Morag of Dunvegan
Farewell to Camraw
The Mist Covered Mountains
Molly Connell
Lady MacKenzie of Fairburn
Note that Fairburn also has the tune itself. Fullscore prints nicely!
Especially for flourishing symbols
Went for a special context, d/g still available in DrumStaff
PipeBandDrumStaff has all characteristics of a regular PB DrumStaff
Oh, entered another score :)
Added flourishing symbols, however not yet complete: want a function not markup
Further update of lilydrum
Started a cheatsheet
Removed fullscore attempts, will be retried later
Should be further extended for compiling a full drumscore,
however, this will lead to a change in file structure of the 'music' files
modified: TODO
new file: makedrum