color9: base08
*color10: base0B
*color11: base0A
*color12: base0D
*color13: base0E
*color14: base0C
*color15: base07
! Note: colors beyond 15 might not be loaded (e.g., xterm, urxvt),
! use 'shell' template to set these if necessary
*color16: base09
*color17: base0F
*color18: base01
*color19: base02
*color20: base04
*color21: base06
!! Fonts
#define fonts xft:Hack:pixelsize=12,\
xft:Dejavu Sans:style=book:size=14
!! Application-specific configuration:
#include ".Xresources.d/urxvt"
! XTerm
xterm*dynamiccolors: true
xterm*utf8: 2
xterm*geometry: WINDOWGEOMETRY
xterm*visualBell: on
xterm*highlightSelection: true
!xterm*background: lightblack
!xterm*foreground: lightblue
!xterm*colorMode: on
!xterm*colorBD: lightcyan
!xterm*colorBDMode: on
!xterm*colorUL: white
!xterm*colorULMode: on
!xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false
!xterm*scrollKey: true
!xterm*scrollBar: true