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Added De Herdertjes lagen bij Nachte

This commit is contained in:
Eric Teunis de Boone 2018-01-27 08:30:51 +01:00
parent aba3d21304
commit bc779ee998
7 changed files with 382 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
\version "2.19.0"
%% Globals
global = {
\time 6/8
confTempo = {
\tempo 4 = 80
%% Format
part = { \partial 8 \grace{s4.} s8 }
measure = { \grace {s1} s2. | }
halfline = { \repeat unfold 4 \measure }
line = { \repeat unfold 2 { \halfline } }
%% Headers
title = "De Herdertjes lagen bij Nachte"
meter = "Kerstlied"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
\version "2.19.0"
\include "bagpipe.ly"
\include "lilydrum.ly"
\include "./config.ily"
%\include "./notes.bass.ily"
%\include "./notes.tenor.ily"
\include "./notes.side.ily"
\include "./notes.pipes.ily"
%\include "./notes.pipes.seconds.ily"
\include "./notes.lyrics.ily"
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentPipes }
shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentPipes }
} {
\new NullVoice = "format" {
\part \halfline
\time 9/8 \grace {s1} s4. s2.
\time 6/8 \measure \measure \measure
\bar "|."
\new NullVoice = "lyricsSpacing" {
\new Voice = "pipes" {
\new Lyrics = "verse1" {
\lyricsto "lyricsSpacing" {
% \new Staff = "seconds" \with {
% instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentPipes \instrumentSecnd }
% shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentPipes \shortInstrumentSecnd }
% } {
% \pipessecndglobal
% }
\new PipeBandDrumStaff = "side" \with {
instrumentName = \markup { \instrumentSide }
shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentSide }
} {
r8 \snareBA
\snareA s8
% \new PipeBandDrumStaff = "tenor" \with {
% instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentTenor }
% shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentTenor }
% } {
% \tenorglobal
% }
% \new PipeBandDrumStaff = "bass" \with {
% instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentBass }
% shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentBass }
% } {
% \bassglobal
% }
\header {
title = \title
meter = \meter
composer = \markup \large {
\column \right-align {
$(if (not (string=? "" composerLyrics)) #{ \markup { \line { \composerLyrics ":" } } #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipes)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerPipes ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipessecnd)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerPipessecnd ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerSide)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerSide ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerTenor)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerTenor ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerBass)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerBass ":" }} #} )
\column \right-align {
$(if (not (string=? "" composerLyrics)) #{ \markup { \line { "Lyrics" } } #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipes)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentPipes }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipessecnd)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentPipessecnd }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerSide)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentSide }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerTenor)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentTenor }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerBass)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentBass }}#} )
\markup {
\fill-line {
\column {
\column {
\column {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
% 6/8 De Herdertjes lagen bij Nachte
% Lyrics
\version "2.19.2"
composerLyrics = ""
arrangerLyrics = ""
lyricsglobal = {}
% Music
lyricspacing = {
g8 |
g8 g g g8 g g |
g8( g g ) g4 g8 |
g8 g g
g8 g g |
g4.~ g4
g8 |
g8 g g g8 g g |
g8( g g ) g4 g8 |
g8 g g
g8 g g |
g4.~ g4 s8 |
