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% 3/4 The Ballad of the Green Berets
% Lyrics
\version "2.18.2"
composerLyrics = ""
lyricsglobal = {}
% Music
lyricsAA = {
c8 [ c8 ] c4. a8 |
b8 [ b8 ] a2 |
e8 [ e8 ] e4. e8 |
f8 e8 e2 |
A8 [ A8 ] A4. f8 |
d8 [ f8 ] e2 |
c8 [ c8 ] b4. c16 [ c16 ] |
b8. a16 a2 |
lyricsAB = {
c8 [ c8 ] c4. a8 |
b8 [ b8 ] a2 |
e8 [ e8 ] e4. e8 |
\tuplet 3/2 { f8 f8 e8 } e2 |
A8 [ A8 ] A4. f8 |
d8 [ f8 ] e2 |
c8 [ c8 ] b4. c16 [ c16 ] |
b8. a16 a2 |
verseA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = #"1."
Fight- ing sol- diers from the sky
Fear- less men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Ber- et
Sil- ver wings u- pon their chest
These are men, the Neth- er- lands' best
One hun- dred men will test today
But only three win the Green Ber- et
verseAblock = \markup \column {
\line{ \bold "1." }
\line{Fighting soldiers from the sky}
\line{Fearless men who jump and die}
\line{Men who mean just what they say}
\line{The brave men of the Green Beret}
\line{Silver wings upon their chest}
\line{These are men, the Netherlands' best}
\line{One hundred men will test today}
\line{But only three win the Green Beret}
verseBblock = \markup \column {
\line{ \bold "2." }
\line{Trained to live off nature's land}
\line{Trained in combat, hand-to-hand}
\line{Men who fight by night and day}
\line{Courage peak from the Green Berets}
\line{Silver wings upon their chest}
\line{These are men, the Netherlands' best}
\line{One hundred men will test today}
\line{But only three win the Green Beret}
verseCblock = \markup \column {
\line{ \bold "3." }
\line{Back at home a young wife waits}
\line{Her Green Beret has met his fate}
\line{He has died for those oppressed}
\line{Leaving her his last request}
\line{Put silver wings on my son's chest}
\line{Make him one of the Netherlands' best}
\line{He'll be a man they'll test one day}
\line{Have him win the Green Beret.}