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synced 2025-02-23 09:15:07 +01:00
[tune][lyrics] Add Lyrics to O Canada
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 167 additions and 6 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\include "bagpipe.ly"
\include "./config.ily"
\include "./notes.pipes.ily"
%\include "./notes.pipes.seconds.ily"
\include "./notes.lyrics.ily"
\layout {
%indent = 8.0
%short-indent = 2.0
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff = "pipes" \with {
% instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentPipes }
% shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentPipes }
} {
\new NullVoice = "format" {
\repeat unfold 7 {
\repeat unfold 4 \measure
\bar "|."
\new NullVoice = "tune" {
\new Voice = "pipes" {
\new Lyrics = "lyrics1" {
\lyricsto "tune" {
\new Lyrics = "lyrics2" {
\lyricsto "tune" {
\new Staff = "seconds" \with {
instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentPipesSecnd }
shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentPipesSecnd }
} {
\pipessecndAA s4
\pipessecndAB s4
\pipessecndB s4
\header {
title = \title
meter = \meter
instrument = ""
composer = \markup \large {
\column \right-align {
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipes)) #{ \markup { \line { \composerPipes ":" } } #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerLyricsEn)) #{ \markup { \line { \composerLyricsEn "(En)," \composerLyricsFr "(Fr)" ":"} } #} )
\column \right-align {
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipes)) #{ \markup { \line { \instrumentPipes } } #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerLyricsEn)) #{ \markup { \line { \instrumentLyrics } } #} )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
% 2/4 O Canada
% Lyrics
\version "2.18.2"
composerLyricsEn = "R.S. Weir"
composerLyricsFr = "A.B. Routhier"
lyricsglobal = {}
% Music
songA = {
c4 e8. [ e16 ] |
a4. b8 |
c8 [ d8 ] e8 [ f8 ] |
b4~ b4 |
c4 d8. [ d16 ] |
e4. f8 |
g8 [ g8 ] f8 [ f8 ] |
e4. b16( [ c16) ] |
d8. [ c16 ] b8 [ c16( d16) ] |
e8. [ d16 ] c8 [ d16( e16) ] |
f8 [ e8 ] d8 [ c8 ] |
b4. b16( [ c16) ] |
d8. [ c16 ] b8 [ c16( d16) ] |
e8. [ d16 ] c8 [ c8 ] |
b8 [ e8 ] e16( [ d16) c16( d16) ] |
e4~ e4 |
c4 e8. [ e16 ] |
a4~ a4 |
d4 f8. [ f16 ] |
b4~ b4 |
e4 A8. [ A16 ] |
f8 [ d8 ] c8 [ b8 ] |
a4 b4 |
c4~ c4 |
e4 A8 [ A8 ] |
f8 [ d8 ] c8 [ b8 ] |
e4 e4 |
lyricsEnglish = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"En: 1."
O Ca -- na -- da!
Our home and na- tive land!
True pa -- triot love in all of us comm -- and.
With glow -- ing hearts we __ see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Ca -- na -- da, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glo-- rious and free!
O Ca -- na -- da, we stand on guard for thee.
O Ca -- na -- da, we stand on guard for thee.
lyricsFrench = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"Fr: 1."
Ô Ca -- na -- da!
Ter -- re de nos aï -- eux,
Ton front est ceint de fleur -- ons glo -- ri -- eux!
Car_ton bras sait por -- ter_l'é -- pé -- e, __ _
Il sait por -- ter la croix!
Ton_his -- toire est une épo -- pé -- e __ _
Des plus bril -- lants ex -- ploits.
Et ta val -- eur, de foi trem -- pée,
\repeat unfold 2 {
Pro -- té -- ge -- ra nos foy -- ers et nos droits.
@ -10,37 +10,37 @@ pipesA = {
\grg c4 \grg e8. [ \gra e16 ] |
\grg a4. b8 |
\grg c8 [ \thrwd d8 ] \grg e8 [ f8 ] |
\grg b4 b4 |
\grg b4~ b4 |
\grg c4 \grg d8. [ d16 ] |
\grg e4. f8 |
g8 [ \grf g8 ] f8 [ \gre f8 ] |
\grg e4. \grg b16 [ c16 ] |
\grg e4. \grg b16 [ c16 ] |
\thrwd d8. [ c16 ] \grg b8 [ c16 d16 ] |
\grg e8. [ d16 ] c8 [ d16 e16 ] |
\grg f8 [ e8 ] \grg d8 [ c8 ] |
\grg b4. \grg b16 [ c16 ] |
\grg b4. \grg b16 [ c16 ] |
\thrwd d8. [ c16 ] \grg b8 [ c16 d16 ] |
\grg e8. [ d16 ] c8 [ \grip c8 ] |
\grg b8 [ e8 ] \grg e16 [ d16 \grg c16 d16 ] |
\grg e4 \gra e4 |
\grg e4 \gra e4 |
\grg c4 \grg e8. [ \gra e16 ] |
\grg a4 \wbirl a4 |
\thrwd d4 \grg f8. [ \gre f16 ] |
\grg b4 \grG b4 |
\grg b4 \grG b4 |
\grg e4 A8. [ \grg A16 ] |
\hdblf f8 [ d8 ] \dblc c8 [ \gre b8 ] |
\grg a4 b4 |
\grg c4 \gra c4 |
\grg c4 \gra c4 |
\grg e4 A8 [ \grg A8 ] |
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