% 3/4 On the Road to Passchendaele % Lyrics \version "2.18.2" composerLyrics = "Gavin Stoddart / Alan Brydon" arrangerLyrics = "" lyricsglobal = {} % Music lyricstuneAA = { a8. b16 c4~ c8 c8 | d8 f8 e4 c4 | a8. b16 c4~ c8 e8 | f8. c16 b2 | } lyricstuneAB = { a8. b16 c4~ c8 c8 | d8 f8 e4 c4| a8. b16 c4~ c8 e8 | d8. b16 a2 } lyricstuneA = { % Repeat twice for verseA \lyricstuneAA \lyricstuneAB } lyricstuneBA = { f8. g16 A4~ A8 g8 | f8 A8 e4 c4 | a8. b16 c4~ c8 e8 | f8 c8 b2 | } lyricstuneBBA = { f8. g16 A4~ A8 g8 | f8 A8 e4 c4 | a8. b16 c4~ c8 e8 | d8. b16 a2 } lyricstuneBBB = { \lyricstuneAB } % Split verse because the music is repeated verseAA = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"1." There's a light that shines in Flan -- ders As a bea -- con for the brave From the dis -- tant past it wan -- ders To re -- call the lives they gave } verseAB = \lyricmode { And it tells each ge -- ne -- ra -- tion To be wise and ne -- ver fail To re -- mem -- ber those who've fal -- len On the road to Pa -- sschen -- daele } verseA = \lyricmode{ \verseAA \verseAB } verseAblock = \markup { \column { \line{ \bold "1."} \line{There's a light that shines in Flanders} \line{As a beacon for the brave} \line{From the distant past it wanders} \line{To recall the lives they gave} \line{} \line{And it tells each generation} \line{To be wise and never fail} \line{To remember those who've fallen} \line{On the road to Passchendaele} }} verseChorus = \lyricmode { \set stanza = #"Chorus" On the road to Pa -- sschen -- daele On the road to Pa -- sschen -- daele Where the brave will live for -- e -- ver On the road to Pa -- sschen -- daele } verseChorusblock = \markup { \column { \line{ \bold "Chorus:"} \line {On the road to Passchendaele} \line {On the road to Passchendaele} \line {Where the brave will live forever} \line {On the road to Passchendaele} }} % Split verse in 4 because the music is repeated with alternatives verseBAA = \lyricmode { % lyrics on lyricstuneBA \set stanza = #"2." Come with me and I will show you Why all wars should ev -- er cease } verseBAB = \lyricmode {% lyrics on lyricstuneBBA Take a walk a -- mong the grave -- stones And your tears will cry for peace } verseBBA = \lyricmode {% lyrics on lyricstuneBA For their spi -- rits walk in Flan -- ders You can hear the grie -- ving wail } verseBBB = \lyricmode {% lyrics on lyricstuneBBB For the brave who laid their lives down On the road to Pa -- sschen -- daele } verseB = \lyricmode { \verseBAA \verseBAB \verseBBA \verseBBB } verseBblock = \markup { \column { \line{ \bold "2."} \line{Come with me and I will show you} \line{Why all wars should ever cease} \line{Take a walk among the gravestones} \line{And your tears will cry for peace} \line{} \line{For their spirits walk in Flanders} \line{You can hear the grieving wail} \line{For the brave who laid their lives down} \line{On the road to Passchendaele} }}