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synced 2024-11-16 08:23:31 +01:00
Morag of Dunvegan Farewell to Camraw The Mist Covered Mountains Molly Connell Lady MacKenzie of Fairburn Note that Fairburn also has the tune itself. Fullscore prints nicely!
96 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file
96 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file
% =================================================== %
% Layout tweaks for good defaults %
% =================================================== %
% Note name defs :
% "d" for the right hand ("droite") and
% "g" for the left hand ("gauche")
drumPitchNames =
#(append '(
(d . right-hand)
(g . left-hand)
(right . right-hand)
(left . left-hand)
% Position according to the line : right hand above and left hand below
#(define pipeband-style '(
(right-hand () #f 1)
(left-hand () #f -1)
\layout {
\context {% add hands to note definitions
drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table pipeband-style)
\layout {
\context {
\name PipeBandDrumStaff
\alias DrumStaff
% one line per staff
\override StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0)
% bar line height
\override BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2)
% stems
\override Stem.direction = #DOWN % stems down
\override Stem.length = #8.5 % unbeamed stems length
\override Stem.stemlet-length = #1 % short stem length
% beams
\override Beam.beam-thickness = #0.4 % beam-thickness
\override Beam.positions = #'(-3.8 . -3.8) % fix beams on one height
% slurs and ties
\override Slur.direction = #UP % Slurs on top
\override Tie.direction = #UP % Ties on top
% dynamics up
% slurs below rolls number
%\override TextScript.outside-staff-priority = ##f
%\override TextScript.side-axis = #0
%\override TextScript.staff-padding = #3
%\override TextScript.X-offset = #1 % padding to stems
%\override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-0.3 . 0)
% tremolos (rolls)
\override StemTremolo.slope = #0.5 % slope
\override StemTremolo.beam-width = #1.5 % beam-width
\override StemTremolo.beam-thickness = #0.3 % beam-thickness
\override StemTremolo.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.3) % vertical pos. position
\override TupletBracket.bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beams
% unison brackets
\consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
\override HorizontalBracket.staff-padding = #3.5 % staff-padding
\override HorizontalBracket.direction = #UP % brackets above the staff
\override HorizontalBracket.bracket-flare = #'(0 . 0) % vertical brackets
subdivideBeams = ##t
strictBeatBeaming = ##t
\context {
\accepts "PipeBandDrumStaff"
\override RehearsalMark.break-align-symbols = #'(clef)
\override RehearsalMark.padding = #3
\override VoltaBracket.edge-height = #'(1.5 . 1.5)
\context {
\accepts "PipeBandDrumStaff"
} |