
977 B
Executable File


First trial with github, purpose is to set up a lilypond file in the same way as there is a (see Main focus is on pipeband snare drumming. Note that it would be best if they are compatible to create fullscores (see fullscore/ folder for first set up of Black Bear)

Somehow, the drums part in lilypond does not cover a notation with only right left. That is right is above the line and left is below it. In the same manner as the file, flams and drags are defined as a shortcut.

There has been a lilypond include file earlier made by Simon Froger (which includes all of the above). So first version is a shameless copy. This is meant to extend or translate some parts.

The original file can still be found at

Currently, the most advanced score is MacKenzie Highlanders in 2-4_marches/ This score is used for most of the layout.