Note that since the radio waves are mainly caused by processes involving electrons, any derived properties are tied to the electromagnetic component of the air shower.
The accuracy of the technique is primarily dependent on the timing accuracy of the detectors.
In Figure~\ref{fig:xmax_synchronise}, the estimated atmospheric depth resolution as a function of detector synchronisation is shown as simulated for different inclinations of the air shower.
For detector synchronisations under $2\ns$, the atmospheric depth resolution is competitive with techniques from fluorescence detectors ($\sigma(\Xmax) ~ 25\,\mathrm{g/cm^2}$ at \gls{Auger}\cite{Deligny:2023yms}).
With a difference in $\langle\Xmax\rangle$ of $\sim100\,\mathrm{g/cm^2}$ between iron and proton initiated air showers, this depth of shower maximum resolution allows to study the mass composition of cosmic rays.
An advantage of radio antennas with respect to fluorescence detectors is the increased duty-cycle.
Fluorescence detectors require clear, moonless nights, resulting in a duty-cycle of about $10\%$ whereas radio detectors have a near permanent duty-cycle.
A simple interferometer can be achieved by summing the recorded waveforms $S_i$ with appropriate time delays $\Delta_i(\vec{x})$ to compute the coherency of a waveform at $\vec{x}$,
The time delays $\Delta_i(\vec{x})$ are dependent on the finite speed of the radio waves.
Being an electromagnetic wave, the instantaneous velocity $v$ depends solely on the refractive~index~$n$ of the medium as $v =\frac{c}{n}$.
In general, the refractive index of air is dependent on factors such as the pressure and temperature of the air the signal is passing through, and the frequencies of the signal.
Note that unlike in astronomical interferometry, the source cannot be assumed at infinity, instead it is close-by (see Figure~\ref{fig:rit_schematic}).
Therefore the time delays for each test location $\vec{x}$ have to be computed separately.
Features in the summed waveform $S(\vec{x})$ are enhanced according to the coherence of that feature in the recorded waveforms with respect to the time delays.
An additional effect of interferometry is the suppression of noise particular to individual antennas as this adds up incoherently.
The signal in the summed waveform grows linearly with the number of detectors, while the incoherent noise in that same waveform scales with the square root of the number of detectors.
Schematic of radio interferometry \subref{fig:rit_schematic}
and the overlap between the recorded waveforms at the source location~$S_0$~\subref{fig:trace_overlap:best} and a far away location~\subref{fig:trace_overlap:bad}.
$\Delta_i$ corresponds to the time delay per antenna from \eqref{eq:propagation_delay}.