g4. g8 g g g8 g g
g4. g4
g8 |
g8 g g g8 g g |
g4.~ g4
g8 |
g8 g g g g g |
g4( g8) g4
g8 |
g8 g g g4 g8 |
g4.~ g4
lyricsA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
De her -- der -- tjes la -- gen bij na -- chte
Zij lag -- en bij nacht in het veld
Zij hie -- lden zo trou -- we de wa -- chte
Zij ha -- dden hun schaap -- jes ge -- teld
Daar hoor -- den zij d'eng -- el -- en zi -- ngen
Hun lie -- de -- ren vloe -- iend en klaar
Toen d'her -- ders naar Beth -- le -- hem ging -- en,
'tliep teg -- en het nieu -- we jaar
verseA = \markup \column {
\line \bold \bold { 1. }
\line \bold { De herdertjes lagen bij nachte }
\line \bold { Zij lagen bij nacht in het veld }
\line \bold { Zij hielden vol trouwe de wachte }
\line \bold { Zij hadden hun schaapjes geteld }
\line \bold { }
\line \bold { Daar hoorden zij d'engelen zingen }
\line \bold { Hun liederen vloeiend en klaar }
\line \bold { Toen d'herders naar Bethlehem gingen }
\line \bold { 't liep tegen het nieuwe jaar }
verseB = \markup \column {
\line \bold \bold { 2. }
\line \bold { Maria die bloosde van weelde }
\line \bold { Van ootmoed en lieflijke vreugd }
\line \bold { De goede Sint Jozef hij streelde }
\line \bold { Het Kindje der mensen geneugt }
\line \bold { }
\line \bold { De herders bevalen te weiden }
\line \bold { Hun schaapkens aan d'engelenschaar }
\line \bold { Wij kunnen van 't kribje niet scheiden }
\line \bold { Wij wachten het nieuwe jaar }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
% 6/8 De Herdertjes lagen bij Nachte
% Pipes
\version "2.19.2"
composerPipes = ""
arrangerPipes = "PM T.F.J. de Boone"
pipeglobal = {
% Music
pipesA = {
\repeat unfold 2 {
a8 |
\thrwd d8 [ f8 e8 ] \thrwd d8 [ c8 d8 ] |
\dble e8 [ g8 f8 ] \dble e4 f8 |
g8 [ f8 e8 ] f8 [ \gra f8 e8 ] |
} \alternative {
{ \thrwd d4.~ d4 }
{ \thrwd d2. }
pipesB = {
e4. \grg e8 [ f8 e8 ] d8 [ c8 b8 ] |
\dblb b4. a4 \grG a8 |
\grg d8 [ c8 d8 ] \grg d8 [ c8 b8 ] |
\grg a4.~ a4
\grG a8 |
\grg d8 [ c8 d8 ] \grg e8 [ d8 e8 ] |
\grg f4 g8 A4 g8 |
f8 [ e8 d8 ] \grg f4 e8 |
\thrwd d4.~ d4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
% 6/8 De Herdertjes lagen bij Nachte
% Side
\version "2.19.2"
composerSide = "M. de Klippelaar, 2017"
arrangerSide = ""
sideglobal = {}
% Music
snareA = \drummode {
g8 |
\flam d8 d:32( g)
\flam d8 g16. d32-> g16. g32
\flam d8 d:32( g)
\flam d8 \tuplet 3/2 { d16 g d } g8
\flam d8 d:32( g)
\flam d8 g16. d32-> g16. g32
\flam d8 \tuplet 3/2 { d16 g d } g8
\flam d4
snareBA = \drummode {
\flam d4.->
d8:32( g8.) g16
d8:32( g8.) g16
d4) g8
\flam d8 d:32( g)
\flam d8 g16. d32-> g16. g32
\flam d8 \tuplet 3/2 { d16 g d } \parenthesize \flam g8
\flam d4

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
\version "2.19.2"
\include "bagpipe.ly"
\include "./config.ily"
\include "./notes.pipes.ily"
\score {
\new Staff {
\new NullVoice = "format" {
\part \halfline
\bar "||"
\time 9/8 s2. s4.
\time 6/8 \measure \measure \measure
\bar "|."
\new Voice = "pipes" {
\header {
title = \title
meter = \meter
instrument = \instrumentPipes
composer = \composerPipes
arranger = \arrangerPipes
\score {
\new Staff { \global \pipeglobal
\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"bagpipe"
\partial 8 \pipesA
\midi { \confTempo }
\header {
title = \title
meter = \meter
instrument = \instrumentPipes
composer = \composerPipes
arranger = \arrangerPipes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
\version "2.18.2"
\include "lilydrum.ly"
\include "./config.ily"
\include "./notes.side.ily"
fine = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark \markup \small "Fine"
capo = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
\mark \markup \small "Da Capo"
\score {
\new PipeBandDrumStaff {
\new NullVoice = "format" {
\repeat volta 2 {
\part \halfline \fine
\part \time 9/8 s2. s4.
\time 6/8 \measure \measure \measure \capo \bar "||"
\new DrumVoice = "side" {
\snareA s8
r8 \snareBA s8
\header {
title = \title
meter = \meter
instrument = \instrumentSide
composer = \composerSide
arranger = \arrangerSide