% ================================================= % % Tenor Flourishing % % ================================================= % % Part of lilydrum %---------------------------------------------------% % Single note flourish definitions %---------------------------------------------------% splitTheFeather = ^\markup \center-column { \musicglyph #"noteheads.s2xcircle"} cartWheel = ^\markup \center-column { \musicglyph #"timesig.neomensural94" } up = ^\markup \center-column {% Arrow-head and line do not line up nicely most of the time \fontsize #5 \override #'(thickness . 2) %\center-column { \combine % \musicglyph #"arrowheads.open.11" \arrow-head #Y #UP ##f \draw-line #'(0 . -3) % draw stick %} } rswipe = ^\markup \center-column { \fontsize #5 \override #'(thickness . 2 ) \combine \draw-line #'(-3 . 0) \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##f } bfly = ^\markup \center-column { \char ##x221E } rbfly = ^\markup \center-column { \line{ \combine \arrow-head #X #LEFT ##f \draw-line #'(3 . 0 ) } \line { \char ##x221E } } rthrow = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width 2 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height .6 def /fwidth width radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { 0 0 moveto 0 0 closedpoint 0 0 moveto fwidth neg 0 lineto fwidth neg height neg moveto fwidth neg height lineto stroke } def newpath fwidth height translate 0 0 dotstick stroke " } lthrow = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width 2 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height .6 def /fwidth width radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { radius 0 closedpoint radius 0 moveto fwidth 0 lineto fwidth height neg moveto fwidth height lineto stroke } def newpath 0 height translate 0 0 dotstick stroke " } bthrow = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width 2 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height .6 def /fwidth width radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { fwidth 0 closedpoint fwidth 0 moveto 0 0 lineto 0 height neg moveto 0 height lineto stroke } def newpath fwidth height translate 0 0 dotstick 180 rotate fwidth 0 dotstick stroke " } rpush = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width 2 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height .6 def /fwidth width radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { 0 0 moveto 0 0 closedpoint 0 0 moveto fwidth neg 0 lineto fwidth radius add 2 div neg 0 moveto fwidth radius add 2 div neg radius neg radius 90 450 arc gsave filled setgray fill grestore fwidth neg height neg moveto fwidth neg height lineto stroke } def newpath fwidth height translate 0 0 dotstick stroke " } lpush = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width 2 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height .6 def /fwidth width radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { radius 0 closedpoint radius 0 moveto fwidth 0 lineto fwidth radius add 2 div 0 moveto fwidth radius add 2 div radius neg radius 90 450 arc gsave filled setgray fill grestore fwidth height neg moveto fwidth height lineto stroke } def newpath 0 height translate 0 0 dotstick stroke " } bpush = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width 2 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height .6 def /fwidth width radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { fwidth 0 closedpoint fwidth 0 moveto 0 0 lineto fwidth sub 2 div 0 moveto fwidth radius sub 2 div radius neg radius 90 450 arc gsave filled setgray fill grestore 0 height neg moveto 0 height lineto stroke } def newpath fwidth height translate 0 0 dotstick -1 1 scale fwidth 0 dotstick stroke " } andrewStop = ^\markup \center-column { \postscript #" /width .4 def /radius width def /filled 1 def /height 2 def /fheight height radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { 0 fheight closedpoint 0 fheight moveto 0 0 lineto width neg 0 lineto width 0 lineto stroke } def newpath 0 0 translate -45 rotate newpath 0 0 dotstick stroke 45 rotate fheight .5 sqrt mul 0 translate 45 rotate 0 0 dotstick stroke " } quiggs = ^\markup \center-column { %\with-dimensions #'(-0.2 . 2.0) #'(0 . 2.0) \postscript #" /width 1 def /radius .4 def /filled 1 def /height 2 def /fheight height radius add def /closedpoint { radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke } def /dotstick { 0 height closedpoint 0 height moveto 0 0 lineto stroke } def /invdotstick { 0 radius closedpoint 0 radius moveto 0 fheight lineto stroke } def newpath 0 0 dotstick stroke width 0 translate newpath 0 0 invdotstick stroke " } stop = ^\markup \center-column { %\with-dimensions #'(-0.2 . 2.0) #'(0 . 2.0) \postscript #" /height 2 def /width .4 def /radius width def /filled 0 def /fheight height radius add def width 0 translate newpath 0 fheight radius 0 360 arc gsave filled neg setgray fill grestore stroke 0 fheight moveto 0 0 lineto width neg 0 moveto width 0 lineto stroke " } %---------------------------------------------------% % Multiple note flourish definitions %---------------------------------------------------% flourish = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?) #{ \temporary \override Staff.NoteHead.style = #'cross $notes \revert Staff.NoteHead.style #}) %scoop = ^\markup { % \path #.2 #'( (moveto 0 0 ) % (lineto 3 1 ) % (lineto 6 0 ) % ) % } scoop = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) #{ <>^"scoop"\startGroup #(allbutlastnote music) <>\stopGroup #(lastnote music) #}) %---------------------------------------------------% % music function definitions %---------------------------------------------------% #(define (buildFlourishFunc flourish) (define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music? ) #{ <>-$flourish $note #} ) ) cart = #(buildFlourishFunc cartWheel) stf = #(buildFlourishFunc splitTheFeather)