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\title[Beacon Timing]{Enhancing Timing Accuracy using Beacons}
\date{Apr 13, 2023}
\author{E.T. de Boone}
\begin{frame}{Enhancing time accuracy}
Goal: $\sigma_{ij} < 1\mathrm{ns}$
(enabling Radio Interferometry)
\item Simulating beacons (both pulse and sine)
\item Characterising GNSS (GRAND)
% Antenna Setup
\begin{frame}{Antenna Setup}
\vskip -2em
Local antenna time $t'_i$ due to time delay $t_{\mathrm{d}i}$ and clock skew $\sigma_i$
\vskip -2em
\Delta t'_{12} = t'_1 - t'_2 = \Delta t_{\mathrm{d}12} + \sigma_{12} + (t_{tx} - t_{tx})
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine: Two traces}
Required signal: sine (beacon) + single pulse
t'_i = (\frac{\varphi'_i}{2\pi} + n_i)T = A_i + B_i
\Delta t'_{ij} &= (A_j + B_j) - (A_i + B_i) + \Delta t'_\varphi \\
&= \Delta A_{ij} + \only<1>{\Delta t'_\varphi}\only<2->{\cancel{\Delta t'_\varphi}} + k_{ij}T\\
\begin{frame}{Beacon: Sine: Two traces: Discrete solutions}
\only<3>{\begin{equation*}\Delta t'_{ij} = \Delta A_{ij} + \cancel{\Delta t'_\varphi} + \cancel{k_{ij}T} \end{equation*}}
Apply previous steps to an airshower simulation (which provides the pulse):
\item Add (sine) beacon to each antenna
\item Shift clocks
\item Measure phase
\item Repair clocks for small offset $\Delta A_{ij}$
\item Iteratively find best $k_{ij}$
\begin{frame}{Simulation: Antenna Setup}
\begin{frame}{Simulation: Local Phase}
@Antenna $i$: measure phase $\varphi_i$ using DTFT, get $\varphi(\sigma_i) = \varphi_i - \varphi(t_0) - \varphi(t_{\mathrm{d}i})$
\begin{frame}{Sine: Signal to Noise}
p_\PTrue(\pTrue; s, \sigma) =
\frac{ e^{-\left(\frac{s^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)} }{ 2 \pi }
e^{-\left( \frac{s^2}{2\sigma^2}\sin^2{\pTrue} \right)}
1 + \erf{ \frac{s \cos{\pTrue}}{\sqrt{2} \sigma }}
\begin{frame}{Simulation: Phase: Baseline}
Previously, matrix minimisation
@Baseline $i,j$: $\Delta \varphi_{ij} = \varphi(\sigma_i) - \varphi(\sigma_j)$ \\
Minimise matrix:
\Delta_{11} & \Delta_{12} & \Delta_{13} & \\
\Delta_{21} & \Delta_{22} & \Delta_{23} & \\
\Delta_{31} & \Delta_{32} & \Delta_{33} & \\
\begin{frame}{Simulation: Period $k$}
Interferometry while allowing to shift by $T = 1/f_\mathrm{beacon}$
% \begin{figure}
% \includegraphics<1>[width=1\textwidth]{figs/reconstruct_5ns.pdf}
% \includegraphics<2>[width=1\textwidth]{figs/reconstruct_15ns.pdf}
% \end{figure}