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mirror of https://github.com/kastdeur/pipeband-music.git synced 2024-10-04 23:14:41 +02:00
Eric Teunis de Boone 8e18cad648 Error in full score template
Added Tenor for Kilaloe
Added Highland Cathedral
Added Side for Road to the Isles
Added Side Drum Salute
2017-09-18 16:13:23 +02:00

138 lines
3.5 KiB

\version "2.19.0"
\include "bagpipe.ly"
\include "lilydrum.ly"
\include "./config.ily"
\include "./notes.bass.ily"
\include "./notes.tenor.ily"
\include "./notes.side.ily"
\include "./notes.pipes.ily"
%\include "./notes.pipes.seconds.ily"
%\include "./notes.lyrics.ily"
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff {
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentPipes }
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentPipes }
\new NullVoice = "format" {
\repeat unfold 2 {
\bar "||"
\bar "|."
\mark \markup "HaFaBra"
\bar "|."
\new Voice = "pipes" {
\repeat unfold 2 {
{}\mark \markup \small "A"
{}\mark \markup \small "B"
% \new Staff = "song" {
% \lyricsglobal
% \new Voice = "lyrics" {
% }
% }
% \new Lyrics = "verse1" {
% \lyricsglobal
% \lyricsto "lyrics" {
% \verseA
% }
% }
% \new Staff = "seconds" {
% \pipessecndglobal
% \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentPipes \instrumentSecnd }
% \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentPipes \shortInstrumentTrd}
% }
\new PipeBandDrumStaff = "side" {
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.instrumentName = \markup \column {\instrumentSide}
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.shortInstrumentName = \markup{\shortInstrumentSide}
\repeat percent 15 {
\new PipeBandDrumStaff = "tenor" {
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentTenor }
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentTenor }
\repeat percent 15 {
\repeat percent 7 \tenorBA
\new PipeBandDrumStaff = "bass" {
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.instrumentName = \markup{ \instrumentBass }
\set PipeBandDrumStaff.shortInstrumentName = \markup{ \shortInstrumentBass}
\repeat percent 15 \bassAA
\repeat percent 7 \bassBA
\header {
title = \title
meter = \meter
composer = \markup \large {
\column \right-align {
$(if (not (string=? "" composerLyrics)) #{ \markup { \line { \composerLyrics ":" } } #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipes)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerPipes ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipessecnd)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerPipessecnd ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerSide)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerSide ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerTenor)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerTenor ":" }} #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerBass)) #{ \markup {\line { \composerBass ":" }} #} )
\column \right-align {
$(if (not (string=? "" composerLyrics)) #{ \markup { \line { "Lyrics" } } #} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipes)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentPipes }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerPipessecnd)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentPipessecnd }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerSide)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentSide }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerTenor)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentTenor }}#} )
$(if (not (string=? "" composerBass)) #{ \markup {\line { \instrumentBass }}#} )